Spell (JP): Barstonra (�ストンラ)
Job (Level):
WHM 白(5)
MP Required:12
Cast Time: 0.5 sec.
Recast Time: 10 sec.
Type: Wind
Skill: Enhancing (強化)
Description: Defense up for earth type attacks
Target:Multiple Party Members within 5 character steps
Duration: -
Lower Jeuno – H-9 Hasim
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Job (Level):
WHM 白(5)
MP Required:12
Cast Time: 0.5 sec.
Recast Time: 10 sec.
Type: Wind
Skill: Enhancing (強化)
Description: Defense up for earth type attacks
Target:Multiple Party Members within 5 character steps
Duration: -
Lower Jeuno – H-9 Hasim
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