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Overpopulated Servers

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  • #46
    Try some of the underutilized zones. May not be the very easiest xp, but at least you can find enough stuff to chain and stop whining. When I was leveling up spent a bit of time in Batallia and Rollanberry, seldom see a xp pt in either of those zones.

    Also, way too many people feel they need to fight by the relative safty of the zone line when possable. There are other places in most zones where you can set up camp, just people are too scared to fight there. Just take a mage that can get you out of there if trouble hits and find somewhere deeper in the zone to fight. May be a little more risky, but wont have to compete with 5 other pt for the same things to kill.
    58 RDM, 31 BLM, 20 DRG, 15 THF, 12PLD, 12 MNK, 11 WAR, 10 RNG, 10 NIN, 9 DRK, 9 BST, 8 WHM, 7 SAM, 1 SMN, 1 BRD
    Rank 5 - San d'Oria

