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For Refugees

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  • Re: For Refugees

    Originally posted by nazlfrag
    The thing I really liked about alla was the comments with the quests/items in their database. That was a good setup, though the replies were sometimes less than friendly or informative, there was usually much less clutter than in the general forums.
    exactly what I like about alla's database set up too. Have a basic information staticly posted and have users submit comments. I was able to look up even the latent effects of each equipments that are not listed anywhere else (that I know of, at least.)
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • Re: For Refugees

      Another lurker from Alla here. I've been playing for a long time, but my money situation varies so much that I've had to cancel 4 different accounts and leave them to die. Hopefully it won't happen again, as soloing to level 10 is driving me NUTS!

      Nice to meet you all.
      PLD58 | WAR32 | WHM23 | COR22 | BRD19 | THF19 | MNK18 | BST16 | NIN13 | BLM11. Eep.


      • Re: For Refugees

        yet another alla lurker signing in, Azureburn
        hopefully i'll make a home for myself in the brd or bst forums... or maybe i'll just lurk again hehe
        we shall have to see
        nice to meet everyone


        • Re: For Refugees

          Well, I never thought I'd leave allakhazam. I will keep my account there as long as the information itself is free. ie: I will leech off anything free the gilsellers have. Why? Because, I work in a grocery store where people can eat free soup all day without ever paying for a drop, and I know how much this pisses me and my coworkers off. The idea that you're trying to sell a product and not making any money is infuriating.


          • Re: For Refugees

            Hello everyone. Nice to meet you all.
            I look forward to becoming a part of the community here.


            • Re: For Refugees

              Originally posted by Rising Tornado
              (Funny, I didn't realize he [Emo] was married to Judy Tenuda... talk about a strange couple... yet somehow oh so fitting. I should ask them to come to lunch)

              They would produce, without doubt, the creepiest children this side of the addams family.


              • Re: For Refugees

                Wow, lot of new people. I have been playing since 2003, and joined here 2004. I posted on both sites, here and Alla, but no longer will post on alla, and have cancelled my premium there.

                I hope this site never gets greedy. These guys have been awesome so far, and welcome to all new posters, welcome, and enjoy the community.
                BLM 75
                DRK 75
                WAR 75
                SCH 75
                THF 73
                PLD 46
                WHM 42
                RDM 38
                SAM 37
                NIN 37
                MNK 27
                BLU 7 (who knows)
                PUP 5 (staying right where it is)
                DRG 27
                SMN 12 (SMN75 oneday)
                BRD 14 (no intrest as of yet)
                RNG 5 (gil sink no thanks)
                SAM 37
                Beating up Gigas one at a time for their lunch money!
                Retribution: O Spiral Hell: O Ground Strike: O Savage Blade: O Black Halo: O Evisceration: O Decimation: O Steel Cyclone: O


                • Re: For Refugees


                  Formerly "ArthurGumby" of alla. Did not post often, but I was around. Thanks for the link, Feba.


                  • Re: For Refugees

                    Howdy howdy.

                    Still probably going to keep going to Alla until the place becomes a ghost town, but I may as well get established here a bit.


                    • Re: For Refugees

                      Ni Hao! Me and my sweatshop friends over in QUIXANG are very excited for big love change! Now even easy to get where monster money pop with soon impilmented china-finder! New features great!

                      I can make NA TOO WEAK faster thank you you wan buy cuttings?

                      You no understand, make money ruining game is good for us, bad for you. Try to understand Lai. *Sound of puppy yelping, thwacking noise, sizzleing sound* Thank you alla for dog adoption banner! THANK YOU.

                      IGE CEO Came by! Smelled the air we (eat? Drink? not sure right word) and cover nose with 100 US Bill. Turn away, pretend he no hire cheap labor LOL. SWEATSHOP LOL.

                      Alla btw how much more you need gil? Gold? I work hard for you 6 bucks of pay for love love farming.

                      Why site so empty XAI ZO QUAN XI BO NA!?? I don't understand. I thought Zam friends want more whore out to game ruin for love?

                      Oh, scorpian harness is 50m plz plz.
                      The new sound of alla. /welcome aboard everyone.


                      • Re: For Refugees

                        by the way, what does premium at alla offer? or people paying premium to support the site?
                        There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                        but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                        transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                        - Pablo Picasso


                        • Re: For Refugees

                          by the way, what does premium at alla offer? or people paying premium to support the site?
                          It offers the ability to use an avatar, being able to use advanced search tools, and things like forum smilies. Basically, everything that this site offers for free.
                          MisterCookie: Alla refugee since May 2006

                          MisterCookie: Writing poor signatures since January 1999

                 - OSS Media Player


                          • Re: For Refugees

                            Originally posted by Jei
                            by the way, what does premium at alla offer? or people paying premium to support the site?
                            Originally posted by The subscription page

                            Expand your Character Profile to keep a quest log, add images, and include a biography.

                            Advanced Item Search.

                            Advanced Quest Search.

                            Advanced Bestiary Search.

                            Advanced Trade Skill Search.

                            A Searchable Skill Chain Listing.

                            Character Profile and Printable Character Sheet


                            Your Own Personal Forum to use as you wish. The forum software is the same software we use for all of our forums and you can use it however you wish, within reasonable limits of course.

                            Elimination of all banner, tower and popup ads while browsing the site. Instead of an ad, you will get a personal welcome message.

                            Personal Posting Avatar Image with the ability to upload up to 5 images, and a Personalized Forum Title

                            Use of Forum extra's such as smilies and polls

                            Advanced Search of all Forum Posts and Site Comments

                            A personalized e-mail address

                            Access to all of our contests and drawings.
                            There you have it.

                            (Oh, and subscription page is here if you want to read about all the features of premium, unregistered, and free accounts for all games)

                            IS DOUKUTSU MONOGATARI NOT AWESOME?


                            • Re: For Refugees

                              Originally posted by MisterCookie
                              It offers the ability to use an avatar, being able to use advanced search tools, and things like forum smilies. Basically, everything that this site offers for free.
                              Yeah, I noticed that rather quickly. Good thing this happened when it did; I was getting close to posting enough to justify a subscription.

                              Umm, by the way, what's this little "gil" and "donate" thing for? Couldn't find a help file that described it.
                              Last edited by Albrant; 05-05-2006, 01:37 AM.


                              • Re: For Refugees

                                Not so much a refugee, but close enough I suppose. Its been a while..

