Hi all.
Just thought I'd introduce myself here, since I've been lurking around the past couple days anonymously, reading up on the game. I'm a long time player of MMO's, and most recently WoW and then Auto Assault. Burnt myself out on the grind in WoW, found content lacking in AA, and I'm here in hopes that Vana'Diel (god I hope I spelled that right) will be a nice home for a bit while I await this Fall's big MMOs (Conan, Spellborn, etc) and the Wii (CANNOT wait for that little system).
Any serious tips for starting out would be much appreciated.
Later today, I'll be playing as Bildo, a Galkaan MNK on Carbuncle. Nice to meet you all.
Just thought I'd introduce myself here, since I've been lurking around the past couple days anonymously, reading up on the game. I'm a long time player of MMO's, and most recently WoW and then Auto Assault. Burnt myself out on the grind in WoW, found content lacking in AA, and I'm here in hopes that Vana'Diel (god I hope I spelled that right) will be a nice home for a bit while I await this Fall's big MMOs (Conan, Spellborn, etc) and the Wii (CANNOT wait for that little system).
Any serious tips for starting out would be much appreciated.
Later today, I'll be playing as Bildo, a Galkaan MNK on Carbuncle. Nice to meet you all.
