Bought the Vana'Diel Collection 2008 for my PC last night, came home, and installed everything. Get to the registration on playonline, and it turns out my card. Now, I first figured, must be my mistake. So, I waited 35 minutes, carefully reentered the information, and again...same issue. So I waited till this morning, called my creditor, and they said everything should have worked, and there was never any attempt to charge the account for them to have turned down. I still managed to convince myself it was likely my error. So I logged into the website for my credit card, and copied and pasted the address information into the registration thing, when it was asking for my card info. Still didn't work. So I figured it must be something with the card, its only the logicial conclusion. So I gey my wifes card, and try hers...same results using the same methods. Repeated failures with both my mothers, and my mother in laws cards. Thats four cards...And I know the info on them is accurate, as I promptly tested it by buying myself a new keyboard, since mine is about dead. So other websites accept the information from at LEAST my card, and pol doesn't. Is there some sort of server issue currently that I can't find information on? Is this an error with the 2008 collection thing? Does anyone have any suggestions that aren't fairly idiotic for me? I'd greatly appreciate any help, I'd really be upset to think I bought this game...for nothing.
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Unable to register
Re: Unable to register
Exactly what message did it give you when it kicked back your card?
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Re: Unable to register
UCS-60257 was the number and it said the server was busy or the card was no good. I've taken up the assumption it must be the first, hence my posts here, I've seen nothing on the web site for the game that would explain why the server was too busy all last night, and all morning, and well. All day now...
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Re: Unable to register
Yup same here. You try twice and get that error, then try a 3rd time and it gives the 5111 error I think. Happens with anyone registering today. Of course there is little support over the weekend so can't find out when it will be fixed.
Thanks 0
Re: Unable to register
their CC authorization department must be down because I've read the same problems from and
funny thing is.. if you called playonline and they said it should work, then they have no freaking clue that there's something wrong lol
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