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Banners from this website RAPED my computer.

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  • Banners from this website RAPED my computer.

    More specifically that banner. It has changed my homepage the last couple of times I've come to this website, but I haven't really done anything about it except change my homepage back after visiting ffxio.

    Until today. It turns out I forgot to change my homepage back last night after visiting ffxio and when I opened my browser this morning, I was instantly SWAMPED with pop ups and a bunch of other assorted garbage. Apparently the 1000000 pop ups that opened up installed 100000000000 bonzi buddy type spyware programs on to my computer, effectively rendering my computer useless. After several minutes of ending processes and closing windows through the task manager, I finally managed get to a point where I could open ad-aware, and hopefully get rid of all the garbage once and for all. Boy was I ever wrong.

    Ad-aware found something like 500 spyware programs sitting on my computer, which I removed. After removing said spyware, ad-aware informs me that there are several running processes which it cannot end until I restart, so I restarted the computer and ad-aware closed those programs when Windows restarted.

    Case closed, right? Not by a long shot. After running ad-aware, I felt it was safe to try to delete all the crap that had been installed on my computer. First I tried to do it via the add/remove programs uninstallers in the control panel, but unfortunately the uninstallers themselves proceeded to install even more programs onto my computer. So then I tried to manually delete each individual folder containing the offending programs. It didn't work because they all had a running process attached to them. So I ran ad-aware again, restarted, had ad-aware close the processes, and tried to delete the programs again. Still no dice. After a while, the random pop ups start coming back, so I tried running ad-aware yet again....only to find out that ad-aware HAD BEEN DELETED! I turned off my computer in disgust and now I'm writing this from another computer in my house.

    My purpose in making this post was not to bitch out the people who run, because I understand that it's hard to find advertisers to support your website and sometimes you just have to take whatever comes your way, regardless of whether or not said advertiser is reputable or not. The main reason I posted this was 1) to warn other people and 2) to ask for help. I honestly have no idea what to do at this point. My computer is completely crippled, I cannot do anything without having roughly one pop up come up every minute or so. If I try to open my browser, I get a continuous stream of non stop pop ups until my computer crashes. I'm going to try to reinstall ad-aware, but I seriously doubt it's going to be any more use this time than it was the first time around.


  • #2
    I just got the banner ad again on this computer, and it opened up windows media player for a half second this time. Is there some sort of security hole involving media player that I'm not aware of? ; ;

    edit: found out about the security hole :/

    Am I fucked or is there something I can do to salvage my computer, short of a reinstall of Windows?


    • #3
      Hmm.. did you check your windows update? I remember downloading a couple items for Windows media player. So you should start there.

      And about the ad's at the top, as long as you don't keep on clicking them their shouldn't be a reason as to why your homepage is changing.

      Also you should get a popup blocker. Google has a nice one you can find here.

      If you still have this problem with your home page changing I'll give you a link to set your home page so it won't change.
      Retired... 30 War, 33 Nin, 25 thf, 20 rng, 10 whm, 10 blm, 5 rdm, 27 sam.

      Yes, I had a lot of times on my hands.. not anymore


      • #4
        I had to do a system restore to a previous date...It kind of worked.... atleast it got my windows media player able to open again and I don't get that many popups, mainly when I restart the computer.... It also let my homepage stay the same.....So maybe that's the only thing we can really do for the moment besides a full reformat and never visit this site again.

        If the system restore doesn't work..... well then I'm sure someone will suggest something else.
        Twilightrose- THF/49 WAR/24 WHM/53 BLM/32 RNG/15 BST/25 NIN/27


        • #5
          That is just you not protecting your PC. Go to or and dl the free toolbar that has a blocker on it.

          Also you need a firewall program. Right now you are getting raped by anyone and everyone.. It has nothing to do with this website or its crew...

          Most importantly get ALL windows updates from

          This will protect you from the holes in your system..

          If your PC is still jacked I would recommend rebuilding it from your System Restore or start fresh with a Windows copy...

          Queo - RETIRED

          55 RDM / 26 BLM

          <Phalanx> <Gravity> <Dispel>
          <Dia II> <Raise> <Refresh>

          AF1 - COMPLETE (damn those orcs)
          AF2 - COMPLETE (bloody boots?! nasty)

          Rank 5




          • #6
            Im getting crazy pop ups!

            THIS IS WAR:mad:
            Originally posted by Kailea-D
            yeah you only Fame because you could not make a nice costume like that, I am a guy.....and I know this would sound really wrong.....but I would love to dress up at a convention as my ingame self, nothing wrong with a MIthra Dragoon, well except that I would be a guy...but that is not the point.....the point is I would do it because it would be really fun to live my ingameselfs life for one day :p


            • #7
              you need to raise up your security settings in Internet explorer properties. If your security settings are set to a low level your browser gives rights for all those programs to isntall without even prompting you. However if you set it higher you can set it so that it prompts you before installing that crap or just ignore all if it all-together. Though I dont suggest ignoring all of it because some things are actually useful (flash player etc)

              pld:75 nin:75 war:37
              bonecraft: 81+2 leathercraft: 50


              • #8
                The solution I've come to that I'm incredibly happy with is Mozilla Firefox ( it has AdBlock functionality is really slick..righ click an ad, select AdBlock Image and never see the ad again. Don't even see a blank spot where it would be. Very nice.

