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The Relic Knuckle

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  • The Relic Knuckle

    The base Relic Knuckle says that it is:

    D+1 Delay+999

    Now, what one of my japanese friends told me is that I can do Ashura with this for an endless TP returning Ashura chain.

    I used the TP formula for a single fist on this monk website:

    I came up with the result that it is 16 TP per punch, so that an Ashura without samurai SJ will give 128% TP returned. The D+1 with a monk's level 75 base D of 33 is 34, not too awful. Your delay will be horrible, but you can use samurai SJ or an Icarus Wing to get the TP you need before a battle to start an endless Ashura....

    Anyways, I'm curious if this works... Anyone else out there heard about this yet? If it does work, it's cheaper than Utsusemi 2.... lol

    [Yes, I think Utsusemi 2 is cheap: Giving a job an ability that totally negates anything the programmers can throw at their players to kill them, thusly making the character nearly immortal as long as his items and money held out is pretty unbalanced. Also, because ninja now has the "Best defense" in the game, they cant recieve anything else or they'd be too over powered. Not that watching a NIN/WHM solo something for a nigh indefinate amount of time taking no damage, whereas the same enemy would kill me in a matter of a few minutes, if I am lucky, is pretty sad.]

    If it works and people begin doing it, I suppose expect to see it nerfed, lol. I'm just curious if anyone else heard about this.
    戦士:75 モンク:75 白魔道士:36 黒魔道士:37 赤魔道士:7 シーフ:57
    ナイト:7 暗黒騎士:39 狩人:7 吟遊詩人:7 獣使い:7 侍:62
    忍者:37 竜騎士:7 召喚士:63 青魔道士:26 コルセア:8 からくり士:7

  • #2
    if you want to nerf ninjas make more mobs do silence attacks :-]
    55% Skill
    35% Equipment
    10% Race

    White Mage - 75 - Completed
    Ninja - 75 - Completed
    Summoner - 75 - Completed
    My Livejournal


    • #3
      I didnt say that I want Ninjas to be nerfed.

      Though it is the truth. Dragon knights, for example, get less abilities on themselves because they have a pet... Samurai's WS are weak because they have a lot of TP to use more than one WS...

      Anyways, the point of my post was to find out if anyone else knows if this works for monks.
      戦士:75 モンク:75 白魔道士:36 黒魔道士:37 赤魔道士:7 シーフ:57
      ナイト:7 暗黒騎士:39 狩人:7 吟遊詩人:7 獣使い:7 侍:62
      忍者:37 竜騎士:7 召喚士:63 青魔道士:26 コルセア:8 からくり士:7


      • #4
        screen of ashura every second or so by a mnk/sam
        Attached Files
        RageOfDark & Rinoa.Nu


        • #5
          was under the impression the relic weapons were useless until you turned them into the dynamis weapons, by way of combining the two and giving them to some goblin in Zvhal.
          ƒfƒ…ƒiƒ~ƒXƒiƒbƒNƒ‹ ‘SŽí +16 +96 75 ƒ‚ ƒfƒ…ƒiƒ~ƒX?F‘Ï?…+9
          ƒ~ƒŠƒ^ƒ“ƒgƒiƒbƒNƒ‹ ‘SŽí +1 +96 75 ƒ‚ ƒfƒ…ƒiƒ~ƒX?F‘Ï?…+7
          ƒŒƒŠƒbƒNƒiƒbƒNƒ‹ ‘SŽí +1 +999 75 ƒ‚ ?@
          Top should be finished product? no?


          • #6
            Seems like a bit of a unforseen loophole.
            Tiberion: Bastokan (Rank 10) on Asura Tiamet Trouncer

            SAM-60, WAR-30, BRD-75, WHM-38, BLM-17, MNK-15, THF-37,
            BST-12, DRK-1, RNG-37, DRG-2, RDM-1, NIN-37, PAL-1, SMN-10


            • #7
              I've seen that happen with a MNK in Tu'Lia and it dumbfounded my whole skill up PT...

              I do expect S-E to fix this in the near future...
              not that I want them too...but it seems to be an inevitability...

              Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool


              • #8
                how does a delay of 999 manage to allow a monk to do that?

                i'm confused
                We are not retreating, we are just advancing in another direction
                General McArthur

                Cor 51 BLM 31, DRK 18, BRD 18, BST 1, SAM 1, WHM 33, WAR 5, SMN 67

                All primes are mine thank god for solo quests
                (god I havent been to this site in ages, I must have left when the solo quests came out....)

                Diabolos and Fenrir: O

                Rank 6 windy Remora server


                • #9
                  the higher the delay of the weapon, the more the TP return per hit.

                  Asuran Fists hits 8 times, and according to someone who posted above, a delay of 999 would return you 16% TP per hit.

                  16 x 8 = 128, so if all your asuran hits connect, Asuran Fists would return 128% TP.

                  BLM 75 /-/ WHM 38 /-/ RDM 37
                  BST 10
                  San d'Oria Rank 10
                  Zilart M16
                  Not NA, not JP, not an importer. What am I? :confused:


                  • #10
                    wow, just wow.


                    • #11
                      that's not fair :/ I want a ba-ro-ken ability for once
                      Most memorable WoW vent convos on Burning Legion:

                      "Dude...I just wrote a sonnet, about taking a dump." - Kronos (2006)

                      "Guys, I just set my oven on fire by trying to cook ramen in it, and broke the fire alarm with a frying pan. I think I'm in trouble." - Brawny (2006)

                      "But Hisdon, why wouldn't you want The Unblockable Shield - wait a minute..." - Sasukekun (2005)


                      • #12
                        I really wanted to try this out using a relic dagger and Evisceration(5hit) with sam sub but I keep getting the lowest lot possible on those things. :mad:

                        Sure it'd be awful damage(not that evisceration without sneak is any good anyways) but it looks neat.

