I also need a Migard WP also. If anyone has one to spare, or if you could buy one and share it with everyone, it would be greatly appreciated. If you cant buy one do not worry about it!
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All Midgardsormr WP Requests
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can i plz get a wp to midsomr all my old daoc friends play there :/ but they are low lvls so they cant buy me a wp ... email daalex87@hotmail.com
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Wow, lot's of people want on this server... May i have a world pass for it please? Before i get too far ahead with my chara, judging by the number of peeps who want on this server... it sounds good to be on.
E-Mail: jwilhelm@cfl.rr.com
Thanks 0
Well for what it's worth, I'll stick a bid in for a World Pass too. Can you be randomly generated onto this server or is it a WP-specific server as well? Shall payback however much is needed to be owed, or maybe twice as much if the very nice person emails me it =) (as I don't check these forums often).
As a nice netiquette thingy for everyone else, as soon as I "level" or get enough cash to nab one of these world passes I'll stick it up on here. Repay my debts so to say
Cheers all
Big Dave
Oh hang on - me email: beerlovindave@budweiser.com
Rule Britannia!
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Need a WP ><
Any one got a spare WP for Midgardsormr? plz lend it to me ^^
my email: esetiawan777@yahoo.com
Thanks 0
HEY guys i need a pass to midgard so if you have an extra WP i will pay you back email me Paladin_DKnight@yahoo.com or PM me thanks alotPANDEMONIUM
Nites 75RDM/BLM - Rank 10
I need a buddy pass!
Thanks 0
I am also ineed of a WP to mid :sweat: . It would be great if some one could pm one to me, or email one to Gumper53@hotmail.com, pre thanks.
Thanks 0
Same thing with me, I need a WP to midgard, one would be appreciated and would be payed back, PM me or send to e-mail
thanks peeps
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Greetings! Im new to FFXIOnline.com and just reactivating my FFXI ID, I would like to play on Midgard, would someone be so kind as to helping me?
AIM : culley65
E-mail : culley_65@msn.com
Thank you!
Thanks 0
sigh this sucks ive been waiting a week and no luck
could someone please give me a WP.
i tried the one posted above but its all used up.
so can someone please send me a WP, it will be appreciated greatly and i will most definatley pay you back
you can PM me or e-mail me at forever_ender@hotmail.com
Thanks 0