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jp pt only?

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  • jp pt only?

    I never hesitate to find it offensive as hell when I see "jp pt only" in search comment or when I get that response. You know as well as I do that most of the time this is because a large percent of the english speaking population sucks at this game. Whenever I hear or see this I normally get so angry I either tell them off, tell them it makes me angry or start yelling racist profanity at them. Please don't think I'm generalizing about the japanese population. I'm only talking about the ones who say "jp pt only". I think it's completely wrong that because they don't want to have to deal with being rude to a bad player, or they don't want to deal with a bad player for long enough to kick them out of the pt. They make everyone suffer. Sure it's rude to do such things but it's even more rude to "jp pt only". And it screws ALL NA players. It'd be like if I wouldn't be friends with any arabs cause I thought they'd bomb my house or something. It's ridiculous.

  • #2
    Ya know... I havn't pt'd with a JP party in forever... Honestly I didn't think it was any better than a pt formed out of my LS which i know are all good players...

    but regardless on to the point...
    For a while i was lucky enuff to pt with a brd.. till he passed me up...

    Our pt would always consist of PLD, MNK, BRD, RDM, WHM, BLM

    wanna know what? JP's didn't have a problem at all pt'ing with us....

    Replaced the whm with a rank 10 JP SMN 1 time and god was that crazy... great xp

    75MNK, 62BRD , 37WAR , 37THF, 37WHM

    Full AF "Paragon of Monk Excellence"
    Genkei 5 Completed
    Rank 10 San, Rank 8 Windy, Rank1 Bastok
    Zilart and CoP Missions Complete
    93 Merrits, slacking need to work on that..
    Shura Haidate +1, body and head.
    Faith Torque, Black Belt , 3/5 Tu'lia Set, 4/5 AF2, 1/5 AF+1


    • #3
      well i am sure it goes with NA Pt only too. so its same difference ya know. at least majority JP arent "Jp only pt". so i guess u got to look at it in different ways before using profanity. Maybe they dont understand the English or dont want to deal with someone who cannot understand them. Just a lot of different ways to look at it. So ya know technically it doesnt screw all NA players. There are JP that pt with NA. I have one in my pt almost all the time early in the morning or late in the night. So i mean u shouldnt let it get to ya as much as you are letting it. No offense to you though. Just try and see it another way as well.
      well...blow me down


      • #4

        True, I mean I understand the communication issue. But "jp pt only" seems so ridged. I have pt'd with many japanese players/parties and I've enjoyed it. I think my anger stems from most NA players being ignorant about how thf works. Makes it very hard to get a NA party. I basically only get invites from japanese parties. Don't worry I'm pissed at the ignorant americans, too. Not saying thf is a required job but I think I can contribute a lot more than people searching for members give me credit for. I've almost given up thf now, I'm going to go Taru bard so I can get more parties.


        • #5
          that whole NA being ignorant of theif is annoying too....

          I know how to work with a theif.. I think just about everyone I know does... So where does this we don't know how to work with a theif stem from?

          75MNK, 62BRD , 37WAR , 37THF, 37WHM

          Full AF "Paragon of Monk Excellence"
          Genkei 5 Completed
          Rank 10 San, Rank 8 Windy, Rank1 Bastok
          Zilart and CoP Missions Complete
          93 Merrits, slacking need to work on that..
          Shura Haidate +1, body and head.
          Faith Torque, Black Belt , 3/5 Tu'lia Set, 4/5 AF2, 1/5 AF+1


          • #6
            i agree. as a NA i know perfectly well how to handle thf...i had to use it as my subjob. So =p


            • #7
              I completley understand putting JP only, sometimes I dont invite JP to my party...

              Not because I dislike them they are great. But sometimes you want to be able to carry on a real conversation with someone and the language barrier prevents that.

              I hate to say it but the only way that this can be solved is for the JP player to know english (or the JP player to be fluent in Romanji and the NA player to be able to read romanji) Because we cant type in japaneese characters =(.

              I know that S-E is trying to fuse two cultures in this game. I think its great I have alot of JP friends.....but it requires me to know Romanji and them to know English (mostly the latter ^^).

              Its sad because not everyone speaks english, and we can't even type JP characters .

              It gets pretty lonely not being able to understand everyone around you. Whenever we have a JP member who doesn't speak english I try to use the translator or if he understands romanji then that because I feel sorry for them and I know how it feels.

              I don't think I would join any more all JP parties...well I would I guess but not my first choice.

              Don't get angry at them they have their reasons (and it isn't that they think all NA players suck)
              RNG : 66 NIN : 30 WAR : 49 MNK : 72 THF : 18 WHM : 10




              • #8
                honestly the whole lack of conversation deal wouldn't bug me one bit i'd love to just set there and do my thing in a pt...

