I had a lot of idea's when I searched for this forum. Umm...
Auto-merge doublepost.
Not being allowed to post URL (and quote) untill a moderate amount of posts.
Thanks being deleted after the "thanked post" is deleted.
Search function security options.
Well, about auto-merging, why is it removed? I think it's a very nice and useful feature.
URL rule
I can understand if the URL posting rule is made for advertisers or such, but the annoying system message also comes up when you quote someone. It's really annoying. Can it not be made so, that only the URL in the post gets blackened out? Or atleast, a feature that saves your post so you don't have to rewrite it.
Thanked posts
I noticed that "Thanks" you receive are being deleted once the posts of which you are thanked for are deleted. Or is it supposed to happen?
Search function
It really makes it very annoying to search something in this forum, I get a dozen times that my security answer is wrong for some reason, before it finally works. It might be just me though, and I don't understand why it is there. Is there something spammers could do with the search function, such as overloading the bandwith?
Auto-merge doublepost.
Not being allowed to post URL (and quote) untill a moderate amount of posts.
Thanks being deleted after the "thanked post" is deleted.
Search function security options.
Well, about auto-merging, why is it removed? I think it's a very nice and useful feature.
URL rule
I can understand if the URL posting rule is made for advertisers or such, but the annoying system message also comes up when you quote someone. It's really annoying. Can it not be made so, that only the URL in the post gets blackened out? Or atleast, a feature that saves your post so you don't have to rewrite it.
Thanked posts
I noticed that "Thanks" you receive are being deleted once the posts of which you are thanked for are deleted. Or is it supposed to happen?
Search function
It really makes it very annoying to search something in this forum, I get a dozen times that my security answer is wrong for some reason, before it finally works. It might be just me though, and I don't understand why it is there. Is there something spammers could do with the search function, such as overloading the bandwith?