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This happening on your server too?

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  • This happening on your server too?

    Well, last night, I was in Garliage Citadel getting my RDM to 37. Seems that there's a ton of gilsellers leveling new characters. On Ragnarok, I've noticed that there's about 36 of them from levels 30-60. They're all being PLed by well-known gilsellers, and they all have weird names, like Cyfh, Jhzyljz, etc....

    Also to note, there's a group of gilsellers doing sky right now that are starting to hunt King HNMS. Is this happening on everyone elses servers? Also, I've heard rumors of RMT doing Dynamis as well.....WTF is going on? Is SE going to have to just keep banning, and banning, and banning, and banning, and banning, and banning.....etcetera.

    They're going to keep coming back, and they're going to keep pissing EVERYONE off. I know it's pissing me off, because these gilsellers are starting to whore triggers non-stop. They've obviously been botting them, seeing as how they use POS and flee hacks without any care or secrecy. They'll do it right in front of you, and won't care if you see it. Yet after I call a GM, theyll do it RIGHT WHEN I'M TALKING, and won't get banned. WTF?

    Man, Copyright laws don't mean shit in Hong Kong.....I hate IGE. Can't wait for HK to become part of the WTO so SE can throw a lawsuit on their ass that will stick.
    Last edited by Rodin; 05-23-2006, 03:18 PM. Reason: Spelling :3
    Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
    90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

    Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.

  • #2
    Re: This happening on your server too?

    Price of Justice and Freedom and eternal vigilance. Or if you prefer a more game style of it:

    "Warriors of the Light why do you forsake Darkness when a world can't survive without Darkness as it can't survive without Light. If Dark and Light are eternal then surely nothingness is eternal too."

    Ehh- close enough to what Xenmas said

    Unfortunatly both sides will always be there, so choose a side and prepare to fight.

    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


    • #3
      Re: This happening on your server too?

      RMT is nowhere near organized enough to do Dynamis, King HNM.

      They could maybe do NQ Kings, but that's pushing it really far.


      • #4
        Re: This happening on your server too?

        I dunno...


        • #5
          Re: This happening on your server too?

          Originally posted by Suichi
          RMT is nowhere near organized enough to do Dynamis, King HNM.

          They could maybe do NQ Kings, but that's pushing it really far.
          I am not sure about Land Kings, but I am almost positive RMT is able to do Dynamis
          and Sky Gods on our server. For Dynamis proof please see the thread on KI if you
          can stand how slow that site is. It is on the Valefor forum and I think it is called
          Dynamis Madness. NOTE: I in no way support MPK on any player, gillseller or not.


          • #6
            Re: This happening on your server too?

            Originally posted by Suichi
            RMT is nowhere near organized enough to do Dynamis, King HNM.

            They could maybe do NQ Kings, but that's pushing it really far.
            you musta been away a long time. The gil sellers on most servers regularly do sky, camp/steal ground and dynamis now.
            Originally posted by Davitron3000
            NOTE: I in no way support MPK on any player, gillseller or not.
            Heh, that's how Remora has been able to keep the gil sellers in check.

            Thanks Yyg!


            • #7
              Re: This happening on your server too?

              This infuriates me.

              signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


              • #8
                Re: This happening on your server too?

                Originally posted by neighbortaru
                Heh, that's how Remora has been able to keep the gil sellers in check.
                I am not saying I personally think doing this is wrong, but I try to not do things that
                are against the rules in the game. (read: MPK)
                Last edited by Davitron3000; 05-24-2006, 10:03 AM.


                • #9
                  Re: This happening on your server too?

                  I noticed the same kind of situation on Fenrir server when playing in Qufim. I noticed 6 peeopl in my ls were all there and in the same party. All with no sub job and all level 24 and when I tried to speak to them I got no response. I dont know how they managed to get into my linkshell but when I saw them I knew they were gil sellers. The worst part was the dumb names they come up with. Stuff like Feellove, and Bluecar, seems like they just picked random english words and threw them together, damn gil sellers.

                  Which FF Character Are You?


                  • #10
                    Re: This happening on your server too?

                    So the same exact thing on my server the other day; a bunch rank 5 tarutaru from bastok, all with random names like xoasdfwe and zodsifasd and wasdcasdc. ts like someone just sat down on the keyboard and made an asshat imprint to get thier name. Makes me wonder if there's a new player in town, or just a drastic change in plans; i've never seen so many random names before.


                    • #11
                      Re: This happening on your server too?

                      Originally posted by Rodin
                      Man, Copyright laws don't mean shit in Hong Kong.....I hate IGE. Can't wait for HK to become part of the WTO so SE can throw a lawsuit on their ass that will stick.
                      ohh how i want to jump on and expand on that comment but i think for the sake of some ppl here, i dont want to fuel another one of those discussions.

                      i think SE might be waiting to gather enough data on these characters and execute another mass banning. banning a bunch of lv.30-60 characters doesnt really mean much since they arent capable of that much distrubtion yet. these are only like little pests for everyday players but in terms of economy, they most likey dont impact it as say a group of 75s. waiting till they hit 75 and collected some gil and dropping the hammer on the seems like a harder blow to their operations than banning some lv. 30 characters that can only farm beehive chips and silks.

                      everything takes time. im sure that screenshot of all those gilsellers in dynamis will be the type of account that gets hit when they decide to execute.
                      Omni@Remora: NIN75 RNG75 MNK75 COR75 BST64 BRD53
                      ♪♫ San d'Oria Complete ♪♫ ZM Complete ♪♫ CoP Complete ♪♫ AM Complete ♪♫


                      • #12
                        Re: This happening on your server too?

                        Well yes, I actually have noticed this. When I was in Yhutunga Jungle I saw a bunch of highly gimped people (only a few pieces of level 7 armor, no backs, waists, etc.) and they were all being PLed. They're like a bunch of cockroaches. You kill some of them off they come back in greater number.

                        You know what? They should turn this into an event of some kind. [GM]Dave style. One day all people suspected of being gilsellers, bots, etc log in, but can be targeted and fought. Turn them into MOBs. There can even be NMs! There's a famous Gilseller on my server (Asura, His name is "Smokeone") He can be a high level NM or somthing. What fun! It would be like fighting Sephiroth, but only much, much, much, much dumber and more deserving of death. But I speak from a dream.

                        think SE might be waiting to gather enough data on these characters and execute another mass banning. banning a bunch of lv.30-60 characters doesnt really mean much since they arent capable of that much distrubtion yet. these are only like little pests for everyday players but in terms of economy, they most likey dont impact it as say a group of 75s. waiting till they hit 75 and collected some gil and dropping the hammer on the seems like a harder blow to their operations than banning some lv. 30 characters that can only farm beehive chips and silks.
                        I don't know why I liked the sound of that. Seems like some sort of massive military operation.
                        "Oh, you ca'n't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're Mad."
                        "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
                        "You must be", said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."

                        Welcome to Alice in FFXI =P

