1. Get rid of Ballista Royale forums and make a PvP forum.
2. Combine all the barely used forums into one. Quest and Mission and ect. Maybe include PvP in this.
3. Unsticky History of Vana'diel link. It has to be done. If we can't post links to Windower, why are posting a link to something that ruins awhole lot of the game's merit, especially in a low-level populated messageboard. Furthermore, there is no reason for that site to have extra attention. I'm pretty sure I've expressed why that site being sticked is a bad thing earlier.
2. Combine all the barely used forums into one. Quest and Mission and ect. Maybe include PvP in this.
3. Unsticky History of Vana'diel link. It has to be done. If we can't post links to Windower, why are posting a link to something that ruins awhole lot of the game's merit, especially in a low-level populated messageboard. Furthermore, there is no reason for that site to have extra attention. I'm pretty sure I've expressed why that site being sticked is a bad thing earlier.