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requesting opinions from admin team members

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  • requesting opinions from admin team members

    first of all, i'm posting this here, rather than e-mailing this to lieb39 and/or Angler, in order to get opinions from as many admin team members as possible. and should any of admin team members decide to close down this thread, feel free to do so, but i'll take that as a message that admin team has no intent on discussing this matter.

    also, i don't know where else on this forum this sort of topic falls under, so i took Comments/Suggestions as the most appropriate place to start this thread.

    so, here goes;

    Related Thread:

    Proof of a lvl90+ Cap?!


    1. the user Nameless was warned for "Disrespect Towards Forum Leaders" in addition to "Flaming" because he was responding to Norelco, a member of DevTeam (Group B), in an unacceptable manner. warning was given by tazirai, a Super Moderator. (10th post on the 2nd page)

    2. the user Namragus brought up a question to tazirai as to why someone could get more warning points simply because whoever he/she was flaming w/ happened to be a member of dev team. (1st post on the 3rd page)

    3. i made a post in the said thread, in support of the point that Namragus brought up. in other words, i too believed that the warning points were wrongly given to Nameless, for the reason aforementioned. i tried my best to support my idea in that post. (8th post on the 3rd page - please refer to such a post for my reasoning)

    4. (deleted)

    5. (deleted)

    6. as of this writing, there has been no response in the said thread from any of the admin team members, including tazirai, to this matter.


    provided that my point was fully read and made,

    1. would other members of admin team have warned Nameless for "Disrespect Towards Forum Leaders" in addition to "Flaming," while it is obvious that such a warning would have not been made if he was flaming w/ other, "regular" members of this forum?

    2. whenever a member of admin or dev teams is given warning points, do u believe that he/she should be questioned for his/her fitness to contine as a "forum leader," without regard to whether or not such a questioning is actually conducted, either by the admin team, or all the community members being participated? (such as by poll.)

    2-a. or, do u think a member of technical teams (but not the admin team) of this forum should be treated as a regular member, that warning points and such rules should be enforced equally as other regular members?

    2-b. should admin team members act in violation of forum Conduct Guidelines, whether by intention or not, whould u go ahead and warn such a admin team member in respect to Conduct Guidelines, and ultimately, to other members of this forum? or would u rather refrain from doing so because he/she is a member of admin team?

    3. (deleted)

    4. do u think the point i made is right, or it's rather a crap that doesn't even deserve to be responded to?

    it is not my intention to accuse anyone in any way, w/ exception for tazirai making that decision, and i'm simply asking for the opinions on this matter. i'd also like to hear what other, "regular" members of this forum would think about this.

    it is also understood that this does not constitute any form of appeals, as i'm not the one who was warned.

    EDIT: without awaiting responses to this matter, i have decided to stop acting in this forum. however, i will keep an eye on this thread, as i'm still interested in seeing what ppl would say about this. after i'm satisfied that i've seen "enough" opinions, i will then become comletely inactive.

    EDIT2: i deleted 4. & 5. of the FACTS, and 3. of the QUESTIONS, as they were originaly presented w/ "wrong" intention, for which i apologize. also, added 2-a. and 2-b. to QUESTIONS to look at that matter from the different perspective.

  • #2
    This actually reminds me of something Akosygin said, and while the context was COMPLETELY different (I want it made painfully clear that these are separate issues), it did give me some insight into the minds of the people who are in control of this Site.

    On these boards, we strive to follow the rules and definition set in public. HOWEVER, these boards are considered private property owned by Central Online Gaming Network and PiNG (our Godly Admin). Hence, they are not required by anything to allow you to express "hate speech". The staff of tries to adhere to the public free speech rule only as a courtesy, but are in no way bound to do so.
    I believe the mods and administrators are completely aware that any type of punishment that they give out
    is their prerogative and they will only really be accountable to their peers and superiors, who,
    when all is said and done, could care less for the grievances of individual members and would rather quickly wrap up problems than validate them with serious attention.
    They seem to act more quickly and aggressively on issues that are ‘open and shut’(e.g. Spam, flames, etc.)
    Such situations are usually more blatant so the action itself cannot be debated,
    though the reason for it, while possibly valid, could be argued ad infinitum and thus would disrupt the MB, their property.
    These people are more concerned about the bigger issues that could affect the board as a whole,
    so until it gets to the point where an issue comes up that might drive away most of the members, everything will seem petty.

    While none of this is terrible or unexpected,
    without proper leadership, it can devolve into fascism (assuming it hasn't already.)
    These people don't care about us, which is ok, but they should conduct themselves in a more fair and/or balanced way.
    Why should we be subject to general guidelines of conduct
    when those who enforce them consider themselves
    to have a loose connection to, if not a complete detachment from, their application?
    If they are the police, who will police the police?

    You are people with power on an MB that, to be honest,
    isn’t that unique besides the occasional posting of new/unknown information
    which other sites have been doing with a much greater appreciation for their members.
    This site only became popular in the first place because it had the most importers
    (and the thing that attracted me, a crap load of screenshots) who are now no longer active outside of their own server or job boards.
    This site’s database is painfully out of date, most of the information collected on the boards can be found with other sources,
    and the importer’s experience, though valued, is no longer unique.
    We have no reason to tip-toe around you, you are worthy of no special treatment or respect whatsoever.

