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23rd March - are you ready?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Razz I'm hoping that maybe we'll see the rise of good console gaming FFXI players, rather than those EQ crossovers who treat this game as just another MMO...
    But this is just another MMPOG

    As to the PS2 release? meh, I don't give two shits about it, I'm never up during NA primetime so it won't really affect me all that much
    Apparently, my sig was too offensive for Lionna; the male player/female avatar was too confsuing for the lesbian mitha paladin *cough*hypocrite*cough*

    Mewn~Mithran Red Mage~Siren Server~Asahi LS


    • #47
      Personally I don’t believe in people charging money for a Raise but if everyone can charge money for transports then why not. If you had to compare it something it would be like seeing someone alone choking on a piece of food and you say you wont help them unless they give you what’s in their wallet. It’s sorta the same concept in my opinion.

      I had to go cuse out an NA one time because someone died in our PT and he wouldn’t raise them unless he got paid. This was a death IN our pt with HIM in it. I was pretty much saying shit like “how would you feel if you have to fucking pay the warrior 100gil every time he taunts the monster off your sorry ass” and shit like that. I’ve never seen so much arrogance in my life.

      I think Nas are spoiled with seeing /sh spell X 500giL! /sh spell X 400gil! /sh spell X 1000gil! and think they can get away with it. They probably think it’s perfectly 100% ok to charge for Raises and the only people you can blame for that is everyone. Can’t point at the Nas for that one cause the JP shouts came first before anything.


      • #48
        Maybe it's just me but if they werent in my party and had no gil they could stay dead or HP...just me
        Signature removed. You have been asked to, you failed to. Banned by warning points.


        • #49
          I will add my thoughts to the gil issue.

          Why is charging for teleports (whm only) and dezone/warp (blm only) perfectly acceptable, but not raise? Because for whatever reason, that's the way the (mostly) JP community decided to do things.

          I'd dare say most of us are influenced more than we think. If the JPs had started off charging gil for raise, could you honestly say that 'omg whm's shouldn't charge gil for raise?'

          When people examine me, I sometimes feel pissed. Then I have to ask myself "am I pissed because I'm really piised, or am I pissed just because all the JPs and importers say examining without asking is rude?"


          • #50
            Frankly, I'd be against charging for raise even if I knew absolutely nothing of JP convention. I think it's because I am, at heart, still a roleplayer. Charging to heal someone in desperate need seems... contrary to what being a healer is all about.

            By contrast, charging for teleports, I'm providing a convenience. And yes, I would expect to be compensated for that.
            FFXIV - Lyri Saranna - Rabanastre
            Gladiator 6/Pugilist 8/Physical 10

            "Fanatics find their heaven in never-ending storming winds..."
            --"Key of the Twilight", .hack//SIGN


            • #51
              Im an importer, and to me, anyone who gets pissed for getting checked is a moron.


              • #52
                Originally posted by exile2k3
                Im an importer, and to me, anyone who gets pissed for getting checked is a moron.
                I wouldn't go as far as calling people morons, but otherwise, I agree with you. I don't understand at all how people can get angry at others for this... I remember long ago, though, a player named "Sophitia" told me how importers had explained to her that it is not polite to 'check' people. This was during the PS2 Beta.

                I was really surprised and thought that she had just made it up, upon coming here and seeing this issue being raised again it seems that what she told me was true.


                • #53
                  We need more nice ppl in FFXI, ppl that doesnt charge gil if you ask for a raise, or when they teleport you, or dezone. But i guess WHM have had a bit rough on the gil front until they get their teleport spells, so I guess thats their way to get back all the "lost" gil during the low lvl time.
                  Gaara - blm61
                  Keffy - thf73

