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For Refugees

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  • #46
    Re: For Refugees

    I also signed up a while ago and have popped in and lurked every now and again. Just wanted to say hi.

    I have heard that those who celebrate life
    walk safely amongst the wild animals.
    When they go into battle, they remain unharmed,
    the animals find no place to attack them
    and weapons are unable to harm them.
    Why? Because they find no place for death in them.


    • #47
      Re: For Refugees

      Well, I've had this account with FFXIOnline for a long time but it looks like I'm gonna be returning to my roots. Hay pai pai master :D

      (Kajidoh on Allak)


      • #48
        Re: For Refugees

        I've browsed here for years, but since traffic was so slow, I didn't really have any reason to post. I'm glad that there is a place to go other than Alla though (I really loathe KI).


        • #49
          Re: For Refugees

          Ads? On the internet? Not this internet panda! *whilst surfing Alla in peace via Adblock and G.filterset*

          Anyway, I think the only thing I'll really miss from Alla is the inability to post without somebody getting a horde of rate-socks to bomb posts that disagreed with them... So irritating when a well-presented post gets nuked to default or worse because somebody got /butthurt over what was said. [/projecting] [/fume]
          As for the database, I'll still use it from time to time, but if there's just as much data on this forum through posts I'll be around here more often than not. Although it certainly is amusing to read some of the terrible, terrible posts Alla posters create on a daily basis... >

          So anyway, yeah, hello, I'm new to the forum. :firstpost:


          • #50
            Re: For Refugees

            Clockwerk checking in ... so long allah


            • #51
              Re: For Refugees

              Originally posted by Deltran
              Welcome and welcome all other refugees
              Thanks... That's like the first time I've ever been quoted.

              You guys make me feel speshul.


              • #52
                Re: For Refugees

                Guess the FFXIOnline forum revival is underway! This was no doubt the best FFXI forum for the longest time until Alla grew so large, and endgame players just stuck to their own forums. I absolutely loathe KI, so I think it's time to come back to my roots!
                Ringoko of Windurst (Midgardsormr)
                Main Jobs: 75BLM, 70BST, 65RNG
                Subjobs: 37RDM, 37WHM, 37NIN, 37WAR
                Other Jobs: 19MNK, 18BLU, 10PUP, 5THF
                Merits: 1 Thunder Potency, 2 Elemental Magic, 1 Critical Hit, 1 -Enmity
                Crafting: 58 Cloth, 55 Alchemy, 44 Cook, 24 Smith, 24 Gold, 21 Bone, 14 Wood
                Missions: Windy 7-1, Zilart 14, Promathia DONE, Aht Urghan 8
                Currently doing: Levelling BST and trying to show EXP parties how good a DD I can be.
                In the future: BST to 75!


                • #53
                  Re: For Refugees

                  First time poster. Seems very nice so far. Finally an FFXI community that uses vBulletin.


                  • #54
                    Re: For Refugees

                    Ok, the first draft of this made no sense.

                    I'm glad to see a forum where flames and asshattery aren't allowed to run rampant (like KI). I mean, I'm sure that place has some quality posters, but they are quite simply drowned out by the idiots. In addition, I'm glad that there is a strong moderator presence (unlike Alla), because while I understood the reasons for the karma system, I always felt that it was a bit flawed, and not really an ideal set up.
                    Last edited by Murphie; 05-03-2006, 09:01 PM. Reason: Clarity


                    • #55
                      Re: For Refugees

                      Hi there! Another Alla poster here.

                      I doubt if I will stop using Alla for my gaming needs, including posting on forums, but I appreciated the link here. I had no idea this place existed.

                      I look forward to checking it out


                      • #56
                        Re: For Refugees

                        Sad to give up Alla after so much time spent there, and so many friendships forged. Oh well, all things change. A sellout is a sellout is a sellout.


                        • #57
                          Re: For Refugees

                          Lionheartviii from Alla checking in for the time being.

                          I'm gonna ride the waves over at Alla for the next couple of days and see how things turn out when all the dust has settled. If things truly never change, as Allakhazam promises, I suppose I will stay there. But the minute anything over there gets fishy, I will also be here for good.

                          Mark your calendars everyone--May 3, 2006 may very well have been one of the most important days in FFXI forum history. The instability over there is not really safe to shower myself in.

                          Basically, the only forums I saw that have remained the same was the Asylum... and well, that forum only flourishes when there's chaos anyways. Gonna be an interesting few weeks in store for us. Hope you all packed up whatever was important over at Alla

                          DRG/SAM--honor first.
                          Gilgamesh Server
                          Balamb Garden


                          • #58
                            Re: For Refugees

                            Well, i'm gonna write an emo bitchy blog post about all of what's gone on today, then get to rest.

                            Please, everyone coming from Alla, remember that this is a different forum, and it is mostly more mature, so behave. Your former Karma and Post Count doesn't amount for much here.

                            in short: i'm going to bed, don't be idiots


                            • #59
                              Re: For Refugees

                              I plan to wait about a week for a reaction from alla, then I will log out forever. It's unlikely, but I hope some of the admin staff goes on strike in protest ^^ I'm gonna miss Kao
                              MisterCookie: Alla refugee since May 2006

                              MisterCookie: Writing poor signatures since January 1999

                     - OSS Media Player


                              • #60
                                Re: For Refugees

                                I'm still in shock. But I guess a fresh start somewhere else can't kill you.
                                In all things endure. In enduring, grow strong.

                                And you, wich Final Fantasy character do you resemble?

                                =====(>")>==(X_x)=>>> Skewer!

