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Dragoon (竜騎士)

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  • Dragoon (竜騎士)


    ◆ジョブ特性◆Job Traits◆

    Attack Bonus 10

    Dragon Killer 25

    Accuracy Bonus 30

    ◆ジョブアビリティ◆Job Abilities◆

    Spirit Surge 1 02:00:00

    Call Wyvern 1 00:20:00

    Dismiss 1

    Ancient Circle 5

    Jump 10 00:01:30

    Spirit Link 25 00:03:00

    High Jump 35 00:03:00

    Super Jump 50 00:05:00
    Last edited by Taskmage; 04-02-2006, 12:09 AM.
    白75 | 黒64 | シフ25
    白AF 6/6
    黒AF 6/6
    シフAF 0/6

  • #2
    Re: Dragoon (竜騎士)

    You missed Spirit Pact @ 25, and Dismiss @ Lv.1
    RDM 50/SAM 38/WAR 24/BLM 27/WHM 30/SMN 50/DRG 23/NIN 20/MNK14/PLD14/BRD12
    Shiva,Ifrit,Ramuh,Leviathan,Garuda,Titan Obtained.


    • #3
      Re: Dragoon (竜騎士)

      Originally posted by EliteYuna
      You missed Spirit Pact @ 25, and Dismiss @ Lv.1
      Still not added, even after a year. Why not delete this forum.

      War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


      • #4
        Re: Dragoon (竜騎士)

        Thanks for your contribution. >_>

        If someone could pull the ability names from the Japanese client for Spirit Surge, Dismiss and Spirit Link, I'll modify the original post.
        lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


        • #5
          Re: Dragoon (竜騎士)

          posting them on the forum will likely screw up the characters like those in the original post r, so i've made a list in .txt format.

          btw, the very old post i made which covers some of them is still alive.


          • #6
            Re: Dragoon (竜騎士)


            Those characters display fine for me. Maybe you just need to force your broswer into unicode.
            lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


            • #7
              Re: Dragoon (竜騎士)

              Originally posted by Taskmage

              Those characters display fine for me. Maybe you just need to force your broswer into unicode.
              although they may appear to be displaying things fine, they r actually not. (unless of course, if it's the case that viewing this page from Japanese and English Windows, or JP IE and whatever the browser u r using results in the different display of characters. i'm using JP Windows XP SP2 & IE6, and still not seeing them correctly, even though unicode is automatically selected.)

              forcing the encoding to unicode doesn't help, either. this is because this forum's script isn't made in a way so that Japanese characters r correctly handled and stored. bypassing this encoding process in a script, in most cases Japanese characters get corrupted, turned into dots (like "・"), or changed to something else.

              carefully compare the texts in the first post and what i've uploaded, and u should notice the difference.


              • #8
                Re: Dragoon (竜騎士)

                Hmm. Now that I take a closer look, the ba character in Call Wyvern and the ha character in High Jump aren't displaying correctly for me. It sounds like there's more corruption on your end from your description. How strange that it would display differently for each of us.
                lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


                • #9
                  Re: Dragoon (竜騎士)

                  Originally posted by Taskmage
                  Hmm. Now that I take a closer look, the ba character in Call Wyvern and the ha character in High Jump aren't displaying correctly for me. It sounds like there's more corruption on your end from your description. How strange that it would display differently for each of us.
                  actually, same here. those 2 r not displaying correctly; the 6th character in Call Wyvern and the 1st one of the High Jump r showing up as dots on my side. viewing it w/ Firefox, they turn to "?" instead of dots.

                  also, the 2nd characters of Accuracy Bonus and Attack Bonus r changed to different kanji letters; copying and pasting them in a macro will result in a macro not working. btw, they r changed to the same ones when viewing w/ Firefox.

                  and i apologize if my previous post confused u; i was talking about the possible cases in general, not just this specific thread, as to how the characters could be wrongly stored thru the non-correctly-encoding script.

                  as far as the first post in this thread is concerned, sounds like we r having the same "error," so don't u worry.

