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For Refugees

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  • Re: For Refugees

    I, for one, am glad someone posted a link to you guys on alla. I can't believe they sold out. I've been looking around and te place looks nice. It'll just take a little getting use to the new format, but I like it. I already after my first visit, reistered, bookmarked and kicked alla out of my bookmarks. Looks like I found a new home to gain and share information on.
    Posting from Alexander


    • Re: For Refugees

      Helldive everyone!

      I'm not a Feba fanboy, but i agree in what he agreeing to right now. I don't post much, pretty much lurk around alla unless i have something important to say. It seems your Alchemy forum is lacking so i might make a guide once i get my alchemy up, also a fishing guide :D.

      I feel WAY disappointed in alla since they've sold out, and considering almost 95% of the information there is user-given/driven. All thats left in the main forums there now are ignorants not knowing what happened or those people who want to take the "badass" throne Feba had(super attention whores right now) . I just hope they don't come over here and start a flamefest : :.

      Anyway, thank you for the warm welcome! I hope i can be of help to this IGE-free community!


      • Re: For Refugees


        I apologize for barging in like this but since I'm probably going to be lurking here more often and you're a more tight-knit community, I thought it would be polite to introduce myself.

        My character's name is Nakti and my main is WHM although I'm also working on BRD and SMN for the Auto-Refresh and the mob radar. I prefer crafting to leveling, but I'll continue leveling because I really like running through areas aggro-free. I'm a very casual player and I prefer a 1k/hour session with a fun group than a 4k/hour session with a "pull go go GO NOWZ!" group. (That's not to say I don't work on my personal optimum WHM performance!) So I guess that's why I don't actually know anyone who posts on Alla or here >.< /sigh It's hard to find similarly-minded people on my server.

        I'm not really a "refugee" from Allakhazam since that would imply I felt at home there, but there was/is useful information to be had as long as I separated the wheat from the chaff. Their disappointing business decision was just the "last straw". The useful (or upbeat) posts had already been getting buried by the useless (or hurtful) responses. I didn't post that often and eventually I stopped posting altogether.

        My hope is that this site remains relatively healthy. I like the fact that the moderators moderate here more; I hope that the quickly growing member pool doesn't make that job too difficult. FFXIonline moderators, if you find that your funds are growing dry, please let us know so we can donate or subscribe. When I was more active in FFXI, I regularly did research on various topics for my LS and I think I came across FFXIonline at that time. Hopefully, I can contribute something to the topics here eventually.

        BTW, I've been using Adblock to block graphics which make me uncomfortable. Too bad I can't block text, though...

        Happy Dreaming,

        They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin


        • Re: For Refugees

          Thanks for the warm welcome, Dreams.

          Does anyone else feel really strange about switching forums? I don't know if I feel like some sort of arch-nerd or a starry-eyed idealist. I never would have thought it I would need to take my ethics into consideration before consulting a website. I guess that day has come.

          Biggest Accomplishment: Level 20 avatar fights
          Ifrit 1/1; Garuda 1/1; Shiva 1/1; Titan 1/1; Ramuh 1/2; Leviathan 1/3 (and record time for Garuda server)


          • Re: For Refugees

            Originally posted by Nakti
            My hope is that this site remains relatively healthy. I like the fact that the moderators moderate here more; I hope that the quickly growing member pool doesn't make that job too difficult. FFXIonline moderators, if you find that your funds are growing dry, please let us know so we can donate or subscribe. When I was more active in FFXI, I regularly did research on various topics for my LS and I think I came across FFXIonline at that time. Hopefully, I can contribute something to the topics here eventually.
            Welcome to the FFXIOnline Forums, Nakti!

            Those of us that moderate the forums do so on a volunteer basis, because we enjoy intelligent and mature discussion and want to promote an atmosphere where this is possible.

            Regarding the moderation, it has been a bit more lively around here (to say the least) the last few days, but as you've noticed, we're working very hard to maintain the standards of the community that has been built here while hopefully smoothly integrating the influx of new members.

            We hope that you (and everyone else who is newly arriving) find the more structured approach we have here to your liking, and whether or not you choose to actively participate in discussions, we hope you never find yourself uncomfortable with reading the topics in our forums.



            • Re: For Refugees

              >.> see taskmage im nothing like THAT guy

              uncooth jabberwokie

              and so forth


              • Re: For Refugees

                Yes. I will definately give you that much credit.
                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                • Re: For Refugees

                  Sorry about WarMaverick.

                  He isn't even accepted by the normal FFXI posters on alla, he has to use the shortbus forum.

                  Anyway, Good Night!


                  • Re: For Refugees

                    Hello everyone


                    • Re: For Refugees

                      A pleasure to join and be a part of Dreams!


                      • Re: For Refugees

                        I too am coming from the burning wreck that is alla. Its a shame and a stab in the back but money talks and BS walks. Hopefully i have as much fun and find as much info i need here as i did there.


                        • Re: For Refugees

                          Hello everyone. I too will officially be calling FFXIO home now. I'm loving the layout and Mod presence. See you all around.


                          • Re: For Refugees

                            aalyphaa from asura.

                            comming here cause i think most of the community will come here, and it always helps to have more sites for referance.

                            also, how could i go on without the well known FEBA.


                            • Re: For Refugees

                              Nukapai from Remora. Sporadic player (I work really long hours, which limits my online time...). Adore FFXI despite its problems. Thinking about getting the expansion - particularly attracted by chocobo breeding. :p

                              Been playing for a year and a half or so, although I just took a long break due to work.

                              Mithra BLM main (54), WHM/36, DRK/20, WAR/18, THF/15, RDM/10, DRG/10 and levelling alchemy & cooking + doing farming at the same time. Learning to fish (but I have no patience for it, ughh). Have first two AF1 pieces for BLM and my LB1 & 2 done. Feeling a bit lost at the moment, as the LS I was part of sort of dissolved due to many people being like me and having to take a break. If anyone here is on Remora and is on a friendly LS, please could I join?
                              Hi! If you visit my website, I promise not to blow schhhmoke in your eyes...


                              • Re: For Refugees

                                Joining over from Allakhzam /wave

