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To the people of Fenrir/Levi/Kujata/Odin/Siren and Bismarck

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  • To the people of Fenrir/Levi/Kujata/Odin/Siren and Bismarck

    First off I was bored as hell sitting in jeuno thinking how much I hate RMT and why my server has so many (over 200-300 I think, not sure haven't counted) and we currently have over 100 new ones leveling up.
    So anyways I decided to see how gil prices stack up against each other (yes I was that bored to actually check every server).... resaults show:

    Siren = Cheapest gil

    Fenrir = Mid price, and none currenctly instock

    Kujata = Mid price, and none currently instock

    Odin = One of the highest priced gil, and none instock

    Levi = Second highest priced gil, and none instock

    Bismarck = The highest priced gil at 1385 dollars for 50m gil

    Ragnarok = Mid price gil (855 dollars for 50m) and is overstocked

    Point of this post is I mainly want to find out how RMT status is on these servers >.> just... out of curiousity. Not sure if I can really post this <.> but don't see any harm it can do. And please no flamming ; ;

    It's not the great that are strong.
    It's the strong that are great.

  • #2
    Re: To the people of Fenrir/Levi/Kujata/Odin/Siren and Bismarck

    Lots of RMT up and comming and etc on Siren. Have 1 old RMT LS going for Sea and were in/are Sky, have a BLMLS, BLMSKYLS, and 6 RMT Bst in Boyada 24/7 on Goobbues.

    I don't do HNM/Sky stuff, so can't really say what the situation for those are.

    We have a lot of fishing bots in Port Jeuno as well. Think 3-4 per Airship dock. All with Lu Shangers and stuff.
    Couple in Labryth of Onzozo as well.
    Last edited by Ikaridono; 07-13-2006, 09:55 AM.

    San d'Oria 8-2 :: ZM14 :: PM Storms of Fate :: ToAU 15
    Want an Optical Hat? 1M (Your cluster) / 2.5M (Cluster suplied). /tell Cesario, Firedevil, or Duong. (Siren)


    • #3
      Re: To the people of Fenrir/Levi/Kujata/Odin/Siren and Bismarck

      I'm not quite sure what the RMT status is on Fenrir... I'm not really in a high-end LS that deals with suspected RMT all the time.

      There are many wars over a group of Galka with names of 'Home' and another letter after, some people say they are RMT and others that play with them say no, all I can really say for sure is that they play together a lot (actually running around, not botting) and they are damn rich. They helped me get a chest key in Ordelle's when they were abusing Stroper Chyme for Archer Rings, so I admit I want to see more proof than hearsay


      • #4
        Re: To the people of Fenrir/Levi/Kujata/Odin/Siren and Bismarck

        Well, on Fenrir, I am not one of the 75 elite players, but I've seen my share of RMT. About a week after the big RMT banning, we had a very suspiscious thing. There was a gigantic alliance of tarus who started leveling in Gusta. I watched them a bit, and last time i saw a few of them, they were in their 30s, still rank1 with no subjobs. I will keep an eye out on them. Also, I was invited to a party the other day, the two players who were in the party were a 33 WAR Galka no subjob, and a 32 WHM Taru no subjob, and neither of them weould speak to me, except for saying "Do you want party?"

        Also, we have the general NMbots. In particular, at least in my experience, Hoo Mjuu is next to impossible to get, as I've never seen Giddeus without at least two bots.


        • #5
          Re: To the people of Fenrir/Levi/Kujata/Odin/Siren and Bismarck

          RMT are trying to come back up on Kujata as well. I swear, no matter where I go, I always see a group of them around. I've seen a Gilseller party leveling in Garlaige Citadel in the same spot for three days straight. I called a GM, but as you can probably guess, I shouldn't have wasted my time.

          I saw a group of them yesterday doing the Chocobo Quest in Upper Jeuno. All level 25, Rank 1 Sandy, no subjobs, in level 1 Bronze Armor. Meh, this problem is really getting out of hand.


          • #6
            Re: To the people of Fenrir/Levi/Kujata/Odin/Siren and Bismarck

            When I quit there was a very buoyant RMT presence on Fenrir and still is now as my friends who still play inform me. I'd point out there are a number of other sites that have a stock of gil for Fenrir other than just the three lettered culprit we all know and loathe. Also, if you go and look on the Fenrir server forum over on Allakhazam you'll see pages of requests for world passes from highly suspect individuals.


            • #7
              Re: To the people of Fenrir/Levi/Kujata/Odin/Siren and Bismarck

              A linkshell mate on Garuda server saw group leveling in (Cant remember which place ) Qufin Island or the Yhator Jungle all subless with a Taru power level matching the ideal race for each job. Elvan & I think there was a galka war taru blackmage and a taru whitemage, Hume redmages, Mithra thief. All rank 1 didn't indicate the gear though.
              /sigh why cant these guys go play WOW and take their clients with them
              Although with how many I've been hearing about either the demand has increased or SE realy did manage to catch a number of RMTers on their last sweep for hacks, fleetool exc.


              • #8
                Re: To the people of Fenrir/Levi/Kujata/Odin/Siren and Bismarck

                Another nudge for Fenrir - usually RMT taru's outside of Jeuno - to tell you the truth, if they dont affect my grouping (per se, as opposed to ruining the whole economy argument) I couldnt care less.

                To tell you the truth Im sick of hearing shouts in Jeuno about people setting up groups to try and forcibly kill them / steal mobs / lure mobs etc - the response from players, while understandable, is getting just as bad as the RMT crowd themselves.

                Which FF Character Are You?


                • #9
                  Re: To the people of Fenrir/Levi/Kujata/Odin/Siren and Bismarck

                  Yeah, the RMT on Fenrir are as active as ever sadly.


                  • #10
                    Re: To the people of Fenrir/Levi/Kujata/Odin/Siren and Bismarck

                    they're everywhere even on midgardsormr. i shouted GM just for the hell of it.
                    sad thing is nearly every MMO has crappy economies. i don't think its going anywhere.
                    Last edited by Anheuser; 08-20-2006, 02:50 AM.
                    God helps men because they are great.
                    Men are great because God helps them.
                    Hana ha Sodatsu|| FFXI Haiku


                    • #11
                      Re: To the people of Fenrir/Levi/Kujata/Odin/Siren and Bismarck

                      The thing is you cant actively report them unless they are doing something blatantly wrong, that they will still be doing when you eventually get a call from a GM.

                      All I ever see of the Fenrir RMT are when they are sitting resting, or lying down dead due to either a bad pull, or just poorly played.

                      Perhaps this will change when I get into the higher level areas - as can be attested to by probably hundreds of members here.

                      Which FF Character Are You?

