I've just been thinking, wouldn't it be better if on the screenshot vault their were stickies with the names of each job Warrior, Monk and so on. This way, people know where to go if they need any pictures of jobs, and it would save them either looking for one or posting a topic. Just an Ipsen thought.
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An idea for the screenshot vault.
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An idea for the screenshot vault.
Well he once killed a man with a guitar string
He's been seen at the table with kings
Well he once saved a baby from drowning
There are those who say beneath his coat there are wings.
"if you ever read the book you would realize it is nothing like grand theft auto......" - on the Da Vinci Code being like Grand Theft Auto -
Well Lieb forgot to answer :sweat:. We thought it wouldn't work because most of the time a job will use a armor another job uses. Like if you want to see WAR armor it will most likely be worn by a DRK or PLD.Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37
Merits - 98
Goldsmith - 85.2
Thanks 0