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Your character's backstory

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  • Your character's backstory

    I did a search for this type of thread and closest I got is character's personality.
    If you mods feel like this topic is best suited in the link I just posted, then go by all means and lock this.

    Has anyone here written up an actual backstory for their character? Its' great that we love to play as our characters, but I find it to be rather empty that our characters do all this killing, leveling, and such without a history. It feels like it's just an empty person with no feelings and such. Ya I'm an RP'er but only for those who want to RP. If anyone is willing to take the time and read my backstory, here it is. If you're a fan of Tales series, you'll know the references in my backstory for my character Dymlos.

    Originally posted by FFXI's view on other MMORPGs
    'Start learning boy, no you don't get a tutorial, this is man's country! Tutorial's are for little sissy babies who need their mommies! Now, are you a sissy baby or a man?"
    Bahamut server
    Lv 75 Ranger Lv 75 Samurai

  • #2
    Re: Your character's backstory

    I'm actually working on a backstory for my character, though it's sort of a WIP . . .

    Yes, I prefer Roleplay whenever possible.
    Originally posted by Armando
    No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
    Originally posted by Armando
    Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
    Originally posted by Taskmage



    Originally posted by Taskmage
    However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
    Matthew 16:15


    • #3
      Re: Your character's backstory

      I don't have one. Part of it is the name - I did a thirty day trial with no real intent to go beyond that, so I didn't give my character a name per se, just my normal online handle (yes, if I could change it without world xfering, I would). The other part is I just don't think I have the creativity to do it well.
      Wii Number - 2810 2423 4673 3261 - Please PM me if you add me!
      How to ask smart questions:

      Boom! (On SCH75/RDM)


      • #4
        Re: Your character's backstory

        Sorta, my friends and I have our own fan fics we do (I rarely work on mine @. @ too busy playing the damn game XD)



        • #5
          Re: Your character's backstory

          Back before I bought the game I had plans to make a hume character and wrote up some background from him, but at the last minute I decided to play as a mithra instead, so for that character I was lacking any kind of background story. But there seems to be a lot less people that role-play on my server than I thought there would be so I don't worry about it.


          • #6
            Re: Your character's backstory

            Kamiel's backstory is pretty simple; I wasn't out to write a whole story with a beginning, middle and end as a backstory. I've made that mistake on a character before. As such, it's not really written up per se; it's instead short enough to just relate to people who ask. So since you asked...

            Kamiel is biologically the son of Garisa-Modisa, a powerful War Warlock BLM, and Annene, a low-mana botanist of the Rhinostery. However, Garisa-Modisa died in a battle in the Northlands to an attack by a demon with a mysterious greatsword; the San d'Orian Royal Knight who was assigned to protect him, Chanandit d'Leon, failed at that duty, and Raise didn't work for some reason. Out of shame and to restore his honor, Chanandit took in the then-pregnant Annene as his ward and sword to raise the child as his own son.

            Kamiel Leon was teased a good deal as a kid, being a tarutaru in San d'Oria, but ultimately only came out of it determined to prove that he's not an inherent coward. He chose to start out as a red mage as a compromise between Annene wanting him to follow in his birth father's footsteps, his adoptive father wanting him to follow in his, and Kamiel himself wanting to pursue white magic; he was trained by Villion.

            And the RP started from there. -- Pteryx


            • #7
              Re: Your character's backstory

              Kumei had somewhat mysterious origins, with both parents apparently dead (this was expanded on in later RP). Having lost one foster parent and run away from another who became abusive, she lived on the streets as a pickpocket for some time, but was looked after for a lot of the time by a moogle named Kulina, who eventually managed to pull strings and forge documents to get Kumei listed as an adventurer and assigned a Mog House. The RP on her end started when she attempted to pick Kamiel's pocket.
              Kumei, pickpocket of Midgardsormr(Bastok Rank 10)
              Alchemy 72, Smithing 51, Goldsmithing 48, Leathercraft 23, Fishing 20
              Koren, San d'Orian Adv.(Rank 10)
              Woodworking 29,Cooking 20
              All celestials(Trial-Size), Fenrir, Diabolos, Alexander, Odin
              Myrna, Windurstian Merchant
              Clothcraft 24
              Nyamohrreh, Windurstian Adv.(Rank 6)


              • #8
                Re: Your character's backstory

                A friend of mine told me about this topic so I thought I'd post what I have written up here. Our LS does a few little message board RPGs, so I have some stuff written up for the occasion...

