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Dia (ディア)

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  • Dia (ディア)

    Spell (JP): Dia (ディア)

    Job (Level):

    WHM 白 (3)
    RDM 赤 (1)

    MP Required: 7
    Cast Time:
    1 sec.
    Recast Time: 5 sec.

    Type: Light
    Skill: Enfeeble (

    Description: Light damage & lowers defense
    Single Enemy
    Duration: Depend on your enfeeble skill

    Bastok Marketplace – H-5 Sororo

    Port Sandoria – J-8 Regine
    Port Windurst – H-8 Kususu

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    Last edited by PiNG; 07-17-2005, 03:23 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Dia (ディア)

    As far as my experience has carried me, I've never seen dia resisted by anything that didn't have a specific resistance to spells or light based attacks. Excellent spell to use in a skill-up party to increase one's enfeebling skill.

    Dia and Dia 2 are the premier enfeebling spells of the game for xp/party mobs. Lowering defense means faster damage from melees and quicker kills. Bio and Bio2 are only superior if the tank is taking more damage than the party can afford.

    As of this date, Dia and Bio do not stack. (Only one of the spell types from the bio/dia spells can be active.) To my knowledge nothing else overwrites dia or bio.

    Overwrite priority:
    Bio2>Dia2>Bio>Dia with Bio2 able to overwrite any other Bio/Dia spell and Dia unable to overwrite any other Bio/Dia spell.