                Remember..even Microsoft has recently recommended that people not use their browser until they get some of the issues worked out in it.



                • #9
                  I'm not even getting the advertisements...

                  My personal set-up:
                  IE with all windows updates installed. -
                  McAfee Virus-Scan Enterprise 7.1.0 with up to date dat files. -
                  Spybot S&D.
                  Google Toolbar -
                  Mike's Adblocking Hosts File -

                  Use a firewall that suits your particular internet connection, router, and the programs you use.

                  The Adblocking Hosts file is a file that your computer will use to redirect the internet to places that don't exist (on your own computer) when a website tries to direct you towards advertisements. What this does is make your computer ignore the advertisement, and show up with nothing there. It won't catch everything (catches like 95%+ of ads for me), but it will save you bandwidth, load time, processing, memory and a whole lot of annoyance. Everytime your browser sends you at one of these ads, the window or area it should be in changes to "action cancelled" or "not found" or the little red x. You can read more about it on the webpage.
                  Ruic the Red - Retired
                  Thanks to FFXI and the community for the good times.
                  Moved on to WoW.


                  • #10
                    IE had a couple of holes in it that were exploitable. I believe recent patches have cleared it up. As far as restoring your computer when this happens, I would update your virus scanner and run a system scan. There are also specific cleaning tools available from Symantec if you can figure out what viruses you have. I would also probably download and run both AdAware and Spybot S&D to get rid of adware. If all of this seems to clean your system but your websites are still redirecting, go to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc and open your Hosts file with notepad. Chances are there are several redirects set there that you can remove. Unfortunately though, if you aren't able to remove the virus, it will put the redirects back in next time you boot.

                    Firefox is a great browser and eliminates a lot of these issues.
                    My Profile - Click, you like.


                    • #11
                      Obviously you should not be using that crappy IE. Use Opera or Mozilla instead. You also need a decent firewall, such as Zone Alarm, which is free.

                      Warrior L30, Dragoon L45+, Thief L70+, Paladin L25+, Monk L15+, Ninja L35+ , Ranger 40+


                      • #12

                        You can block some of the IE security holes by runnig Windows Update
                        ( alt+t -> alt+u )
                        I would also recomment that you change your security level to medium for your Internet Options.
                        ( alt+t -> alt+o -> Secutiry tab )

                        When there is an security alert announcement like this some virii/ad/spamware programmers
                        take advantage of this and make attacks to these weak points cause there are always ignorant
                        people who don't run updates etc to block these but love to raise hell when the shit hits them...
                        Rank: 6 ジョブ: 暗 61, シ 38, 戦 37, 赤 26, 白 25, 黒 20, モ 20, 竜 10, 獣 10, 吟 10, 侍 10, 狩 10, 忍 20, 召 15, ナ 1, 青 10, コ 10, カ10
                        Never argue with a moron. They pull you down to their level and beat you through experience.


                        • #13
                          IE has some serious holes which lets websites tunnel programs and other junk onto your pc through simple html code. I'd swap to Mozilla/Firefox to be safe (it's a better browser as well imho ).

                          As for now you should just back some stuff up and reformat...trying to get rid of regenerating adware is a frustrating experience =(


                          • #14
                            Turns out my problem had to do with the Windows Media Player security hole. After eight hours of deleting spyware and garbage programs off my computer, I was finally able to run an antivirus program and that solved the problem.

                            I learned my lesson, I will now download all critical security updates as soon as they are released. In addition, I also switched to Firefox, which beats the crap out of IE.

                            Thanks for your help, guys.


                            • #15
                              Everyone has to STOP USING INTERNET EXPLORER regardless if it has to do with the browser hijacks some visitors are complaining about on FFXIOnline. Just because Microsoft is the leading software company doesn't mean they give a shit about user security. Yes, they do have windows update, but once you patch the current hole up another one will be found and put you at risk. The reason for the massive attacks on Internet Explorer is because of it's user base. Most people are ignorant, and have no idea there's an alternative browser to use. They buy a manufactured PC with IE pre installed and use it.

                              Your online experience will increase greatly if you just stop using IE (no trojans, pop-ups and other intrusive items).

                              I've been using Mozilla Firefox along with Opera:

                              I do prefer Firefox over Opera. There are versions of Firefox for Linux, MAC OSX and of course Windows


                              MAC OS X:


                              Note, there are no security holes, there's a built in pop up stopper, it's Open Source (meaning a lot of nice addons from users) Give it a download and please set it as your default browser.

