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Gil-for-money farming getting out of hand

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Roldarin Technically gil farmers are not violating the EULA. Its the people who they give the gil to who then sell it that are doing something wrong.
    technically, they aren't giving their gil away to the companies, they are selling the gil at an unconstant rate determined by how much was made per day, hour, or whatever they are getting paid for.
    they aren't voluntarily giving their gil to the company, the company is paying them to obtain gil. although they could easily say that they are being payed to play and ARE voluntarily giving gil to the company for sale, and they might say that in court, but that's not the truth.
    Check out this internet radio station!
    that's my Music Tachnology class's work, along with a bunch of independant artists picked by us!


    • #47
      Maybe SE could impose AH restrictions to suspected gil sellers? I understand that you can't punish everybody you suspect, but if you had resaonable suspision, SE could limit their AH capacity to 2 or 3 items at a time.

      Just a simple way to start things off on THE WAR ON GIL MARKETISM.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Roldarin
        Technically gil farmers are not violating the EULA. Its the people who they give the gil to who then sell it that are doing something wrong.

        And from some earlier thread GMs cannot track who sends what through the delivery system. So the worse they could do is ban the people who actually do the selling of the gil or the buying of it. The farmers are just that: farmers

        are you gonna sit there an honestly believe that they can not write a script to track action house selling. an transfers from delivery boxs. they can go back an veiw chat logs from hours before. they can go ingame an move your char at there own leisure. warp to what ever spot you are at to communicate with you or get you out of a glitch.. S.E has been known to suspend accounts of a.h bots.. yet they cant track a gil sellers transactions.. i find that hard to believe.

        im almost pretty sure i read in the tos, that s.e had the right to terminate your account no if ans or buts..

        Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


        • #49
          Originally posted by CarbonFibre
          I just checked history on Midgard for Archer's ring sales. Except for 2, every single sale in the history is by some guy named Babys. I did a search, Babys is a THF50/WAR25 Mithra rank 1 in Ordelles. :mad:
          I wish we could break the rules of the game and just train monsters on these morons who monopolize the market on these vital items for damage dealers. For example on Lakshmi Smallbaby and Anuue dominate the market on these rings. I think SQ-E needs to make an alternative thats rare/ex that could kill the market for the archer ring.
          Thom @ Lakshmi server -> 70WHM/75PLD/75SMN
          Shall Shell / The Ultimates / FatesHand All Right!


          • #50
            Originally posted by swiften
            I wish we could break the rules of the game and just train monsters on these morons who monopolize the market on these vital items for damage dealers. For example on Lakshmi Smallbaby and Anuue dominate the market on these rings. I think SQ-E needs to make an alternative thats rare/ex that could kill the market for the archer ring.
            The situation on Lakshmi SERIOUSLY sucks.

            And I'm not even talking about NM hunting, now. You've got about 10 loggers in Ghelsba who log 24/7, and flood the AH with 30-40 Logs. This forces low leveling loggers to have to craft their logs into something else, because they can't sell! (I just started woodworking so I've been running into this). The competition is amazingly fierce and they have NO remorse for stealing people's points.

            Anyway, this does mention the Roses who farm in Qufim. But, we've also got a clan of Kofs who seem to be in Delfkutt and Fei'Yin. My current LS leader actually talked to one of the sellers in Fei'Yin and asked him to leave. Right now the situation is the gil sellers have found a different zone to farm in. They haven't been seen in Fei'Yin since.

            Anyway, I agree with the ExRare idea. Right now I'm trying to get a Moldavite Earring. (Lv. 47 All Jobs, Magical Attack +5) It's kind of a big deal, but it's not considered 'required' equipment because it's ExRare. Although it SERIOUSLY helps. It's almost like a trophy piece too, since it is ExRare. Anyway... I just wish these guys would go away. It's making me sick.

            Corwynn's Journal

            Red Mage for life.

            What's worse than finding a worm in your apple?


            • #51
              im almost pretty sure i read in the tos, that s.e had the right to terminate your account no if ans or buts..
              Not that I wouldn't like to see SE do this, but it is not currently possible to catch some gil sellers with 100% accuracy. If SE did start doing this, and were catching the gill sellers at first, what's to stop players from claiming someone they don't like as a gil seller. Somebody could decide to farm for a Scorp Harness and not do any leveling for a month or 2. What's to keep players from claiming this person as a gil seller and having them banned. If they would add in the ability for GM's to track transactions between players, then maybe. But even then, if they base it off players sending stuff to one character to sell stuff, they would have to make sure it's not of the same account. How many of us have mules that we send tons of junk to to sell on the AH? Just like a gil seller does with stuff. Sends it to another character to sell on the AH. It's a tricky business to make sure not to ban any innocent players, and that's what SE wants to avoid. Would you want to play a game where you could happen to get banned for something you never did?

              I wish we could break the rules of the game and just train monsters on these morons who monopolize the market on these vital items for damage dealers. For example on Lakshmi Smallbaby and Anuue dominate the market on these rings. I think SQ-E needs to make an alternative thats rare/ex that could kill the market for the archer ring.
              I hear ya' on this one. Archers rings have been slowing going up in price on Phoenix. 400K+ for one ring. If only we could train stuff on them...ah, I can hear their screams of pain now...

              SE just better not let this get any worse, or they'll start to lose a lot of customers. And most likely, once they leave, most won't come back.

              Be like a Paladin.
              Take the hit, shrug it off, and ask if their mom hits any harder.


