I have an Idea for a solution to all of the drama of HNMs and the such. Many of you who are 70+ will probably have issues with this, because of how hard you've had to work, but this is a good solution IMO.It would be with the Rare/Ex gear that drops from some HNMs that some of us will probably try to get, but never succeed. This is for the people who don'th have enough time to have an HNMLS.
Expeditionary forces:
Make them hard to do, and pop an NM at then end. Upon completion of this EF, you'll earn a choice of gil, CP, or EP (expeditionary points) as a reward. I'm thinking that when you accumulate enough points, you can spend them on abjurations and the such. Make the points a high number, but not too high. You could also have weapons like the Ridill drop. Think of it this way, would you rather do....say 50 EFs to get an abjuration, or fight an NM you'll probably never get to claim? Just my two cents. And I haven't thought it all the way through. Please post your (constructive) criticism.
Expeditionary forces:
Make them hard to do, and pop an NM at then end. Upon completion of this EF, you'll earn a choice of gil, CP, or EP (expeditionary points) as a reward. I'm thinking that when you accumulate enough points, you can spend them on abjurations and the such. Make the points a high number, but not too high. You could also have weapons like the Ridill drop. Think of it this way, would you rather do....say 50 EFs to get an abjuration, or fight an NM you'll probably never get to claim? Just my two cents. And I haven't thought it all the way through. Please post your (constructive) criticism.