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Did your team make it?

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  • #16
    Re: Did your team make it?

    ouch man that really sucks ... i'd be punching people in the face if i were u

    Which FF Character Are You?


    • #17
      Re: Did your team make it?

      Well if anyone's curious the current Winners so far are the following:

      Bahamut: Kinzuru vs. Moonlightangels
      Shiva: Hope vs. Theelite
      Titan: Leave 32(6) - Elitez 24(6)
      Ramuh: Dears vs. Knightsofmegiddo
      Phoenix: Chaostheory vs. Wingsofalexander
      Carbuncle: Carebears vs. Sacredsoul
      Fenrir: Deathdealers vs. Omen
      Sylph: Dissolution vs. Kawaiiichimi
      Valefor: Khaosarmy vs. Thekindred
      Alexander: Lightwarriors vs. Rooky
      Leviathan: Guardiansoffayth vs. Teamecho
      Odin: Mushroomdynamic vs. Zantetsuken
      Ifrit: Bountyhunters vs. Joiningofsix
      Diabolos: Apocalypseprime vs. Puppyrawwrrr
      Caitsith: Diew vs. Relentless
      Quetzacoatl: Deltaenforcers vs. Outerheaven
      Siren: Channelfournewsteam vs. Nemesis
      Unicorn: Chevron vs. Penguins
      Gilgamesh: Envy vs. Senseless
      Ragnarok: Ballistaregulars vs. Zenmetsu
      Pandemonium: Notoriousgangsters vs. Zing
      Garuda: Chocobodancers vs. Fullmetaltaru
      Cerberus: Gameover 15(6) - Lionsbane 3(6)
      Kujata: Infinitelegacy vs. Outspoken
      Bismark: Bismarcksfinest vs. Omegaweapon
      Seraph: Predator vs. Ycds
      Lakshmi: Darkside vs. Worldlypowers
      Asuran: Nantekotta vs. Theclairvoyant
      Midgardsormr: Koolaid vs. Seabees
      Fairy: Ningai vs. Powervent
      Remora: Manslayers 6(6) - Sabotenders 33(6)
      Hades: Ascendantsky vs. Wherearemypants

      The ones bolded mean they are that servers champion and will be going to the Elimination Rounds on November 26th and December 3rd. The other servers won't have their champions till the tournaments starting tomorrow Nov. 5th.

      If you are curious how I got this info you can find it here: Ballista Royale Tournament Schedule

      At the bottom of the schedule info is the tournament results so far for the Preliminary Rounds. So we know 3 teams already that should be toting around a Star Cap.
      Last edited by Macht; 11-04-2005, 02:27 PM.

      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


      • #18
        Re: Did your team make it?

        Noticed on one server, a team never played a single match and made it to finals lol.

        Wish everyone the best in tomorrow's matches and hopefully will be able to meet up with them on the server matches /


        • #19
          Re: Did your team make it?

          You mean the Sabotenders or the Sacredsoul? At some point out of the Preliminary Rounds they did play someone though, Sabotenders crushed 1 team because only 1 guy showed (Poor guy, with a team members as flaky as that he must of felt goofy there). Then didn't have to do their second (No show). Then crushed their last team to be that server's champs.

          Sacredsoul basically did something similar. Instead of a 6 to 1 match they had a 6 to 4 match then a now show, now they just got this one for Nov. 5 and see if they get through.
          Last edited by Macht; 11-04-2005, 04:00 PM.

          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


          • #20
            Re: Did your team make it?

            No actually. The Chocobodancers of Garuda. Never played a match, in finals lol.

            Chocobodancers 1(6) - 0(0) Clanroxal

            Chocobodancers 1(6) - 0(0) Divas

            11/05 21:00 Chocobodancers 0(0) - 0(0) Fullmetaltaru


            • #21
              Re: Did your team make it?

              wow cool .... i really wish i could have got into a team ... i am just a few levels short now lol getting ready for next year .... GOOD LUCK every1 in the upcoming fights

              Which FF Character Are You?


              • #22
                Re: Did your team make it?

                MoonlightAngels is my LS on Bahamut. They're very skilled at Ballista and it didn't surprise me one bit they're as far as they are.
                All spells obtained!
                Homam Gear: 2/5


                • #23
                  Re: Did your team make it?

                  Awsome ... were u participating in ballista or just in the ls with them ? ... i'm trying to find a ls in fairy that does ballista but i can't find one >.< o well lol congratulations anyways

                  Which FF Character Are You?


                  • #24
                    Re: Did your team make it?

                    Zenmetsu of Ragnarok made it.

                    I look forward to whatever server we play first. Can't wait to play with others outside of server.

                    Also, does anyone know when we actually get our Stars Caps?


                    • #25
                      Re: Did your team make it?

                      huh ??? what are star caps lol no1 told me about those yet

                      Which FF Character Are You?


                      • #26
                        Re: Did your team make it?

                        The blue cap shown on the taru on this page.


                        • #27
                          Re: Did your team make it?

                          "who knows what hidden powers the 2 caps may have" 0.0 that means they could be really good ... wow when u guys find out what they do post it

                          Which FF Character Are You?


                          • #28
                            Re: Did your team make it?

                            it has a 24hr recharge reuseable teleport. I'm guessing the teleport would be to the 3 ballista areas.
                            RNG 75 / DRG 75 / NIN 75 / WAR 73 / THF 46 / SAM 39 / BLM 31 / WHM 31 / DRK 17 / BST 15 / MNK 12 / BRD 9 / SMN 8 / PLD 5 / RDM 5


                            • #29
                              Re: Did your team make it?

                              ya my team didnt show -.-; (bunch of dicks >.>) so we were the first fenrir team out
                              Sig in progress


                              • #30
                                Re: Did your team make it?

                                Originally posted by IEatMyGil
                                ya my team didnt show -.-; (bunch of dicks >.>) so we were the first fenrir team out
                                Well maybe next time, just be sure you find a group that's more dedicated to actually try. That's definatly one of the aspects for those matches a group dedicated to do the matches. The Nov. 5th results are on the website I had posted and man, lot of the fights from each world were just crushing fights (like 6 points to 50 points ). Well now each server has their representitives for the elimination rounds see which server's reps prove to be the best of the best

                                Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)

