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Most dramatised Server?

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  • Most dramatised Server?

    I'm starting to think my server got the most Drama of them all. Don't get me wrong, I like drama but sometimes it can be too much. Quetzalcoatle is nuts!
    on which is more or less the ufficial forum for Quetzalcoatle the flame board got more posts then Any other board! It got almost 60,000 posts!
    When I read some of it's content I am really starting to wonder.
    It seems no one want to be friends anymore and if you ask them they start by saying "But they've done this and this and this..." and if I say "But you did this..." then the answer will be "Yeah but that was just revenge."

    I mean common are we the only Server where most of the NA LSs actually fight vs eachother instead of with eachother?

    I know the JP side have had their problems aswell but then it's more due to some individuals but fo NA it's entire LSes. I'm getting sick of all the BS posted everywhere why can't people just let it all go sometime?

    Am I the only one feeling this?

  • #2
    Re: Most dramatised Server?

    nah Fairy and Asura are very drama filled as well. just check out KI.

    btw, moving to server hall.

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      Re: Most dramatised Server?

      Every server has drama from personality and ego conflicts. The drama is like volcanoes, sitting silent while pressure builds because so n so doesnt like this person and what not. Then one day something sets off an eruption and all those built up dislikes of others come bellowing out in the form of hot forum flames.

      Everyone getting along would be great... but human nature always shines through it seems.

      75 BLU | THF | PLD


      • #4
        Re: Most dramatised Server?

        Seraph has a lot of drama, but it all comes from a select few players. You could play for days without seeing anything and then BAM it's in your face. They're a bunch of hipocritical bastards if you ask me.


        • #5
          Re: Most dramatised Server?

          Originally posted by neighbortaru
          nah Fairy and Asura are very drama filled as well. just check out KI.

          btw, moving to server hall.
          Damn I cant wait for engame...woot.

          Yeah, there seems to be a lot of drama, but keep in mind, well over half of the posting members of KI have the intelligence of sheep and the maturity of a two year old.
          I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

          PSN: Caspian


          • #6
            Re: Most dramatised Server?

            Fairy server is just as bad or worse than just about any server there is. You have leaders of the HNM LSs stealing the LS bank gil and items including kraken clubs and kirin's osodes and migrating servers. You have LS wars happening when Niddhogg spawns between 4 LSs MPK'ing each other using BSTs to add flys and spiders to your fight. (One time it lasted over 24 hours and the GMs couldn't stop it. One of the LSs told the GM to be quiet and go away... and the GM did! The GM was like screw this crap and left.) Another player was borrowing an LS member's Kirin Osode and kept it/left the LS because he felt he deserved it more because he felt he put in more effort in Sky. Another player had access to a few other players accounts (I know really bad.) He was a trusted LS officer and he took everything off their accounts that wasn't EX and mailed it to himself. Sold everything for gil and then sold all the gil and then his account.

            Fairy Drama. Its why I quit the game. I was being yelled at by LS leaders because I couldn't camp ground HNMs all week long all day with the rest of the LS due to school and work. I could always make it to Sky/Kirin and help with any type of mission for any of the expasions, but because I couldn't camp 24/7 I was refused any loot from anything in Sky. (This is why I favor DKP systems now. At least you'll get something eventually. Fair point based loot distribution based off of time and effort.)

            Fairy = Suck. Specific LSs being Emerald Dream/Noted, The Forsaken and Eminence/Paradigm.


            • #7
              Re: Most dramatised Server?

              it's always over gil and items.

              More money more problems

              Originally posted by SevIfrit
              we asked for more wyvern control the give us emotes.... /em slams head off desk...


              • #8
                Re: Most dramatised Server?

                I think as time goes on most servers share about the same amount of drama accross the board really.


                • #9
                  Re: Most dramatised Server?

                  Titan got a few here and there but haven't heard about any major conflict as of late. Even the HNM scenes are pretty peaceful.
                  There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                  but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                  transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                  - Pablo Picasso

