** Warning: Long winded wall of text incoming; Reader discretion is advised.
(I state this because, I don't want to be burned in effigy for such a long post.)
(I state this because, I don't want to be burned in effigy for such a long post.)
Hello there, My name is Dairuka Sutain. I'm a veteran of Pre-MMORPG, Multi User Dimensions, and MMORPG's. In fact, I have been playing them since AOL's - Dragon's Gate (1995-1996); Meridian 59 (1998-1999); Legends of Kesmai (1999-2000); and Ultima Online (1999-2000.) The list goes on, but that'd probably take up my whole post...
Anyhow, I was one of the tens of thousands of people who had originally tried Final Fantasy XI out when it first came out. Unfortunately back in the day I was sorely disappointed with it's quality in comparison to other MMORPG's (Mainly compared to Dark Age of Camelot at the time), and I had given the game up the moment my free month passed over. I never really gave it a chance, but I'm willing to now.
My female acquaintance has persuaded me into giving the game another try, as she assures me that the game has changed drastically since my last time playing. Since we agreed to buy the game, and activate our new accounts together on the same day, it will be at least another few days before I will actually make a character. Because of this, I hope that you people will be lenient with my endless questions, and lurking. I try to make it a habit to learn all I can about a game, even prior to playing it.
I can only hope that I make some friends on the forums well before I even click the installation button. That way we'll be able to judge what each server is like before we start forum-panhandling for world passes, (Please don't laugh, playing on a good server is important to me.) I personally would like to find a modestly populated server with the least amount of inflation, and gilsellers as is possible for this game. Although I can't speak for the people I associate with; cheating personally irks me off, and I dislike the idea of having to compete in bidding wars with people who paid for their Gil with real money, instead of earning it properly.
Besides that, I look forward to becoming a part of the FFXIonline community. Before you ask though, yes, I've already read the Forum Rules and the Forum Rules Update.