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Ballista Royal Championship NA vs. JP

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  • Ballista Royal Championship NA vs. JP

    I have a few questions regarding the equipment used by both teams.

    Can anyone provide information regarding their equipment usage item usage? I saw a lot of hi-potions and vile elixers being used.

    Also, can anyone provide the JP WHM set up? That was just totally insane, how she survived 1 Sneak Attack + Dancing Edge & 1 Raging Fist & 1 Vorpal Blade within 3 seconds of each other. That WHM did not want to go down.
    Hacked on 9/9/09
    FFXIAH - Omniblast

  • #2
    Re: Ballista Royal Championship NA vs. JP

    The WHM was decked out like a PLD basically... Tavnazian Tacos, Phalanx Rings, Holy Breastplate+1, Terra Staff, etc. I got to talk to the NA team after they fought them and they told me what they were wearing.


    • #3
      Re: Ballista Royal Championship NA vs. JP

      Ballista royale is not indicative of actual ballista play. A more appropriate name would be "Gil wars". What I'm more surprised by is exactly how the NA team, with only 1 form of CC other than lullaby (which becomes nearly worthless about 30 minutes into the fight) got to the finals.

      It's even worse when that CC happens to be shadowbind. The JPs had at least 3 people that could cast bind - Dark Knight, Red mage, Ranger. Frankly in a normal scenario, I'm not surprised they won at all.

      If they had really wanted to kill the white mage, lethe water would have done the trick. Pity the only dispel they were running was finale (which from reports wasn't used much since the NA bard was described to "cast songs very seldomly").

      Remember kiddies - NORMAL ballista players don't spam mulsum!
      I believe most sigs are like the people they represent - useless, loud and obnoxious.


      • #4
        Re: Ballista Royal Championship NA vs. JP

        Is there a place to read matchs reports? Or video downloads? Thank you
        I'm back! Sanim restored!


        • #5
          Re: Ballista Royal Championship NA vs. JP

          firstly... the NA team used different setups for many of the fights to get to the top. 2nd... Ballista isnt about who can kill you the fastest, its about scoring petras. 3rd... the JP team not only used a different strategy of an all out DEF to beat the NA team, but the NA team wasnt even told they were gonna be fighting the JP team until the time came around for them to fight.

          For what they did and how they played... the NA Champs (Siren server) did a great job vs. Phoenix Server... but they just werent prepared to take on the JP team. So ya gotta give them more credit.

          As for the reports... the Siren vs Phoenix match was 24-22: SIREN WON. The NA vs JP team was 44-0: JP WON.


          • #6
            Re: Ballista Royal Championship NA vs. JP

            Firstly - Ah, it wasn't a static setup, that explains much

            Secondly - No duh - but if you have no idea how good bind/gravity/stun are for stopping people in ballista, you need to play a little more. 9_9 Bind is a very good offense AND a defense. It and gravity and stun guarantee you a gate breach and also stop people with petras with a gate breach from getting away.

            Thirdly - you didn't address the massive use of expensive medicine. I stand by my statement. Gil wars.

            Edit: Oh, and FYI, I'm not sure about your server, but AFAIK, the people that applied to ballista royale on my server weren't ballista regulars and aren't even considered the "aw crap, he's on the other team" players - they just did it for the hat/fun, I'm suspecting. Also, if you're so clear on ballista tactics and gate breaches you'd probably know that instead of wasting time on a target which had high defense, they could at least CC him (but oh wait - they had almost no CC!) and go after the squishies.

            Double Post Edited:
            Watched the videos - I was wrong (never rely on information from Allakhazam). They had a rdm on the NA team.

            Here's a quick rundown on what happened (People with too much gil):
            1)JPs have a DRK with a mercurial kris that uses blood weapon+souleater - quick gate breach.
            2)Flagrant Powder boots usage. -_-
            3)Ranger was using Sandoria Conquest Point Grand knight arrows (the 32k CP ones -_-)
            4)Insane amounts of Aqua Mulsum usage.

            JP team:
            Suteki: RDM
            Yosyua: RNG
            Slayer: DRK
            Barlog: MNK
            Seraphy: WHM
            Rael: BRD

            Edarion: PLD
            Milikai: RNG
            Yavanna: THF
            Myanth: MNK
            Tanos: RDM
            Illverin: WHM

            Opening: DRK gets gate breach -> Quick score -> Perfect defense on the JP team.
            Last edited by locus; 03-16-2006, 02:16 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
            I believe most sigs are like the people they represent - useless, loud and obnoxious.


            • #7
              Re: Ballista Royal Championship NA vs. JP

              So bascially NA got beaten by a more devoted team...

              It was an unfair fight, but the top is paved with daggers. These are the NA champs here, not the NA local 100. You wear that crown, you should back it up.

