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What the..?

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  • What the..?

    Back in the day, I got Utusemi:Ni for like, 7k or so....

    Now I look at the AH and it jumped up to 150k. Is this the same on all servers and why?!!

    Here's me thinking Utusemi Ichi was pretty expensive

    Looks like new ninjas = pwned...
    I really should thank you for it afterall it was your life that taught me the purpose of all life.....Purpose of life, is to end.

    I hate my life.

  • #2
    gah, I sold mine which i bought for 33k at 66k a few weeks back =(


    • #3
      Re: What the..?

      Originally posted by Razz
      Back in the day, I got Utusemi:Ni for like, 7k or so....

      Now I look at the AH and it jumped up to 150k. Is this the same on all servers and why?!!
      Back in the day, the level cap was 70. It wasn't THAT long ago that they raised it. So as we all know, the highest your sub could've been was 35. Since Ni was 37, it wasn't possible to use it and thus only Ninjas - and more to the point, only MIDLEVEL ninjas - could use it.

      Subs can use Ni now. Demand probably rose for all those WAR/NINs or something.

      Another possibility is a change to drop rate. Not sure if they've tweaked BCNM loot tables in the recent past, but IIRC Ni was/is a drop from one of them, so perhaps it became harder to get and thus wound up being sold for more.
      Retired for good this time; been a fun ride everybody.


      • #4
        *Remembers back in the day when LL boots and VE hairpen were 100k+ more*
        Dra Bmyhad Ec Toehk - FF7
        Final Fantasy XI - Zandria


        • #5
          I think...

          I think it's price went up on Ramuh, as well. Haven't looked in a while, but I remember when it was like 7k on our server and last time I checked it was up to like 20k+ lol...
          戦士:75 モンク:75 白魔道士:36 黒魔道士:37 赤魔道士:7 シーフ:57
          ナイト:7 暗黒騎士:39 狩人:7 吟遊詩人:7 獣使い:7 侍:62
          忍者:37 竜騎士:7 召喚士:63 青魔道士:26 コルセア:8 からくり士:7


          • #6
            before the LV75 patch it used to be 4-6K. i bought mine for 10K and thought it was a ripoff... poor to those who only leveled NIN to 37 after the patch
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