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Looking for a Bilingual LS (JP & EN)

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  • Looking for a Bilingual LS (JP & EN)

    I am looking to start up final fantasy 11 again after playing various other MMOs for the last year or so. I am basically out of the loop as far as new content is concerned and am looking for a LS that is willing to help me get refamiliarized. Unlike most people seeking a new LS Im not looking for a gil/item/powerlevel hand out of any kind here- Just a friendly community that would be willing to help someone like myself.

    The main things I am searching for in a LS in order of priority are-

    1) a mixture of Japanese and English speaking members or better yet, people who can speak in both Japanese AND English.

    2) a friendly, mature, community focused on social aspects of the game more than power leveling and being ZOMGWTFBBQUUUUUB3R. Hate that.

    3) a group of people who dont mind helping someone out by answering a few questions. =D

    The main reason I am starting up FFXI again is to increase my Japanese skills as I hope to persue Japanese as a field of study... and to make some Japanese speaking contacts.

    If someone knows of a linkshell like the one I've described, please let me know! Also, playing on a higher pop. server would be preferable! =D Hope Im not too hard to please! LOL

    -Aedan AKA Shinja AKA Punt

  • #2
    Re: Looking for a Bilingual LS (JP & EN)

    That's a pretty tall order. I don't know of any linkshells on any server that are evenly split between JP and EN, much less any that fit that description. I think the problem is that there just aren't that many players who are conversant in both languages.

    That being said, I'm sure there are no end of linkshells that would be thrilled to have a productive and useful bilingual member.



    • #3
      Re: Looking for a Bilingual LS (JP & EN)

      Oh man... ><;;

      I was so looking forward to WWWWLOL-ing.... ><;; Well, I guess in that case, since it seems a difficult thing to find split language LS - any LS that meets the other requirements of being friendly, mature, and helpful to inquisitive nooblets would also be great! ^_^ Anyone have a worldpass to their server so I can join their LS? ^_^ I am reinstalling now...

      -Aedan AKA Shinja AKA Punt

      sidenote: This game is ginormous.


      • #4
        Re: Looking for a Bilingual LS (JP &amp; EN)

        Originally posted by Aedan
        Oh man... ><;;

        I was so looking forward to WWWWLOL-ing.... ><;; Well, I guess in that case, since it seems a difficult thing to find split language LS - any LS that meets the other requirements of being friendly, mature, and helpful to inquisitive nooblets would also be great! ^_^ Anyone have a worldpass to their server so I can join their LS? ^_^ I am reinstalling now...

        -Aedan AKA Shinja AKA Punt

        sidenote: This game is ginormous.
        I can get you a worldpass for Midgardsormr if you really want one, though it may not be optimal for what you want to do. Midgardsormr has the largest contingent of English speakers amongst all servers, and you did say you wanted to practice your Japanese...


