My LS and I are gearing up to take on ZM4, and as most of you know this requires killing a lot of tonberries to get item drops, bosses etc. Can hate be reset by moving from one zone to the next? I thought I read someplace that you have to pay someone to reset hate, either in Kazam or Norg- but that could have been for a quest. Also, when I helped a Drg get his AF helm in the Temple, the alliance would 'call for help' when fighting, saying this prevented hate being built up, is this true?
My LS and I are gearing up to take on ZM4, and as most of you know this requires killing a lot of tonberries to get item drops, bosses etc. Can hate be reset by moving from one zone to the next? I thought I read someplace that you have to pay someone to reset hate, either in Kazam or Norg- but that could have been for a quest. Also, when I helped a Drg get his AF helm in the Temple, the alliance would 'call for help' when fighting, saying this prevented hate being built up, is this true?