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  • Hello!

    Good day, everyone. I'm Jack, a Canadian resident. I've been thinking about getting back into Final Fantasy XI, but if there's any MMO in the world which requires you to know other players before beginning, Final Fantasy XI is it. So, here I am.

    I was thinking about getting Final Fantasy XIV, so I joined the Curse forums. Despite the rather large amount of users listed at the bottom as being online, the post count over there is pitiful. I've made posts that haven't gotten a single reply in days. Hopefully it'll be a little more hospitable and active over here.

    I'd like to find a good server and linkshell to join before starting back up, if anyone has any recommendations.

  • #2
    Re: Hello!

    Welcome to the Dreams in Vana'diel forums! I don't really know what the current state of the game is post-FFXIV launch, but I'm sure someone will come by and drop in a few comments on current server populations.



    • #3
      Re: Hello!

      Hi Jack,

      This is a server poll and does the purposes of finding out where the forum members are. Stop by to say hi there.


      • #4
        Re: Hello!

        Originally posted by Jack Lias View Post
        Good day, everyone. I'm Jack, a Canadian resident. I've been thinking about getting back into Final Fantasy XI, but if there's any MMO in the world which requires you to know other players before beginning, Final Fantasy XI is it. So, here I am.
        lol. I wouldn't say it's required, though it may not be a bad idea.

        Here's is the thing about FF11: Play only if you want to make friends; the experience you'll have depends more on who you hang out with than anything else.

        The lower levels are fairly empty. On the plus side, it makes finding a place to exp easy. On the down side, it makes it hard to find people to exp with. It's a good thing that soloing (and duo'ing/trio'ing) are easier than ever. Overall, I'd say a good chunk of NA population have disappeared since FF14's launch, but, hey, many of us are still here. The JP population seemed to have increased, if anything.

        Both NA and JP players seem to be energized by the Abyssea add-ons, which are mainly targeted at Lv.75+ players. You'll find people still doing some of the older contents, but Lv.75+ and Abyssea is where most of the actions are at the moment; definitely plan on purchasing those add-on's before you hit Lv.70.
        Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
        yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
        Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
        leaving no trace in the water.

        - Mugaku

