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World with most players?

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  • World with most players?

    I'm just curious which server really has the most players? or is there any site to find this out? I mean I just started but before I continue leveling I want to know if there's a better server to go to I want to play a very populated server because there's going to be more activity and partying oppurtunity.

  • #2
    Re: World with most players?

    Also more overcrowdedness and greater competition for big name NM's and HNM's. Big populations sound great for xp'ing until you think that since there are more pt's pt'ing, then there are probably more people looking for a party and you're back to square one. When you do get a party together, you will more than likely go to one of the more popular xp'ing spots. With a server with a higher population you will have more trouble finding a good camp and getting claims on mobs.
    I'd check playonline's website. Its the most likely place to have the actual number of accounts/characters for the different servers. Anyone else's guess would just be pure speculation based on what they can see at any given point.
    I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

    PSN: Caspian


    • #3
      Re: World with most players?

      Ah went there all I found was the census thing at developers room and didn't really have anything in world population. True about the overcrowding, but I probably won't go to one with real tons of people and gotta consider players are not all the same levels and don't play all the same time. Wonder if there's any tools like this that shows number of players per server and most players online the same time that each world get.


      • #4
        Re: World with most players?

        I can tell you that Fairy has a 1.5-2k people on late at night CST, and about 3k people on during the day on weekends. Time it takes to get a party late at night varies a lot. I've sat in jeuno for an hour before, looking at AH prices and such with no invites, then other times I'll log on, not even put my flag up and have a /tell for a party in just over a minute. Seems to depend more on who is on rather than how many people are on.
        I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

        PSN: Caspian


        • #5
          Re: World with most players?

          On Gilgamesh whenever I log on there's usually 2,000 People on I've never seen it go below 1,800 though.

          Edit: Gilgamesh hit 3k-4k.
          Last edited by Aerogenji; 01-26-2006, 08:12 PM.
          37WHM/25BRD/17BLM/16THF/07WAR/05MNK All other Jobs 1.

          Gilgamesh Server


          • #6
            Re: World with most players?

            havent checked Ifrit but i was in Siren and it jad 3-3.5k ppl

