Why cant i play with Wireless radio broadband internet?
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Why can't i play with wireless radio internet?
Does anyone know why FFXI wont work with Wireless radio broadband?
I used to have dial-up and i just recently changed to Wireless Radio Broadband which is pretty much 2 radios with a direct line of sight. So when i got this internet i switched from comp to Xbox 360 because i could get xbox live, but FFXI wont work. I called the tech support and they said that i cant play mmorpg type games because the way my internet sends and recieves info (in small bursts instead of a constant stream) but that is a load because i can play WoW just fine on my comp. So i dont know what the problem is, do you? and do you know if i can fix it?
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Re: Does anyone know why FFXI wont work with Wireless radio broadband?
Can't help you since I've never heard of this "radio broadband" thing before, and your post doesn't provide much details.
Oh, and this kind of topics belongs in Game Setup/Tweeking/Optimizing Q&A instead.Bamboo shadows sweep the stars,
yet not a mote of dust is stirred;
Moonlight pierces the depths of the pond,
leaving no trace in the water.
- Mugaku
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Re: Why can't i play with wireless radio internet?
Moved to New Users/Access Forum. Please follow the posting guidelines.
To answer the question, what sort of issues are you having accessing FFXI through your connection? Do you have problems with other online sites or services, or is it specific to FFXI?
Providing more detail about your problem will help to diagnose it.
FFXIOnline Forum Super Moderator
EDIT: Duplicate threads merged.
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