Seems like there has been quite a few people looking to join or return to Vana'diel lately, and have been looking for Linkshells high and low. Guess that's an sign for me to share some thoughts about LS's, and the "social" variety in particular.
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Finding a Linkshell
Getting into a Linkshell is easy.
Most Linkshells are small (per every Vana'diel Census), and many would be glad to take all comers. Posting on forums, or even shouting in-game would likely result in multiple offers for pearls.
The trouble is, taking in everyone makes for an unstable LS. The larger and faster it grows, the more likely it will fall apart in short order--the randomness of giving a pearl to everyone who asks (or who didn't even ask) just worsens things.
One's best bet is to make what friends one can with people in that kind of LS, and hang on tight to those dear friends if and when the LS implodes. Who knows, there just may be good fortune enough to see such an LS mature into a stable, long lasting groups of friends.
How does one get into the "better" LS, though? That's done by improving one's current LS--make it that "better LS". Even if it fails, by doing so, one would make friends who would want to form that better LS with, or invite one to a good LS if they land in one.
{Long Time} Social Linkshell
To purposely create a stable social LS takes time, good people, and not a small amount of luck. It is sometimes very difficult to strike the proper balance between being free and lay back like the ideal social LS, and having large activities with lot's of participants to cement group cohesion, and wanting to grow, and needing to make sure no bad apple gets into the barrel.
As I am in a relatively stable LS (over an year, so far, and has been growing steadily), my perspectives may shed some light on the subject.
Growing an Linkshell
Growing and maintaining an LS is an organic process, and is hard to predict what path it would take and what it would take to put it on the right path. For my part, I do what I can to welcome and appreciate everyone who joins, and hope in return many would want to stay and contribute to the good little LS we have. And, by those contributions (or lack of them), the Linkshell changes and evolves.
As an example, a somewhat tongue in cheek description of our LS's beginning:
By the way, a Linkshell belongs to every member. It doesn't just mean that the LS needs to bend over backwards to accomdate every member's every need and preference--what it really implies is that every member is responsible for making the LS a better place to be.
New Members
For our LS, the balance on taking in new people is this: Letting in everyone is too random, though we don't really have anything against odd or even normal people. Yet, making people write applications detailing all their jobs and mission status and accomplishments then pick "good looking" ones seems... cold.
Instead, we operate under invitation-sponsorship. You can be invited as Lv.1 or Lv.75, as long as you're a friend of an LS member who is willing to sponsor you, and put up a post on the forum to let everyone know what kind of person you are--and promises to keep you from stepping on toes of others.
Then, there's a vote and comments by LS members on the invitation. (Using the word "vote" loosely; I think only one person was ever rejected--and, that was because the sponsor didn't know him well.) Once enough people has voted/expressed opinions, an invitation is set.
So, in that manner, we are a mostly "closed" LS, under which the pearlsack holders do not hand out pearls, unless we have an invitation from our membership to a friend of someone already in the LS. (Note: The distinction between "application" and "invitation" is somewhat subtle, but very important; we are inviting a new friend to join, based on the words of a current member--not screening for people most "usable" to the LS.)
Group Cohesion
Doing things together unites the group (mostly, unless there's bickering). An LS which does not do things together will fall apart, so LS "leaders" (with or without pearlsacks) have to step up and, well, make things happen.
Our LS probably doesn't do much which is different from others: we have several static exp parties, a rotating Tuesday merit session, mission runs (e.g. CoP for nearly everyone--10 people passed CoP 5.3 Mithra Tracker fight last night. ^_^v ), quests (hi to you, WSNM's), BCNM/KSNM, and even NM camping (e.g. Assault Jerkin), and etc.
It almost doesn't matter which activities, as long as they are reasonably often and allow many different people to participate. Plan events which people want to come, and try to have different things at different hours. This way, people get to do things together with many others in the LS, and not just those closest to them.
If you love something, set it free. Should it love you as well, it will return soon enough.
Our formal "Membership Rules", in their entirety:
There are LS's really strict about equipping the pearls while online, and perhaps some of them work well. That doesn't appeal to our LS, though, and IMO not suited for social Linkshells. Plus, it's not like an LS can really keep a person if s/he doesn't want to stay.
It's better to invest the effort into making the LS into something people want, rather than looking for ways to handcuff the members to their pearls.
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Not sure where I'm going with this; I guess I just want to publish some personal opinions on Linkshells.
Forgive my longwinded-ness.
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Wasn't expecting this, but someone stickied this thread. o_O; Now I'm feeling all insecure, and looking to wipe out as many grammar and spelling errors as possible. >_<;;;;
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Finding a Linkshell
Getting into a Linkshell is easy.
