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New PC-Install/Setup Guide

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  • #46
    same i thank u very much:spin:
    Sephiroth The Great

    SMN 75, BLM 54, WHM 37, RDM 24, THF 9 DRK 9,RNG 6,WAR 21, MNK 4,BST 16 NIN 6, SAM 41 DRG 9, PLD 5, BLU 20, BRD 6, .....ect. Austere set: Hat Body Gloves Pants (Penance) Boots, Staves: all HQ. Evoker's Pigaches+1, Astral Staff, Sacrifice Torque.


    • #47
      i'm stuck at setup step 21 which involves the registration code. where can i find that?

      k found that out awhile ago, but now what i need help on is what Osaka spoke of what happens after pol disc is done and u've completed the setup part (jp address and u get ur pol id and email address) Osaka said that the pol movie should start and after it u hit a button and it goes to a login screen. well i don't have the pc version, but after i hit a button i come up to 3-4 options none that i know of lead me to a login screen. did i do something wrong?

      btw does this happen to anybody else. when i turn on the import ps2 the ps2 bb navigator pops up even though i don't have a disc in it. i believe it takes over the old format that the ps2 uses meaning browser and system config. and i was looking at a setup and it showed sticking in the pol disc again and then showed tetra master and i think ffxi. well the setup for it. but when i put the pol disc i said above it doesn't go to a login screen.:confused:
      Gaf vs Maat 1 win 0 loss v^^v


      • #48
        help plz i just got the game i am stuck on the address part u say to copy and paste but i cant paste were is the option plz help. and sorry for the dubble post wont happen again.

        ok i got past all the thing i have to put in but when i click next it brings up a page and it has two options back and exit. i have tried both. and i am stuck plz help
        Sephiroth The Great

        SMN 75, BLM 54, WHM 37, RDM 24, THF 9 DRK 9,RNG 6,WAR 21, MNK 4,BST 16 NIN 6, SAM 41 DRG 9, PLD 5, BLU 20, BRD 6, .....ect. Austere set: Hat Body Gloves Pants (Penance) Boots, Staves: all HQ. Evoker's Pigaches+1, Astral Staff, Sacrifice Torque.


        • #49
          here's the picture you wanted of step 37
          Attached Files


          • #50
            I just finished with most of the grueling installation process (to someone who doesn't know jack about Japanese, anyway), and I just have to thank Osaka and Aldo SOO MUCH. It would've been 1000 times harder without their resources.

            KaIsAR: I think I got the same error, but I rebooted and it worked fine...:sweat:


            • #51
              seems like this installation is really tedious and driving lots of people crazy..


              • #52

                i'm at the part where i type in my name, but I don't know how to change languages!


                • #53
                  How many months

                  I haven't got my import yet, but I was wondering, where do you say how may months you want to pay for? Thanks

                  PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)


                  • #54
                    This is not RO. -_-;

                    You can't choose how many months you want to pay for, you pay monthly.
                    Name: Zedro
                    Race: Elvaan/Male
                    Job: PLD/WAR
                    Level: 50/25
                    Server: Ramuh
                    Linkshell:BCNMAssassins, ShadowKnights, Revolution, DWT etc.

                    Status of import: Cancelled!!~
                    Status of NA : Active


                    • #55
                      one question... how much does a Content ID cost?
                      Come I shall lead you to the Promise Land.


                      • #56
                        Where do I find the registration number? I cant get past this part in the stup. I dotn see a car (d?) for that or is it in the manual or what?


                        • #57
                          Ahh I got it now, sorr yabout that. I have to tear off the label on the top to see numbers underneath :D


                          • #58
                            Sephiroth can you or someone else tell me where exactly the registration numbers are? I only got 1 manual and 1 startup looking guide as well as 6 cd and I see no reg keys.

                            Nvm I found them.


                            • #59
                              hey after i type in my play online ID and password in the section where you buy your content ID it goes from there to a screen that has the number of spaces that are in a CD key, andd aranged the same way ... so i tried typing in my FFXI cd key into it and tried both buttons, and retried, logged of retried, logged off, retried... ect. Still, i can't get past that part, and being so close to the end i am itching to make my taru taru thief/ninja, so if anyone could sudgest or point me in the right direction you will be my HERO! or something close to it atleast


                              • #60

                                Once you have type in your FFXI CD key into the five boxes, click the left button. Again the left button, click it.

                                Click the left button "Yes" and then the last one!

                                After that you should be back in the main menu. To start playing click the top button "Play".

                                I assume that you have not yet purchased a Content ID!

                                .: ~ :.
                                [ -- ] [ -------- ]

