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"Chains of Promathia" info

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  • To answer your first question (cuz it's the only one I can answer),
    my best guess would be that the one between fenrir and ifrit is titan...thought I could be wrong.
    Rude, but not wrong. ;x
    Rank 10 Bastok, Rank 10 San d'Oria, Rank 10 Windurst
    'Rize of the Zilart' Missions: Completed
    'Chains of Promathia' Missions: Completed
    Treasures of Aht Urhgan Missions: #8
    Private First Class
    Purple: O | Brown: O | Black X ;-;
    Mee Deggi the Punisher: 1/1 (no help, no TH)
    "I Kill For Fun, Meng!!" - Tony


    • no tonberries either >.>
      i see bahamut, ixion, and odin on the top too..
      does that mean they will be inside CoP?
      bahamut, already confirmed of course


      • Originally posted by Irinicus
        I am actually hoping for a Necromancer job, maybe not with this expansion but certainly down the road. I mean if you are wondering how they could do that, just look at the pirate ship that attacks the boat from Mhaura and Selbina, there are 3 summoner type classes summoning the undead on board our ship. So sure they can do a Necro class easy and I for one will welcome that with open arms.
        How can there be so much undead in a world where nobody really dies?

