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  • #31
    Originally posted by ClydeArrowny
    Couple weeks ago(or was it a month+ i dont remember lol) had such a funny experience. Russta and I made an LS PT and had 4 people so far, both NA and importer. We ended up inviting a JP pld and a JP blm. The pld was pretty nice and talked in english a little till the blm sorta "scolded" him in JP which made him just stop talking for a bit. Russta noticed the blm put up in katakana after being invited <Fuck I got invited to another crappy gaijin PT>. Russta and I talked for a bit and decided to call him out, so russta said his search comment in straight english then "Oh schnaps the blinged out gaijins understand japanese." After that the JP blm took down that search comment and became quiet and did his job. The JP pld put up a comment "I like Hurry Potter and English" and started talking in the little english he knew again. Ended up being a great PT lol.
    LMAO thats hilarious and serves them right.

    My feelings have changed towards players in FFXI, I like everyone and seeing that my LS is now made up of 40% NA, and the rest are JP euro, Thai, Indochina, etc I love having a UN style LS.

    I still hate Idiots though
    It's Official Promathia Hates me....
    それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
    A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

    BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


    • #32
      I'm not a importer (well, not imporing the JP version) but still i can imagine how you feel... I'm playing from almost the beginning of NA version and actually lately I can see how much this game changed. Really I almost feel its different game that it was a year ago. Especially when you come to those "high lv areas" and you think about things like Dynamis, HNM... really this NA/JP this between alot of people just hurt me so much :/ I was really enjoying the game, even if i didn't know alot of NA people, and just our little Polish community - we were working hard to be really friendly and helpful. But after we got those "higher" levels it changed... Alot of people started to fight with eachother, even if for really stupid reasons. I don't know if you can imagine how much it hurts me when some of my friends or person i meet not long ago but were very nice started to think bad about me/ or even hate me because i just picked up a decision that seemed better to me (but not to them). And when i think about some of my Close friends almost put me on blist or even already did it only because i don't want to go "the way" he does in end game. And that he does that to alot of our friends. Even our LS after that started to feel more... well there was this tension all the time when some people come or speak, some Ramuh persons might know what I'm talking about, or even know about which persons I talk.
      Well I must say that i really would want to be newbie again... without some stupid worries like that, experience what the game have to offer with friends that love to play togheter, find it really fun.... ; ;

      Well... long live old times.
      ~~ Tarutaru~~


      • #33
        Originally posted by Gokulos
        I'm not a importer (well, not imporing the JP version) but still i can imagine how you feel... I'm playing from almost the beginning of NA version and actually lately I can see how much this game changed. Really I almost feel its different game that it was a year ago. Especially when you come to those "high lv areas" and you think about things like Dynamis, HNM... really this NA/JP this between alot of people just hurt me so much :/ I was really enjoying the game, even if i didn't know alot of NA people, and just our little Polish community - we were working hard to be really friendly and helpful. But after we got those "higher" levels it changed... Alot of people started to fight with eachother, even if for really stupid reasons. I don't know if you can imagine how much it hurts me when some of my friends or person i meet not long ago but were very nice started to think bad about me/ or even hate me because i just picked up a decision that seemed better to me (but not to them). And when i think about some of my Close friends almost put me on blist or even already did it only because i don't want to go "the way" he does in end game. And that he does that to alot of our friends. Even our LS after that started to feel more... well there was this tension all the time when some people come or speak, some Ramuh persons might know what I'm talking about, or even know about which persons I talk.
        Well I must say that i really would want to be newbie again... without some stupid worries like that, experience what the game have to offer with friends that love to play togheter, find it really fun.... ; ;

        Well... long live old times.

        I want to be a newbie again also ^^, I really miss my "idiot" days
        It's Official Promathia Hates me....
        それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
        A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

        BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


        • #34
          OMFG, he has subjob! What's subjob!? I want subjob!

          HOLY CRAP, I HAVE 100k! That's so much money! I'll be rich forever!

          -Pai Pai from 2 years ago.

          ...actually, with the luck I've been having lately, I still find 100k to be a lot of money. :sweat:

          I know exactly how you feel, Tazirai.

          I don't mean a single thing bad about the NA player base by saying it, I love the friends I've made since the NA version of the game came out in retail, but times before October 2003 were, for the most part, a much more wholesome experience in FFXI and on to me.

          I also really agree with what you said about the game's popularity. It kinda ties in with my feelings about the game's release, I will always, always wish that FFXI was never released for the PC. The PC version is wonderful to play sometimes and I love it with all my heart, but FFXI just really seems like the kind of game that suffers from overpopulation, in addition to the fact that it has taken a harder hit from botting than most other MMOs I've played.

          Nevertheless, a handful of bad experiences are never going to weigh down the wonderful years of excitement I've had with Final Fantasy XI and the many more years of adventuring I still have to do.

          At this point, I think the only thing that would make me quit FFXI right away was if an MMO based on The Legend of Zelda was developed. :sweat:
          PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
          Rockman - Fairy

          WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
          Currently Playing:
          FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


          • #35
            At this point, I think the only thing that would make me quit FFXI right away was if an MMO based on The Legend of Zelda was developed.


