Spell (JP): Deodorize (デオード)
Job (Level):
WHM 白 (15)
RDM 赤 (17)
MP Required: 10
Cast Time: 2.00
Recast Time: 8.00
Type: Wind (風)
Skill: Enhancing (強化)
Description: Target will not be smelled by the enemy, making him less likely to be attacked.
Target: Self
Duration: -
Goblin Leecher
Giddeus: Hoo Mjuu The Torrent
Job (Level):
WHM 白 (15)
RDM 赤 (17)
MP Required: 10
Cast Time: 2.00
Recast Time: 8.00
Type: Wind (風)
Skill: Enhancing (強化)
Description: Target will not be smelled by the enemy, making him less likely to be attacked.
Target: Self
Duration: -
Goblin Leecher
Giddeus: Hoo Mjuu The Torrent