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Welcome to Ballista Royale Discussion Section!

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  • Welcome to Ballista Royale Discussion Section!

    Please use this section to discuss any Ballista Royale related discussions.

    This section does not require you to be registered to post.

    If you are posting without registering, please remember to put your contact information, such as your in-game name / Email address / AIM / MSN / Yahoo / GoogleTalk / etc!

    on subject line please include SERVER name! for example:

    "[Ragnarok] Looking for team members!"
    "[Midgardsormr] Looking for one more team member"

    "[Diablos] Need a RDM 65+"

    Feel free to use the IRC server to create chat rooms/channels! Use the chatroom link at the TOP or you can manually connect using clients such as mIRC. CLICK HERE TO CHAT

    Port: 6667

    after connecting, you should type: /list
    on the bottom status field , to get listings of currently used channel

    you can type: /join #name_of_room
    to create new rooms.

    If you create a channel/room you have the power to kick people out of rooms, create password for the room, limit the room size, etc. You'll have a @ in front of your name.

    Guests can change name by filling out the "Change nick to" field and pressing Enter.
    You can also change your nick with: /nick new_name

    Click on "NEW THREAD" Button to start new Topics!
    Last edited by PiNG; 09-22-2005, 11:13 AM.

  • #2
    Important Notices

    Important Notices -

    Here is the schedule (As of 9/21/2005):

    Preliminary Tournament (Held on each World)
    First round: October 15th (Sat.) - October 16th (Sun.)
    Second round: October 22nd (Sat.) - October 23rd (Sun.)
    Third round: October 29th (Sat.) - October 30th (Sun.)
    Final round: November 5th (Sat.) - November 6th (Sun.)

    Ballista Royale Tournament (Held on special World)
    Top 16 (Elimination round - Part 1): November 26th (Sat.) - November 27th (Sun.)
    Top 16 (Elimination round - Part 2): December 3rd (Sat.) - December 4th (Sun.)
    Final 8: December 10th (Sat.) - December 11th (Sun.)
    Final 4: December 17th (Sat.) - December 18th (Sun.)

    Match Times (for all preliminary tournaments)
    1st match: 4:00pm-6:00pm (PDT)
    2nd match: 6:00pm-8:00pm (PDT)
    3rd match: 8:00pm-10:00pm (PDT)
    4th match: 10:00pm-12:00am (PDT)


    Rules Rules Rules (As of 9/22/2005):
    The Ballista Royale tournament (including the preliminary tournaments) will use the following special rules:

    Players allowed in a match: 6 per team
    Maximum number of team members: 10
    (Participating members can be selected/changed before each match)
    (The 6 team members participating in any one match must all have different jobs)
    Support jobs: Not allowed (disabled during matches)
    Level restriction (maximum): 60
    Level restriction (minimum): None
    Equipment restriction: None
    Normal item use: Allowed
    Briefing period (roll call to start of match): 3 minutes
    Single match length: 20 minutes
    Match style: All or nothing
    1st Petra selection: Not allowed
    Petra holes: Some empty
    One-time scoring limit: 3 per player
    Called games: None
    Number of Rooks: 1
    Petra shovel usage: Allowed
    Temporary item distribution: Yes (5 given at start of match, maximum of 10 can be carried)
    Voucher exchange: Not allowed

    *Only players participating in a match can enter the match area.
    *Match entry/entry cancellation will not be allowed after the briefing period.
    *Teams with 0 participating players automatically forfeit the match.
    *In the case of a draw, the team with the high scorer will be declared the winner. If there is no high scorer, the winning team will be decided by tournament judges.
    *Rules may be subject to change without notice.


    Goto: Official Ballista Royale Event Web Site
    Last edited by PiNG; 09-22-2005, 11:11 AM.


    • #3
      Re: Welcome to Ballista Royale Discussion Section!

      guys, please post your team requests in the Team Forum.

      Please also use the posting convention PiNG described above for more clarity (otherwise you'll get the jumbled mess that is the post above this).

      Thanks Yyg!


      • #4
        Re: Welcome to Ballista Royale Discussion Section!

        The winners get a Promathia PC! they dont list specs but it looks realy cool . (probably has 2 7800gtx's in sli if the winners are lucky).


        • #5
          Re: Welcome to Ballista Royale Discussion Section!

          Looking to join a Ballista Royale team, I can come as a RDM. Please send a /tell to Ryanstryfe on the Phoenix server if you need a RDM. I haven't played in a while, but I have earned some chevrons before.


          • #6
            Re: Welcome to Ballista Royale Discussion Section!

            41 Ranger/Ninja on Hades server looking for a team!
            /tell Kyranda


            • #7
              Re: Welcome to Ballista Royale Discussion Section!

              Looking for a Ballista Team

              /tell Glitterngld

              Shiva server

              70 white mage/37blm


              • #8
                Re: Welcome to Ballista Royale Discussion Section!

                /tell Keda

                Double Post Edited:
                username Lanal
                im off asura im 60THF id really like to participate i got good
                gear / marksmanship /
                please any one off asura let me know
                Last edited by Guest; 09-23-2005, 06:17 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                • #9

                  Ok so as drgs are prevented from having a sub, what will our wyvern's job be? Offensive, Healing, or Balanced? Does anyone know?


                  • #10
                    Re: Welcome to Ballista Royale Discussion Section!

                    i am a lvl 62 blm. i am on Garuda server. rank 6. know my job good. have all artifact if that helps and would like to win that pc. but who wouldnt. AIM screenname is dunnahoo550. Yahoo: jamesdaman550. msn: jamesdaman33

                    my in-game name on garuda is Jamesdaman. so if u need me just send me a /tell. i am usually online at night. thanks peace out


                    • #11
                      Re: Welcome to Ballista Royale Discussion Section!

                      Looking to oin a Ballista Royale team, my name is Epithree on the Fairy server, i can come as lvl 44MNK (maybe higher by the start date)


                      • #12
                        Re: Welcome to Ballista Royale Discussion Section!

                        A little late, but I'm a level 75MNK/37WAR on Ragnarok. Name is Strifey. Email me at if I can join your team. >.>


                        • #13
                          Re: Welcome to Ballista Royale Discussion Section!

                          I am a Lv75 DRK on Unicorn server.
                          I can come as DRK/THF, DRK/WAR, DRK/NIN
                          I have marksmanship up and i got nice gear for
                          Acc and rng Acc, so I can use sleep bolts and
                          other bolts effectively.

                          Give me a /tell if ur interested in picking me up.


                          • #14
                            Re: Welcome to Ballista Royale Discussion Section!

                            Eh, well, im 63 blm, i've been in the top ten on ballista in my 13 or so times playing, usually rank 1-7 if you need a group for asura, as long as your skilled at your job, im needing a mnk, rdm, and possibly rng >.>;; My character name is Etah, /tell me on asura, or, just enter thru the group place

                            Group name: ChroniclesOfTime

                            Double Post Edited:
                            Hey im looking to join a ballista grp 53mnk/26war <cerberus> send in game mail to HOOGERVORST. I xp a lot so will probably be 60 or right around there when this thing starts
                            Last edited by Guest; 09-26-2005, 01:43 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                            • #15
                              Re: Welcome to Ballista Royale Discussion Section!

                              guys, please post your team requests in the Team Forum.

                              Please also use the posting convention PiNG described above for more clarity (otherwise you'll get the jumbled mess that is the post above this).

                              (bolded for emphasis)

                              Thanks Yyg!

