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Official Linkshell Thread

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  • Official Linkshell Thread

    Since it looks like there are going to be alot of new LS's springing up, I know I can't be the only person with questions about how linkshells work.

    I found the linkshell section on the Key Commands page, but it doesn't help with some things.

    Here are a few questions I still have:

    Does the /breaklinkshell command break the WHOLE shell? Or is that how you remove a person from the shell? If if breaks the WHOLE shell, then what's the command to remove an individual?

    How do you make someone a sackholder?

    Are there any other LS commands that aren't on that list?

    Thanks for any answers! (Or any more questions that lead to more answers!)

  • #2
    Re: Linkshell Management Questions

    Originally posted by Raynbow
    Does the /breaklinkshell command break the WHOLE shell? Or is that how you remove a person from the shell? If if breaks the WHOLE shell, then what's the command to remove an individual?
    I'm not sure that /breaklinkshell work or not but if you want to break it... just drop it from your item inventory, the whole linkshell (all linkpearl) will broken.

    How do you make someone a sackholder?
    When list the linkshell member, select the person you want to set as pearl-sack. there will be 3 options to choose.
    1. send message (/tell player)
    2. set as pearl-sack or if he is a pearl-sack that option will downgrade him to normal linkpearl
    3. kick - break his/her linkpearl

    Above answer from my expereince and my english is not good, if there has something wrong please correct me
    Pray! Siren... San d'Oria: R7 M7-1, Zilart: M4
    Level up:223 Times!w

    Pass:Airship,Kazham, Gate crystal:All
    RSE:All, Thief's AF:All, BST's AF:1,2,Gloves,Body...


    • #3
      Thank you!


      • #4
        Your english was just fine.

        Thanks a bunch!
        Cheveyo --- Kujata Server

        Owner Emerald Circle Linkshell:
        Emerald Circle Forums


        • #5
          I'll give you as much info as I can think of. I don't believe those commands listed actually work for a start. There is no way to rename a linkshell. Once it is made, the colour cannot be changed, nor can the name. Well, unless they've changed it of course...

          First off, you'll need a 未開封リンクシェル - a raw linkshell. These can be bought from:
          South Sandoria F9
          Windurst Port H9 (between the weapon and armour shops)
          Bastok Port E7 (in the item shop)
          The NPCs selling the linkshells have set times, so please be aware of that.

          Once you've got the shell, you have to set it. I think you do this from the Linkshell menu, but it could be from the Item list, please forgive my forgetfulness. Either way, when you have selected it for setting, you can choose the name (mixed caps and spaces can be used) and the colour (red/green/blue slider bar). Please note that the colour of the pearl next to your name when you equip this looks a lot lighter than the colour you set here... for some reason.

          And that's it, when you've done that, you go to the linkshell menu and make some pearls - パールを作る. You have to trade these with people, they cannot be sent by mail. Each one you make takes up a slot in your inventory. You don't need one for yourself, since you carry the shell itself. To make someone a sackholder, follow the instructions of the previous poster.

          Here are some points to bear in mind about sack holders. People come in all shapes and sizes, as I found out with AlienGundan and NeoGundan unfortunately... there is no way to track who is in the shell and who has sacks if they are offline. You can only see information about online players. Also if someone disables their pearl, you cannot see them on the list either. As such, it is possible for sackholders to have a great deal of power within the linkshell. They can break pearls without warning, and if a pearl is broken there is no record of who did it or when. So, please consider carefully who you give the privilege to. It is a great privilege indeed.

          That said, the majority of people have no harmful intentions at all, and most sackholders are there to help out with the distribution of pearls and to generally keep the peace

          Good luck to all! Any more questions, please feel free to ask, or mail me directly (
          RDM70 | BLM37 | WHM18 | BST12


          • #6
            I've captured some pictures...
            Linkshell menu^^
            Attached Files
            Pray! Siren... San d'Oria: R7 M7-1, Zilart: M4
            Level up:223 Times!w

            Pass:Airship,Kazham, Gate crystal:All
            RSE:All, Thief's AF:All, BST's AF:1,2,Gloves,Body...