                75MNK, 62BRD , 37WAR , 37THF, 37WHM

                Full AF "Paragon of Monk Excellence"
                Genkei 5 Completed
                Rank 10 San, Rank 8 Windy, Rank1 Bastok
                Zilart and CoP Missions Complete
                93 Merrits, slacking need to work on that..
                Shura Haidate +1, body and head.
                Faith Torque, Black Belt , 3/5 Tu'lia Set, 4/5 AF2, 1/5 AF+1


                • #9
                  I understand why you feel offended when you see "JP PT only", but you yell "racist profanity" at them? WTF?! I'm not sure what you mean by that. If you seriously are saying racist things to JP players then you are a f*cking stupid ASSH*LE. There is more than one reason that JP players do not invite North American players. Some JPs do think we are not experienced enough or we don't have equipment and spells that are up to date. And for a large number of us, it's true. The same can be said for some JPs though. Another reason could be that it's hard to communicate when you don't speak the same language, and a lot of them are probably uncomfortable with that. There's cultural differences and what not too. There's plenty of other reasons, but it's true some of them plain don't like us. I don't blame them either, we bombard them with /tells asking them to go out of their way for help and ask them for money, etc. Even I would say that North American players are annoying. I have yet to have a JP player send me to go out of my way to help them or ask me for money. Not that all JP are so great either. I hope this whole JP vs NA conflict doesn't elevate into real life. I think most Japanese don't have a problem with Americans (Despite our history), and American culture has affected Japan so much, not unlike how some Americans so are fascinated with Japanese culture and think they're gonna learn Japanese from a book and move to Japan and think Japanese girls will like them. (Don't compare me to those losers, I just like anime)
                  Straw-hat Pirates, fool! What?!


                  • #10
                    Well it's like thinking that all JP players are freaking masters of the game when that is NOT SO. Personally I see the JP only thing as a language barrier because it is really important to be able to communicate with people in your pt at least to some degree. Auto-translate just doesn't cut it sometimes.

                    Honestly, if they dont want me just because im NA, then I don't want them and I'll find other people to play with. Maybe I've just been lucky in that I started playing the game with a group of online friends so I always have people in my LS I can group with if I need to.

                    I say don't sweat it. So they may be acting close-minded, but by hating them for it so are you. Just ignore them and go about your business.


                    • #11
                      if you are rank 10 with the best equipment
                      will you pt with gimpy pt lv 30 with ~norml~ equipment who link mobs every 2m and someone in the pt die or pt with no good jobs or pt who someone go afk or brb or leave the pt every 5m

                      well most of the english who play ffxi since pc release lv up there sub fast before ps2 release

                      cuz they think ps2 players will be noob
                      jp think the same lv 30 we are noobs to them

                      but believe me lv +50
                      not all jp will use ((jp only))
                      20% from jp use JE now
                      50% dont mind to join english pt
                      30% JP only and if you send him tell he replay (no-thank) even if your pt the best

                      i start to invite jp from +lv50
                      cuz im drk and lv +50 its rare to get invite for drk so i have to start my owen party always

                      till now from lv 50 to 57
                      i invite maybe 30~40 jp ((most of them rank 9 or 10 ))

                      just tell them the lv range of pt and jobs and where you will lv up
                      and they will join
                      i think lv +60 we will get invites from jp just maybe
                      cuz its realy i invite 30~40 jp to my pt
                      but only maybe 10 pts invite me and they was jp from day1 i play ffxi

                      Main : Sephiro
                      Mules : Sephira Eviljin Sephon
                      COP missions = Complated


                      • #12
                        Once i found a jp brd lfg in Yhoatar Jungle and invited her. We had no mages, and being a smart leader i figured trying 2 bards, i saw another jp bard in Kazham.

                        So i sent them a tell, and i had noticed he put "Jp pt only"
                        I was at first a bit offended, but i swallowed my pride, used auto-translator, and asked him if he was willing to join since we had good xp, and I promised he wouldn't regret it.

                        He told me no, so i almost gave up, then looking back at the pt, i realized i could ask him if he'd join with another jp in the pt. I proceeded to ask him that, and he took a few minutes to thnk. I told him the ratio was 2 jp:1Jp/E :3 EN. Then he asked me for the brd's name, and i guess the talked for awhile, and she must've given him good report cuz soon afterwards he joined us.

                        We were already doing like 3x chains with just 1 bard and no whm or rdm, (5 ppl in pt), but with 2 brds, (full pt) we had literally 0 downtime. 1 of us died when this other stupid group auto trained gob pathfinders, but afterwards, we just kept going until i almost lvl'ed 1 full lvl. The jp girl was getting tired, and had to go. After she left, the jp bard that had "jp pt only" wanted us to find another player so we could keep the xp going. He liked us so much!

                        Guess i showed him there's still hope in some non-jp NA players who are past the n00bish days of Qufim and Valkurm.


                        • #13
                          Replaced the whm with a rank 10 JP SMN 1 time and god was that crazy... great xp

                          Heh, I did that too, but our pt was War(me), Mnk, Smn, Whm, Rdm, and Drk. The whm and I were the only NA in the group. I slept soundly that night because of all the xp we got. I don't know how, but that Smn went from lv 22 to 27 in that day alone. (I bullshit you not.) I keep in touch with him to get tips on leveling every once and a while.
                          Rodin - Ragnarok Server (Out of Retirement)
                          90BRD 90SMN 90WHM 75BLM 75RDM 61BST 50RNG 37NIN 37THF

                          Goal: All jobs max level and capped merits.


                          • #14
                            If it makes you feel better, we can form "PC only parties" to make sure no PS2 noobs stifle our groove.


                            • #15
                              Sorry to go off topic a bit here, but what is this doing in the monk forum?

