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Greetings! o.o

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  • Greetings! o.o

    Yep, yet another newbie to cling to your forum.

    I guess you can direct me by my username, or Slushy as an annoying nickname I've been given for my love of Slurpees... Compel to them!

    I will be joining Vana'diel in awhile. First I need to move into the new house, then I need to get a decent computer unlike this crappy one, then I actually have to get a job. Man, this bites. But I suppose that's the price for fun!

    So I shall learn everything I need to know while I'm here! Lucky, I'm not new into MMORPG's and I have learned a bit about FFXI in other forums. (Yes, Allakazham...)

    So.... Yay!

  • #2
    Re: Greetings! o.o

    Hello and welcome to the site. I'm a newbie as well and I must say I understand your pain of not being able to play. I hope that things work out and that you will be able to join us in FFXI. Hope to see you around in the forums. ^^
    Lilita: Whm-14

    Alithia: War-5


    • #3
      Re: Greetings! o.o

      Why thank you! X3

      Hopefully I can get the computer sooner. My sis is helping on that part. X_X


      • #4
        Re: Greetings! o.o

        Welcome Aurik.

        Just do what I do. Research all you can about the game, and troll heavily on the web-boards in the meanwhile. It helps to pass the time while you wait to get the game. If you're looking for a static to learn the game with, feel free to look me up on June 1st. I, my girlfriend, and her friend are all joining up at the same time on that day, and we're going to be static players together. (Although we'll level our non-essential sub-jobs seperately so we don't get bored waiting for everybody to get online of course.)
        : : : : :_/ _/ _/ : : : : : : : : : : : :_/ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :_/ : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
        : : : :_/ : : : :_/ : : :_/ _/ _/ : : : :_/ : _/_/ : :_/: : : : :_/: _/ : : _/ : : : : _/ _/ _/
        : : :_/ : : : :_/ : _/: : : : _/ : _/ :_/:_/: : : : :_/: : : : :_/: _/ _/ : : : : :_/ : : : :_/
        : :_/ : : : :_/ : _/ : : : :_/ : _/ :_/: : : : : : :_/: : : : :_/: _/ : :_/ : : :_/ : : : : _/
        :_/ _/ _/ : : : :_/ _/ _/ : _/ :_/: : : : : : : :_/ _/ _/ : _/ : : : : _/ : : _/ _/ _/ :


        • #5
          Re: Greetings! o.o

          Thanks for the offer, I'll try to!

