Hi, i have just bought the game yesterday and ive just realised that you cant actually pick the server u want to play on... this is really annoying as my friend is also getting it in two days and we cant play on the same server. So could some really kind soul give me two world passes to a decent server for a beginner ? thanks, would be really appreciated :D
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Which is a good server to play on for a beginner?
Re: Which is a good server to play on for a beginner?
All servers are roughly equal (due in large part to that "you can't pick your server without a world pass" feature).
If you focus you can probably just earn enough gil in your first day or so to purchase a world pass yourself for your friend. Failing that, getting a World Pass to a specific server works too (they have 5 uses apiece for regular world passes, 1 use only for a Gold World Pass).
Thanks 0
Re: Which is a good server to play on for a beginner?
all servers are pretty much equal.
you don't really need a worldpass (but if you really want it, use the sticky thread on the top of this forum). since you are starting first, you can play, kill some of the beginner monsters and collect their crystal drops (make sure to have signet on) to sell on the Auction House. With 1 or 2 stacks of 12, you should have enough to afford a (gold) worldpass for your friend. won't even take 2 days and if you do end up getting a gold worldpass, you'll both get bonus items on the 40 day, 90 day and year anniversaries.
Thanks Yyg!
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Re: Which is a good server to play on for a beginner?
The price differs depending on how many people are on that server but usually about 1000-2000gil. In sandoria the world pass guy is standing right outside the mog house in Port Sandy (sorry dont know about the other two cities). The regular passs can be used 5 times. The gold pass can be used once, but you and your buddy get a special item at 30 days, 90 days, and 1 year of playing.
Thanks 0
Re: Which is a good server to play on for a beginner?
For Windhurst, he world pass guy is at Heavens Tower in Windhurst Walls. Can't remember who exactly, but that narrows it down quite a bit.
Thanks for the sig, Selphiie!!
FFXI Xbox360 user ----- BLM 63 / RDM 36/ WHM 42 / THF 25
DRK 26 / BST 21 / DRG 17 / WAR 17 / MNK 10 / SMN 9 / PUP 4 /
BLU 1 / PLD 1 / BRD 1 / RNG 1 / NIN 1 / SAM 1
Bonecraft 63 / Leathercraft 19 / Fishing 7 Windhurst Rank 5
Thanks 0
Re: Which is a good server to play on for a beginner?
Standard world passes are codes that are used when creating a character that force the character to be created on a specific server. They cost anywhere from 1000-5000 gil (depending on the current population of the server they are purchased on).
Gold world passes are similar, except that they cost a flat 1000 gil regardless of population figures, and can only be used once, and have the further restriction that they must be used to create the FIRST character on an account. As mentioned above, you get some perks with the gold world passes if the person you bring in stays in the game for more than 40/90/365 days.
You can purchase a standard world pass from one of three NPCs:
If you began play in San d'Oria, you can purchase a pass from Ambleon at J-10 in Port San d'Oria.
If you began play in Windurst, you can purchase a pass from Gamimi, who is just inside the clerical room in Heaven's Tower (behind the counter).
If you began play in Bastok, you can purchase a pass from Kachada, who is standing near the tents at J-6 in Port Bastok.
Thanks 0
Re: Which is a good server to play on for a beginner?
Originally posted by Icemage View PostStandard world passes are codes that are used when creating a character that force the character to be created on a specific server. They cost anywhere from 1000-5000 gil (depending on the current population of the server they are purchased on).
Gold world passes are similar, except that they cost a flat 1000 gil regardless of population figures, and can only be used once, and have the further restriction that they must be used to create the FIRST character on an account. As mentioned above, you get some perks with the gold world passes if the person you bring in stays in the game for more than 40/90/365 days.
You can purchase a standard world pass from one of three NPCs:
If you began play in San d'Oria, you can purchase a pass from Ambleon at J-10 in Port San d'Oria.
If you began play in Windurst, you can purchase a pass from Gamimi, who is just inside the clerical room in Heaven's Tower (behind the counter).
If you began play in Bastok, you can purchase a pass from Kachada, who is standing near the tents at J-6 in Port Bastok.
Thanks for the sig, Selphiie!!
FFXI Xbox360 user ----- BLM 63 / RDM 36/ WHM 42 / THF 25
DRK 26 / BST 21 / DRG 17 / WAR 17 / MNK 10 / SMN 9 / PUP 4 /
BLU 1 / PLD 1 / BRD 1 / RNG 1 / NIN 1 / SAM 1
Bonecraft 63 / Leathercraft 19 / Fishing 7 Windhurst Rank 5
Thanks 0
Re: Which is a good server to play on for a beginner?
Originally posted by Icemage View PostStandard world passes are codes that are used when creating a character that force the character to be created on a specific server. They cost anywhere from 1000-5000 gil (depending on the current population of the server they are purchased on).
Gold world passes are similar, except that they cost a flat 1000 gil regardless of population figures, and can only be used once, and have the further restriction that they must be used to create the FIRST character on an account. As mentioned above, you get some perks with the gold world passes if the person you bring in stays in the game for more than 40/90/365 days.
You can purchase a standard world pass from one of three NPCs:
If you began play in San d'Oria, you can purchase a pass from Ambleon at J-10 in Port San d'Oria.
If you began play in Windurst, you can purchase a pass from Gamimi, who is just inside the clerical room in Heaven's Tower (behind the counter).
If you began play in Bastok, you can purchase a pass from Kachada, who is standing near the tents at J-6 in Port Bastok.
Thanks 0
Re: Which is a good server to play on for a beginner?
i'm on fenrir and it seems really empty especially round that elvaan castle area... can anyone give me a server where its a bit more full, specially for the beginnign areas ? ty
Thanks 0
Re: Which is a good server to play on for a beginner?
Originally posted by xairliber View Posti'm on fenrir and it seems really empty especially round that elvaan castle area... can anyone give me a server where its a bit more full, specially for the beginnign areas ? ty
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