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Things I've never understood in FFXI
(Topic in the General FFXI Discussion forum)
01-24-2007, 10:46 AM
Things not to do before you die. (Or you will die because of them more like).
(Topic in the General FFXI Discussion forum)
07-24-2006, 02:28 PM
Things you don't want to hear when you're invited to a PT.
(Topic in the General FFXI Discussion forum)
04-11-2007, 09:48 AM
Things you never understand and have never changed!
(Topic in the General FFXI Discussion forum)
01-07-2009, 06:00 AM
This can't be good: Mortal Kombat to get movie reboot
(Topic in the Entertainment forum)
06-09-2010, 10:52 AM
This is the new Gear! Armor, Weapons, etc from March 22 update!
(Topic in the General FFXI Discussion forum)
03-25-2010, 11:40 AM
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