            • #7
              If you are Linkshell or Pearlsack holder!
              Menu lists:
              - Make a new linkpearl
              - List linkshell
              - Un-equip linkshell
              Attached Files
              Pray! Siren... San d'Oria: R7 M7-1, Zilart: M4
              Level up:223 Times!w

              Pass:Airship,Kazham, Gate crystal:All
              RSE:All, Thief's AF:All, BST's AF:1,2,Gloves,Body...


              • #8
                If you are Linkpearl holder!
                Menu lists:
                - Equip linkshell
                - Drop it
                Attached Files
                Pray! Siren... San d'Oria: R7 M7-1, Zilart: M4
                Level up:223 Times!w

                Pass:Airship,Kazham, Gate crystal:All
                RSE:All, Thief's AF:All, BST's AF:1,2,Gloves,Body...


                • #9
                  For Linkshell leader only!
                  Menu lists:
                  - Tell member
                  - Promote/demote a member to be Pearlsack holder
                  - Kick member from Linkshell
                  Attached Files
                  Pray! Siren... San d'Oria: R7 M7-1, Zilart: M4
                  Level up:223 Times!w

                  Pass:Airship,Kazham, Gate crystal:All
                  RSE:All, Thief's AF:All, BST's AF:1,2,Gloves,Body...


                  • #10
                    If anyone wants a link shell, just /tell me in the game. I'll get a couple from Celestrial Network (or whatever I use now...heh). It has quite a few members of various levels.


                    • #11
                      actually ethos... they should /tell gantoris, gatts, atrus, or me... it just has to happen that way... i won't allow cn to turn into a load of crap. so, if you can do me this favor, break the extra pearls you have. thanks^^
                      Vivid [Starbright] 忍61|シ46|狩31|戦28


                      • #12
                        I'm confused about the LS commands like ..

                        set (message of the day)
                        level ls
                        level ps
                        level all

                        I had a feeling those levels are to say who can set messages? Anyway, in what form do I use those? or how do they work? (Those are just listed from the shortcut hotsheet that came with the game..)

                        Thanks .. ^^


                        • #13
                          Yeah, it works like this

                          /lsmes set Hi guys!

                          Everyone who logs in on the shell will see that message from whoever typed /lsmes

                          Now, you can set the authentication level of the /lsmes set command by typing

                          /llsmes level (LS, PS, ALL)

                          One of the three..and without parenthesis..LS is the link shell owner, PS is anyone with a pearl sack, and all is well all.

                          to check your message just type



                          • #14
                            Ok I have a question
                            I own a Ls with a friend and I have seen intro messages in LS's like when you equipt it or log into the game wearing it.
                            I dont have the foggiest of how to set these messages but I was wondering if anyone did?

                            Thank you

                            Novox - Midgardsormr ~Mentor~
                            Co-Founder of The Knights Of Chaos Linkshell
                            Job: Dark Knight 40/Warrior 30

                            ffxichaos-ffxi website and linkshell!


                            • #15
                              Found the info I needed
                              Here it is for other people who may be stuck

                              Command Description
                              Displays the welcome message.
                              /lsmes level
                              Displays the level of authority required to edit the linkshell message.
                              /lsmes "[MESSAGE]" or /lsmes set "[MESSAGE]"
                              Changes the linkshell welcome message.
                              /lsmes clear
                              Clears the linkshell welcome message.
                              /lsmes level ls Sets authority level to linkshell owner.
                              /lsmes level ps Sets authority level to pearlsack holders (default).
                              /lsmes level all Sets authority level to all linkshell members.
                              Novox - Midgardsormr ~Mentor~
                              Co-Founder of The Knights Of Chaos Linkshell
                              Job: Dark Knight 40/Warrior 30

                              ffxichaos-ffxi website and linkshell!

