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Please Read This!!! Very Important!

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  • Please Read This!!! Very Important!

    What did i do wrong?
    I have been warned twice for something i have not yet been explained upon. I'm not sure what
    initially I did wrong, but I post here today to get some answers. I will now paste the msgs

    Initial Post: - Dreams in Vana'diel Warning Notification

    You have been issued a warning by lieb39 on the account of Racist / Prejudice Remarks!
    You now have 9 Warning Points.
    The ban limit is currently set to 25 Total Warning Points.

    Thanks, - Dreams in Vana'diel team.

    My Response:
    Re: - Dreams in Vana'diel Warning Notification
    for what?!!


    lieb39 wrote on 11-17-03 11:02 PM:

    You have been issued a warning by lieb39 on the account of Racist / Prejudice Remarks!
    You now have 9 Warning Points.
    The ban limit is currently set to 25 Total Warning Points.

    Thanks, - Dreams in Vana'diel team.

    His Reply:
    This post, I deleted it but I think you can recall what you wrote.

    Post -->


    SSJChrono wrote on 11-19-03 06:07 PM:
    for what?!!

    My Response:
    its too bad you delete what i said.... whatever it was that i wrote, you have no proof of it.
    And if it was about how goth kids and their EQ are loosers(or something to that effect).
    Well i can tell you are either A)one of those "kids", in which you shouldnt take personal
    feelings on other peoples opinion. or b) some utterly depressed kid cried about it, thus
    creating a little bickering fight that the admin shouldnt get involved. Which by the way i
    doubt is the case, because if i was bickering with someone i would know it, thus I was not.
    So what it is? Why the warnings? Who did I piss off?

    lieb39 wrote on 11-18-03 11:59 PM:
    This post, I deleted it but I think you can recall what you wrote.

    Post -->


    His rebuttle:

    I have chosen to ignore this message as I do not feel like handing out more warning points.
    Please refrain from appealing to any of the other administrators as the Coduct Guidlines
    clearly state that you can not do this. I suggest that you read the rules very throughly,
    and understand them more before you post again.

    Conduct Guidelines ("Rules') -

    Have a nice day,


    My response:
    So basically your a lawyer.... I never said I would cry to the other admins, but now im
    starting to question what you fear from these admins.... it's probobly nothing,
    but that statement came out of nowhere. When do the 9 points get cleared?


    lieb39 wrote on 11-20-03 06:10 AM:

    I have chosen to ignore this message as I do not feel like handing out more warning points.
    Please refrain from appealing to any of the other administrators as the Coduct Guidlines
    clearly state that you can not do this. I suggest that you read the rules very throughly,
    and understand them more before you post again.

    Conduct Guidelines ("Rules') -

    Have a nice day,



    His response:

    You have been issued a warning by lieb39 on the account of Disrespect Towards Forum Leaders!
    You now have 13 Warning Points.
    The ban limit is currently set to 25 Total Warning Points.

    Thanks, - Dreams in Vana'diel team.

    AND (He said two msgs)

    Re: - Dreams in Vana'diel Warning Notification
    You mean your 13 warning points now? Never.


    My Response:

    Oh buddy your just pushing it. I dont know what your beef with me is, but this is damn sure not right.
    First of all you never gave me a statement of what i got dinged with in the first place,
    then you pull this on me. Whatever your problem is with me stop it. There is no reason for this and
    I want those points removed now.


    lieb39 wrote on 11-20-03 03:06 PM:
    You mean your 13 warning points now? Never.



    And his Final Word:
    Re: - Dreams in Vana'diel Warning Notification
    This is quite the amusing situation, you, a normal user who has voilated the rules 2x, and gained points
    as a punishment, is telling me to remove them? You would be extremely lucky if I don't ban your right now.
    Stop PM'ing me. Do not PM anyone else, everyone has been warned. Doing so will result in a ban.
    If you post about this than you will be banned.

    End of story.


    Oh god this is lenghty I hope someone actually reads this. This sounds to me like some Nazi SS Operation. I
    apearently did something to piss HIM off. Then I got Dinged for it. He NEVER told me what it was. THen i questioned.
    Pushed. DEMANDED. and even threatened. He never told me what i did. He dinged me again. And told me never to speak of
    this again. NO WAY!!!!!!

    So i ask you the good citizens of What should i do? just STFU and sit back? Or fight? I'm fighting
    at the risk of excommunication, at the risk Of banning, IM FIGHTING!! No ONE man should have that much power over US.
    US the citizens of this community. IT IS A COMMUNITY!!!! This site is WISHING for community link on the official FFXI
    site. SO ACT LIKE ONE!!!! A community does not have a dictator. I leave it you to you. Whatever happens tonight happens
    because of you. I am most likely banned.
    Crichton @ Lakshmi Lvl 11 Theif Lvl 5 Monk Lvl 5 Rdm

    3DMark01se :18975

  • #2
    Race: Elvaan. I just like to play with race changer. :3
    Zilart, CoP completed
    Vrtra downed.