Most Linkshells are small (per every Vana'diel Census), and many would be glad to take all comers. Posting on forums, or even shouting in-game would likely result in multiple offers for pearls.
The trouble is, taking in everyone makes for an unstable LS. The larger and faster it grows, the more likely it will fall apart in short order--the randomness of giving a pearl to everyone who asks (or who didn't even ask) just worsens things.
One's best bet is to make what friends one can with people in that kind of LS, and hang on tight to those dear friends if and when the LS implodes. Who knows, there just may be good fortune enough to see such an LS mature into a stable, long lasting groups of friends.
How does one get into the "better" LS, though? That's done by improving one's current LS--make it that "better LS". Even if it fails, by doing so, one would make friends who would want to form that better LS with, or invite one to a good LS if they land in one.
{Long Time} Social Linkshell
To purposely create a stable social LS takes time, good people, and not a small amount of luck. It is sometimes very difficult to strike the proper balance between being free and lay back like the ideal social LS, and having large activities with lot's of participants to cement group cohesion, and wanting to grow, and needing to make sure no bad apple gets into the barrel.
As I am in a relatively stable LS (over an year, so far, and has been growing steadily), my perspectives may shed some light on the subject.
Growing an Linkshell
Growing and maintaining an LS is an organic process, and is hard to predict what path it would take and what it would take to put it on the right path. For my part, I do what I can to welcome and appreciate everyone who joins, and hope in return many would want to stay and contribute to the good little LS we have. And, by those contributions (or lack of them), the Linkshell changes and evolves.
As an example, a somewhat tongue in cheek description of our LS's beginning:
Unofficial History of the Blue LS
By the way, a Linkshell belongs to every member. It doesn't just mean that the LS needs to bend over backwards to accomdate every member's every need and preference--what it really implies is that every member is responsible for making the LS a better place to be.
New Members
For our LS, the balance on taking in new people is this: Letting in everyone is too random, though we don't really have anything against odd or even normal people. Yet, making people write applications detailing all their jobs and mission status and accomplishments then pick "good looking" ones seems... cold.
Instead, we operate under invitation-sponsorship. You can be invited as Lv.1 or Lv.75, as long as you're a friend of an LS member who is willing to sponsor you, and put up a post on the forum to let everyone know what kind of person you are--and promises to keep you from stepping on toes of others.
Then, there's a vote and comments by LS members on the invitation. (Using the word "vote" loosely; I think only one person was ever rejected--and, that was because the sponsor didn't know him well.) Once enough people has voted/expressed opinions, an invitation is set.
So, in that manner, we are a mostly "closed" LS, under which the pearlsack holders do not hand out pearls, unless we have an invitation from our membership to a friend of someone already in the LS. (Note: The distinction between "application" and "invitation" is somewhat subtle, but very important; we are inviting a new friend to join, based on the words of a current member--not screening for people most "usable" to the LS.)
Group Cohesion
Doing things together unites the group (mostly, unless there's bickering). An LS which does not do things together will fall apart, so LS "leaders" (with or without pearlsacks) have to step up and, well, make things happen.
Our LS probably doesn't do much which is different from others: we have several static exp parties, a rotating Tuesday merit session, mission runs (e.g. CoP for nearly everyone--10 people passed CoP 5.3 Mithra Tracker fight last night. ^_^v ), quests (hi to you, WSNM's), BCNM/KSNM, and even NM camping (e.g. Assault Jerkin), and etc.
It almost doesn't matter which activities, as long as they are reasonably often and allow many different people to participate. Plan events which people want to come, and try to have different things at different hours. This way, people get to do things together with many others in the LS, and not just those closest to them.
If you love something, set it free. Should it love you as well, it will return soon enough.
Our formal "Membership Rules", in their entirety:
- Be friendly and respect each other. Please refrain from making rude comments at other people. If you have a problem with another member, please try to settle your differences maturely, via {/tell}s or PM's.
- There is no rule for "making this your main LS"; you're welcomed to come in, switch to other LS, etc. as frequently as you like, and stay in any LS as much as you like.
There are LS's really strict about equipping the pearls while online, and perhaps some of them work well. That doesn't appeal to our LS, though, and IMO not suited for social Linkshells. Plus, it's not like an LS can really keep a person if s/he doesn't want to stay.
It's better to invest the effort into making the LS into something people want, rather than looking for ways to handcuff the members to their pearls.
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Not sure where I'm going with this; I guess I just want to publish some personal opinions on Linkshells.

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Wasn't expecting this, but someone stickied this thread. o_O; Now I'm feeling all insecure, and looking to wipe out as many grammar and spelling errors as possible. >_<;;;;