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Needs jugs!!
Last Activity: 02-06-2011, 12:08 AM
Joined: 08-23-2007
Location: USA
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I got an autograph! (Topic in the Video Games forum)
04-27-2009, 09:01 PM
I need a site link... (Topic in the General FFXI Discussion forum)
09-06-2009, 07:32 PM
I need a suggestion on a video card. (Topic in the Off Topics forum)
12-03-2009, 05:59 PM
I'm really liking my PT DPS (Topic in the Beastmaster forum)
01-04-2008, 04:32 PM
Incoming Rant (Topic in the Off Topics forum)
08-13-2008, 09:03 AM
Interesting Alla thread on accout hijacking (Topic in the General FFXI Discussion forum)
12-12-2007, 07:06 AM
Iraq as a 51st state (Topic in the Off Topics forum)
01-08-2008, 10:33 PM
Is it just me (Topic in the White Mage forum)
07-21-2008, 05:11 PM
Is Square Enix doing anything about the lack of Sony Machines? (Topic in the General FFXI Discussion forum)
10-31-2007, 01:09 PM
It's on bitch! It's on! (Topic in the Off Topics forum)
01-04-2008, 07:45 PM
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