                Wafuru was born a few years before the Crystal War began. Her mother, Reyka Caidalei, was a warrior of no small skill, and met her father by chance. Her father, Ekran Caidalei, was a rogue male Mithra who smuggled things to and from the Far East. He was disguised as a Hume, and it was only by chance that Reyka discovered he was actually Mithra, and only after they had fallen in love. Sadly, shortly after they were married, Ekran fell afoul of the Bastokan navy, and Reyka presumed him dead.

                Reyka then traveled to Windurst, where she served as a Mercenary Captain. She had few close friends--two of them were Feramu-Leramu, a Caster Captain and a Black Mage, and Keilalu-Meilalu, his wife and a Combat Caster White Mage. The two Tarutaru had a young son named Kumori-Lumori, and Wafuru and Kumori were often left together while their parents were fighting.

                After the war, Reyka was outspoken in her beliefs that the Yagudo were not to be trusted; she was eventually sent on a mission from which she did not return alive. It was later revealed that the mission was assigned by strange and dubious means, and not formally ordered by the Windurstian government. Feramu-Leramu and Keilalu-Meilalu took in Wafuru and raised her as their own. However, tragedy struck again when Feramu-Leramu and Keilalu-Meilalu were sent on a bizarre mission of their own. They were never heard from again, and not even their remains were recovered.

                As if matters couldn't get worse for the two orphans, Kumori-Lumori was kidnapped mysteriously when he became rebellious, studying summoning magic and breaking into forbidden scroll storage to try and find out the authorizations under which his parents and Wafuru's mother had been sent on dangerous missions. Truly an orphan, Wafuru was left completely alone in Windurst by the age of thirteen.

                At first, she didn't truly know what she wanted to do. When her mother had been alive, Reyka had been showing her how to handle small blades, but the lessons were fast fading from her mind. Under the tutelage of her Tarutaru foster parents, she'd learned more about magic. She decided to meld the two and follow the path of the Red Mage.

                However, something happened. The shock of casting elemental spells awoke some primal desire deep within Wafuru's soul. The sheer thrill of it, the play of power across her skin, made her throw aside her sword and take up a mage's staff. Tattoos were etched across her skin, and a beaten leather petasos replaced her elegant chapeau.

                After Wafuru had come to a mastery of elemental magic by anyone's standards, she began dipping into more foreign and dangerous forms of magic. Summoning magic? The spells of the Near Eastern immortals? She hungers for the next great spell, the shock of the arcane. Her friends fear for her, praying that her all-consuming search for magic is not her end. And as the days pass, the normally cheerful Mithra becomes just a little bit less sane. In the end, the power may be the end of her, but that remains to be seen.


                • #9
                  Re: Your character's backstory

                  I'm working on one in my head the past few weeks. Hard part, is cause of the name, which i used in a lot of role plays back a few years ago, and a couple going on right now. So trying to keep the idea constant with the character while not mixing it with alternate versions is a bit tricky =x
                  But i'll share what I've decided on so far.
                  <.< >.>; btw, ffxi-rp thread still open <.< >.>;

                  One aspect I've locked down for my hume's backstory is that he was adopted by a mithra paladin who had a child of her own just a year younger than him. They lived in Bastok for 5 years together til the mother was strucked down by a ghoul while exploring the then unknown territories of Zi'tah. Akashimo left for San d'Oria to forfill his dream of becoming a proud Red Mage after learning the ways of the Thief from his mother's sister and White Mage from here.

                  His adopted sister, Nekoai trained early on as a Monk since they were little. Upon the news of their mother she decided to honor her by following in her footsteps of a Paladin.

                  The two never saw eye to eye since then. Akashimo became a full fledge citizen of San d'Oria and amoung the high ranking adventurers to serve it. Nekoai remanded in Bastok to finish her training as Monk while sorting out why would he want to up and leave to become a San d'Orian.

                  As that wasn't enough, when she asked him to come back to visit her in Bastok his reply was, "Why would I ever go back to that dusty honorless town?" She was half heart broken and half furrious, to say that about their home and to think less of her was the dividing point. That marked the moment they no longer were brother and sister and the start of a rivaly as adventurers.