    Never think you aren’t replaceable.
    Rude, but not wrong. ;x
    Rank 10 Bastok, Rank 10 San d'Oria, Rank 10 Windurst
    'Rize of the Zilart' Missions: Completed
    'Chains of Promathia' Missions: Completed
    Treasures of Aht Urhgan Missions: #8
    Private First Class
    Purple: O | Brown: O | Black X ;-;
    Mee Deggi the Punisher: 1/1 (no help, no TH)
    "I Kill For Fun, Meng!!" - Tony


    • #3
      After seeing this post, from the said post about the warning points, I do too feel that the mods are on some "special status" and that we must be careful about what we say to them.

      When you come into an active thread, as bside has said, you become an "adventurer" and no longer a mod.

      For all the insutling going on in that thread, I only see some warning posts given, and none to a mod.

      Anyway, ....

      I'm out.
      -Baka Inu!
      Nejiko - Mithra Current: [ 70 THF / 35 NIN ]
      Basic Jobs: [ 70 THF / 20 MNK / 11 WHM / 18 BLM / 22WAR / 05 RDM]
      Advance Jobs: [ 04 BST / 37 NIN / 02 SMN / 05RNG / 07 SAM / 07 PLD / 00 DRK / 31 BRD / 00 DRG]
      Aht Jobs: [07 COR / 00 BLU / 00 PUP]


      • #4
        though i have said my part in the aforementioned thread, I am saddend that the apathy of the forum heads has lead to the departure of a valuable member of this community.

        be well bside-san.

        Thanks Yyg!


        • #5
          Re: requesting opinions from admin team members

          Sorry, I've been very busy lately and I've failed to look at this part of the board. I'll try to answer your questions and concerns as well as possible.

          I would just like to say, thank you, thank you for being of being apart of the more resonable people upon the board, and posting here in a normal way, rather then starting a anti- staff member thread..

          Originally posted by bside

          provided that my point was fully read and made,

          1. would other members of admin team have warned Nameless for "Disrespect Towards Forum Leaders" in addition to "Flaming," while it is obvious that such a warning would have not been made if he was flaming w/ other, "regular" members of this forum?

          2. whenever a member of admin or dev teams is given warning points, do u believe that he/she should be questioned for his/her fitness to contine as a "forum leader," without regard to whether or not such a questioning is actually conducted, either by the admin team, or all the community members being participated? (such as by poll.)

          2-a. or, do u think a member of technical teams (but not the admin team) of this forum should be treated as a regular member, that warning points and such rules should be enforced equally as other regular members?

          2-b. should admin team members act in violation of forum Conduct Guidelines, whether by intention or not, whould u go ahead and warn such a admin team member in respect to Conduct Guidelines, and ultimately, to other members of this forum? or would u rather refrain from doing so because he/she is a member of admin team?

          3. (deleted)

          4. do u think the point i made is right, or it's rather a crap that doesn't even deserve to be responded to?

          it is not my intention to accuse anyone in any way, w/ exception for tazirai making that decision, and i'm simply asking for the opinions on this matter. i'd also like to hear what other, "regular" members of this forum would think about this.

          it is also understood that this does not constitute any form of appeals, as i'm not the one who was warned.

          EDIT: without awaiting responses to this matter, i have decided to stop acting in this forum. however, i will keep an eye on this thread, as i'm still interested in seeing what ppl would say about this. after i'm satisfied that i've seen "enough" opinions, i will then become comletely inactive.

          EDIT2: i deleted 4. & 5. of the FACTS, and 3. of the QUESTIONS, as they were originaly presented w/ "wrong" intention, for which i apologize. also, added 2-a. and 2-b. to QUESTIONS to look at that matter from the different perspective.
          1. We really can't comment on that, first of all, I don't know and its not really of anyone's place (unless in certain situations) to go against a staff member's action. To fully get an answer, you can ask the moderators in private, but they may not answer. It's one of those 'unwritten' rules within a board.

          2. Well, usally staff memebers are excempted from warning points, the system is created so it's impossible (otherwise mods could overtake the board by warning all the other staff members.. in theory).. but since the DevTeam is a custom group it doesn't apply to them. DevTeam is not really a forum leader, more of a 'background' worker, working on the backend of the website, and not really moderating the forums. They don't even have the powers to moderate (close, warn, etc.)

          2a) Yes, since they can get that applied, and if they get enough warning points, they are banned just like everyone else. The moderation and administration team are the teams that are not bounded by the warning points and such.

          2b) Well, we try to be fair. And as the rules state (may not be very clear) that if you have a concern, you can talk to myself or Angler. If the issue is with us, you can talk to the other one. If the issue with us both.. you can hold a grudge.. because thats basically it. But yes, you may ask us and present us with infomation if you strongly feel that a moderator isn't doing their job professional. However, you must act professional, Private Message us, don't start hate threads, and present your infomation in a nice way. If you decide to go 'public' then your concern might be ignored.

          3) -

          4) I responded, didn't I? I don't mind people asking questions, just as long as they are professionally asked, like yourself. I would like to thank you for your questions and concerns, and if you have any more concerns please post. If they are directly towards a member on these boards, please PM me.

          Thank you,



          • #6

            I appreciate your response to this matter.

            As for the Question #4, I admit it was a poor question to ask; answering no to it pretty much means he/she won't respond to any of these anyway.

            Now that my questions are fully answered by you, the site's Administrator, and that I'm satisfied with them, I believe this thread has served its purpose. With that said, I request any further opinions from other members be directed to Admin. team members via PM rather than posting in this thread.

            Once again, thank you for your time on this matter, and wish you a very best in the course of your career.