    San d'Oria Rank 10 & Windurst Rank 10
    FFXI journal


    • #3
      Bye? Maybe. But les hear your opinion on this. Are you afraid of Leib?
      Crichton @ Lakshmi Lvl 11 Theif Lvl 5 Monk Lvl 5 Rdm

      3DMark01se :18975


      • #4
        Leib is right

        I belive the moderater is right. I do not know what has happend but he did explain that you put the post up and if you wrote it yous should be responsible for your own actions, so sadly to say Bye to you, The Moderater is right
        I am a Final Fantasy Fanatic


        • #5
          I have no idea what I said. I damn sure dont remember anything Racist or Prejudice. And He deleted it. Didnt tell me what i said, nor any sense of what i said. For all i know I couldve wrote anything. He wouldve deleted it and said it was Racist. And he isnt the Moderator. He is a TOP LEVEL ADMINISTRATOR. Which is even worse. The only one above him is PiNG. That isnt how a community should run. This site is opting for SqaureEnix Community link.
          Crichton @ Lakshmi Lvl 11 Theif Lvl 5 Monk Lvl 5 Rdm

          3DMark01se :18975


          • #6
            If you are really looking for opinions, I'll share.

            The Conduct Guidelines seem pretty clear. Obviously I can't read the post that started all this but if it was about 'goth kids and their EQ are loosers', then I would see where a mod would decide to issue a warning. The issue only got bigger because you made it bigger. You were served with warning points which did nothing to diminish your ability to post to this message board. In your challenge to this warning you took a personal pot shot at the mod who issued the warning. You then made the situation public by posting it here in multiple forums, including in the title the words 'Very Important' (which it is not).

            You feel you have been treated unfairly. All I can say to that is you probably violated the rules on this board in your original post and you definilty violated the rules in your handling of the situation. Rather than accepting the points and continuing to enjoy the priviledge of posting here, you made this issue into a public crusade. You probably will be banned and, if the tone of this post is anything to go by, you deserve to be.

            As far as the mods here being Nazis, give me a break. People throw that word around far too often and it is extremely disrespectful to those who were the victims of the true Nazis. No one is preventing you from saying what you have to say. They are just telling you to say your mind somewhere else. On a board with different rules.
            My Profile - Click, you like.


            • #7
              Just to clear some things up, PiNG, Angler and myself are all top levels, and no one is higher, hence, you appealed to me, and you may not appeal again. Secondly, Privates messages are meant what they are to do, be private. And thirdly, your banning points.

              I gave you your banning points because you broke the rules on many times. The first time you made racist / prejustice remarks. As I do admit I delete the post, located here, you can see some of your post in a quote, right here. You said in that post:
              Originally posted by SSJChrono
              god i hate american gamers, and that everquest/D&D shit... god i hate em so bad, fucking all this dark goth crap jesus christ....
              The second warning was for this posting where is appears you seem to be mad at me because of the first warnings.



              • #8


                • #9
                  I belive it is racist to. I honestly think you should be band and this post (and the other post that you posted should be del) But I am not the administrater. I also think that PiNG would ban that as well because it is racist and not right. Even putting it on this forum and the other forum is wrong to because Like the Mod said it was a PRIVATE Message. Between You and him. Not to everybody else which you have done. and Yes they read all the information you put on that post before they del.
                  I am a Final Fantasy Fanatic


                  • #10
                    Oh, just realized that this is off topic for the forum that its in. Since we don't really have a forum for this type of stuff, I'll just move it into comments and suggestions.



                    • #11
                      .... Oh well nm leib responded.

                      So you found it? So its because i said i Hate Americans Gamers? Everquest? D&D? Or the cursing.

                      Second Private msging.

                      What was I suppose to do? You said don't speak of this. I did.

                      Lastly... Its an opinion sorry for the cursing... Im used to a relaxed enviroment, where I can freely speak any which way.

                      Was it Jesus Christ? Cause if so, then your being Prejudece against my freedom of Religion. Finally Leib, The only group i was being Prejudice against, would be american gamers. Obviously thats everyone here. But its true. But maybe i shouldnt hate the players. maybe i should hate the Game developers, they are they one who makes the style of game. So am i really being prejudice against a race? Are American Gamers a Race of people?

                      I dont know, I just time after time, get in trouble from various forums for pissing certain ppl off. I think its because this makes money for you. I think if you didnt make money off of this it wouldnt be a big deal.

                      Well as promised, you found the post. You told me what I said, and as promised I will except the points, eventually I want them gone, because it would just be bitter on your part. I share no Ill feelings toward you, nor do i hate you. The quoted statement was a mistake on my part, but it is also an opinion, and I sincerly hope as a "Community" you do not bar me again , nor anyone else, to an Opinion.

                      *edit edit edit*

                      I did not post whatever that was that faker post. While i was writing this some jerk said you were an asshole (in his name). I do not believe this, however I do think you need to look at this warning system and make it more democratic.
                      Crichton @ Lakshmi Lvl 11 Theif Lvl 5 Monk Lvl 5 Rdm

                      3DMark01se :18975


                      • #12
                        Yes, SSJChrono, I found it. It was straightforward why I gave you the points, simply the words
                        god i hate american gamers, and that everquest/D&D shit... god i hate em so bad, fucking all this dark goth crap jesus christ....
                        in bold there, did the job for the warning. It's our policy that we do not let go of the warning points, and this will be no exception. Now that everything is cleared up, I will close this thread now. Please contact me via PM if you have any more problems.

                        In response to your edit edit, No. That is the way the forum is run so that it is a pleasent experience for the user, who deserve it. We try our best to make the forum a pleasent experience.

                        Also, just for the record, SSJChrono copy and pasted his post 5 times in different forums, located here:


                        And of course, that does not include this post, which was in the ingame board, but moved here. If anyone has any concerns with the way I'm doing my job, please, PM me. I'm always open for suggestions.