              As they say, "You don't win for trying"

              I can be patriotic, but sportsmanship is not about whining.

              You don't go, "Well if I had properly trained and raised gil for 3 months I would have beaten you"

              That's just stupid, you shake hands, and acknowledge your betters or ask for a rematch, simple as that.


              • #8
                Re: Ballista Royal Championship NA vs. JP

                Too bad asking for a rematch wouldn't do shyt of good.


                Stephen King's Wizard and Glass: Fools are the only folk on earth absolutely guaranteed to get what they deserve.


                • #9
                  Re: Ballista Royal Championship NA vs. JP

                  Originally posted by Spazz
                  firstly... the NA team used different setups for many of the fights to get to the top.
                  So? I'm pretty sure everyone else do so as well. However, from the accumulation of battle data, when it comes to the main event, you're going to have to decide which one of those combinations are good for every single possible situation you can think of, even fictional scenarios. In the end, that JP team did their homework, the NA team didn not. (Probably too busy camping HNMs or collecting bynes in Dynamis)

                  2nd... Ballista isnt about who can kill you the fastest, its about scoring petras.
                  You're wrong. Ballista is about getting a gate breach first before you can score. Thus, the faster you can kill someone, the faster you can score your petras. People who think that Ballista is only about scoring petras only know 1/10 the strategy. Those are the kinds of players that get owned by players such as Tatibanya, one of the highest JP scorers on our server over the weekend.

                  3rd... the JP team not only used a different strategy of an all out DEF to beat the NA team, but the NA team wasnt even told they were gonna be fighting the JP team until the time came around for them to fight.
                  So? I'm sure that either way, both teams weren't notified about anything. However, that is a lame excuse to use. You're either prepared or not. NA team was not prepared. If the US was caught with their pants down and several nukes hit the major metropolitan cities, I'm sure no one would be interested in hearing excuses for why it happened.

                  For what they did and how they played... the NA Champs (Siren server) did a great job vs. Phoenix Server... but they just werent prepared to take on the JP team. So ya gotta give them more credit.
                  I'll give them this much, they got balls for coming this far. But running on fumes from your cajones is only going to get you so far. Using strategies and having great leadership and cooperation from your team is far better than just dumb luck.


                  • #10
                    Re: Ballista Royal Championship NA vs. JP

                    Ok , im from siren and im war 75 and mnk 75 and i play ballista as often as i can because i think that its one of the funnest things to do in the game , if u havent played it yet do so NOW

                    and i have also played with all the JP winning team players and NA winning team players, they are both very skilled barlog is a beast it takes a lot to take him down and the NA ppl are also very skilled and play strategically. The fact is that both are very good and deserve to be champions but the Jps had more time to prepare and prolly deserved to win.


                    • #11
                      Re: Ballista Royal Championship NA vs. JP

                      They spent so much effort going after the WHM (who had access to defense spells and was wearing all the best armor a 60 WHM could wear). Why not go after the Tarutaru BRD? Yes, I'm sure he had enough potions to heal an army like the rest of his teammates, but I doubt he would've been as hard to kill.

                      I noticed that it was the THF who mainly attacked the WHM throughout the match, though. I think her main job was to distract the WHM and keep on interrupting her spells, and maybe even go for the kill if she ever got damaged enough. Didn't work, though... >.<
                      All Nations: Rank 10
                      Rise of the Zilart: Complete
                      Chains of Promathia: Complete
                      75 BRD/75 WHM/75 BLM/75 MNK/75 RDM/57 DRK/40 THF/39 WAR/37 NIN & SMN/All the rest < 37

                      What to level next? (DRK!)


                      • #12
                        Re: Ballista Royal Championship NA vs. JP

                        So? I'm sure that either way, both teams weren't notified about anything.
                        Actually, the JP team knew about the match about 2 months in advance. That's a lot of time to prepare. NA had the match sprung on them at the very last minute. And you say that all this wasn't an advantage for the JP side? Give me a break.
                        All Nations: Rank 10
                        Rise of the Zilart: Complete
                        Chains of Promathia: Complete
                        75 BRD/75 WHM/75 BLM/75 MNK/75 RDM/57 DRK/40 THF/39 WAR/37 NIN & SMN/All the rest < 37

                        What to level next? (DRK!)


                        • #13
                          Re: Ballista Royal Championship NA vs. JP




                          • #14
                            Re: Ballista Royal Championship NA vs. JP

                            huh? what does 44 mean?

                            RNG67 BRD66 THF55 NIN35 WHM31 RDM35 WAR24 PLD30


                            • #15
                              Re: Ballista Royal Championship NA vs. JP

                              that is from fanfest