                  On the ballista field, they faced each other many times along a few matches teaming up, grudgingly. They faced each other one on one, and always never finished a bout before time ran out. Always in a dead locked stalemate they were.

                  When news came he was picking up the teachings of the Dark Knight from Zied and becoming a hertic mage as a Summoner she drew into a depression, stoping her training as Paladin and Monk. Seeking a way to get away from hearing about him her first thought was to become a mercanary in Al Zahbi. Traveling to Mhaura she recalled their days of adventuring together and stopped before entering.

                  Her heart stopped for a second and gasps when she heard, "Living in the past won't stop the future from coming, it'll only make you a shadow." Akashimo spoke, standing next to her. Fully dressed as a Thief, he wore all but the Assassin's Armlets and only weapon equipped was a pair of worn Cat Baghnakhs, the same ones she given him for his first birthday living together in Bastok.

                  Before she could respond he had already boarded the barge and make use of Hide. Its clear to Nekoai their paths will always crossed, as rivals, adventurers and soon to be, mercernaries.
                  Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


                  • #10
                    Re: Your character's backstory

                    While I'm not in any active RP environment in game, I do quasi-RP with my character in his attitude and mannerisms. Character wise, my character is brutish, aggressive, straight forward and yet dependable and tactically intelligent. As such, those attributes come forward in how I act in game, mixing with my own personality as I play. As such, when people make jokes like punting taru, that's something my character would actually do (he's not a big fan of Taru, many of them are a bit loud mouthed for their size iho).

                    Long story short, here's his back story.

                    Ziero Ironwind

                    Also, just for the heck of it, a part of a FFXI message board I took part in to better illustrate my character's personality.

                    That Damn Moogle
                    "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                    • #11
                      Re: Your character's backstory

                      Eiyoko's backstory is rather interesting if you ask me (Though I wish I would have done my research beforehand and given her a more Elvaan sounding name, but this one will do I guess). My LS forums made a board to post your character's story on, though Eiyoko's story varies depending on what job class I'm playing her as.

                      Eiyoko as a Summoner

                      Methinks it's a bit long...


                      • #12
                        Re: Your character's backstory

                        Mine is getting conned into a timeshare on a place called Fort Gshelba...
                        Never going to trust that salesman again....


                        • #13
                          Re: Your character's backstory

                          Originally posted by Pteryx View Post
                          Kamiel Leon was teased a good deal as a kid, being a tarutaru in San d'Oria, but ultimately only came out of it determined to prove that he's not an inherent coward. He chose to start out as a red mage as a compromise between Annene wanting him to follow in his birth father's footsteps, his adoptive father wanting him to follow in his, and Kamiel himself wanting to pursue white magic; he was trained by Villion.
                          This story sounds dangerously like my own. Particularly the part in bold.

                          Ah, well, what is one to do? I'm pretty sure our charactors end up down different paths, anyway.

                          DISCLAIMER: this is NOT to be taken as an accusation. In fact, I'm worried more about me, than anybody. I'm sure you thought of yours first.
                          Last edited by Yellow Mage; 12-01-2007, 07:52 PM. Reason: I'm innocent, I swear!
                          Originally posted by Armando
                          No one at Square Enix has heard of Occam's Razor.
                          Originally posted by Armando
                          Nintendo always seems to have a legion of haters at the wings ready to jump in and prop up straw men about hardware and gimmicks and casuals.
                          Originally posted by Taskmage
                          GOD IS MIFFED AT AMERICA


                          GOD IS AMBIVALENT ABOUT FURRIES

                          Originally posted by Taskmage
                          However much I am actually smart, I got that way by confronting how stupid I am.
                          Matthew 16:15


                          • #14
                            Re: Your character's backstory

                            Originally posted by Yellow Mage View Post
                            This story sounds dangerously like my own. Particularly the part in bold.
                            Ah, well, what is one to do? I'm pretty sure our charactors end up down different paths, anyway.
                            DISCLAIMER: this is NOT to be taken as an accusation. In fact, I'm worried more about me, than anybody. I'm sure you thought of yours first.
                            That'll happen from time to time, sometimes ideas can be surprisingly common.
                            "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                            • #15
                              Re: Your character's backstory

                              Oh, wow... I had my LS write background stories for their characters as one of the monthly contests that I was running. Once I get them all posted up I'll edit this and add the link or whatever... XD