              • #52
                Originally posted by little ninja
                are you gonna sit there an honestly believe that they can not write a script to track action house selling. an transfers from delivery boxs. they can go back an veiw chat logs from hours before. they can go ingame an move your char at there own leisure. warp to what ever spot you are at to communicate with you or get you out of a glitch.. S.E has been known to suspend accounts of a.h bots.. yet they cant track a gil sellers transactions.. i find that hard to believe.

                im almost pretty sure i read in the tos, that s.e had the right to terminate your account no if ans or buts..
                Your right, SE developers COULD develop a tool that allowed GMs to view delivery/AH transaction histories, but they won't. If you didn't know already, SE isn't too concerned about the players. It's been months since SE became aware of the "mob coming unclaimed" bug, but yet, no fix (would be easier than said tool). In the end, SE only cares about profit. Does it profit them to make this tool? Nope. Until there's some drastic measure taken, like 10% of the server population quitting (which it won't), then it would be cheaper for SE to NOT make this tool. A developers time is pretty expensive, and right now, I haven't heard of a single person quitting because of these gil-sellers... In addition, as someone stated before, just because a person is farming 24/7 and sending their gil to someone, doesn't mean they are gil-sellers.... a lot of high level LS's transfer large amounts of gil between some members... are THEY gil-sellers? SE doesn't have the time or resources (remember, PROFIT is number 1 for SE!), to investigate every single transaction taken place... they don't even have time to "investigate" obvious MPKers... seems like SE devs are spending their time trying to make a tool that lets GMs reply automatically with "we are looking into it". lame.


                • #53
                  SE isn't too concerned about the players.
                  That is totally untrue. SE cares for the players more than anything, why? Because players are what make them money. If it becomes a large enough issue where they begin losin subscriptions then SE will jump on it faster than you can say Spini Spipi (Which can be said very fast I can tell you.)


                  • #54
                    So... why doesn't SE just pose as gil buyers and bust their asses. Sure it's entrapment, but at this point who the hell cares.
                    DRK75 BLM75 WAR37 THF37 NIN37 SAM38 WHM38 RDM37

                    Which FF Character Are You?


                    • #55
                      Gil farming is going to ruin the game because of this simple reason. Gil is created by gil farmers and then is sold, since those people aren't "losing" any gil they're just going to keep adding to the total gil count of a server. As the gil rises the prices will rise and the more people will resort to buying gil. Eventually legit players will have very hard times obtaining things. Lineage II did not have this problem because the prices for items were already insanely high, making myself and a lot of other people quit. The stupidity is that the same people farming for money and selling it online in Lineage 2 have the same names as the people in Final Fantasy XI.

                      I don't think Square-Enix wants to lose money so I doubt they'll kick the gil sellers out. There are A LOT of them (look at the list) and for each one S-E makes $$$$$$$$$. If you were S-E I don't think you would boot them out unless they were causing a lot of players to leave, that number has to equal the amount of gil sellers in order for S-E to even give a shit. Good luck to everyone, until this shit is dealt with I'm going to play Eve-Online. =D


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Shiro_Hayate

                        I don't think Square-Enix wants to lose money so I doubt they'll kick the gil sellers out. There are A LOT of them (look at the list) and for each one S-E makes $$$$$$$$$. If you were S-E I don't think you would boot them out unless they were causing a lot of players to leave, that number has to equal the amount of gil sellers in order for S-E to even give a shit. Good luck to everyone, until this shit is dealt with I'm going to play Eve-Online. =D
                        It will take some massive civil disobedience to make SQ-E listen to their customers. Would SQ-E want to get rid of $450,000 of revenue of they kick out 100 players from each server who massively tell these folk to get the **** out of our server?
                        Thom @ Lakshmi server -> 70WHM/75PLD/75SMN
                        Shall Shell / The Ultimates / FatesHand All Right!


                        • #57
                          no not many will walk out on final fantasy to make S.E open there eyes to it. some people enjoy other aspects of the game. but i read on countless forums, an websites that this is a problem. i mean even the japanese web sites are bitching about it now. but many dont know, but more an more lvl 75 players jp an na are quitting. the reason is partly the 2 big problems. mobs going unclaimed, an sweatshop workers.

                          1.5mil players/ mules now roam vana' deil. S.E needs to take a new direction, to deal with these 2 problems. it isnt the same community a year or 2 ago. less then 500,000 were on the servers. in that year 1 million have joined in, or expanded there mule armies. we have also seen a few new worlds emurge. it is time S.E starts inforcing its tos, its time for to walk amongst the people to see the problem up close. to deal with the bullshit. 2 run by the same asshole every time you farm, an buddies farm, an you farm..

                          i for one do not want to sit here an see another problem swept under the rug, or handled with a nerf. only to see that new nerf problem be nerfed again... til it becomes a fucking joke, like fishing, tp returns an so on..

                          Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


                          • #58
                            lol SE is making what like 12-50 bucks of them and they are making like 300+ off SE dunno what SE is thinking but they are getting the bad end of the stick on this deal :\

                            also the thing with farming for a scorp harness its easy to tell if your legit because you still have all that gil on you if you were a gil seller you would hang onto gil for that long.


                            • #59
                              if over 100 people each on the 30 or so worlds did massive civil disobedience. they could lose a half a million dollars in revenue in canceled accounts.
                              (people)(worlds)(months)(subscription rate)

                              i bet sq-e would listen if a half million usd was gonna be lost.

                              people have done some weird things on mmorg's to protest policies on games or the inaction of the developers.

                              here is an example that was mentioned in a Guardian article about virtual protests:

                              In 1999, in a protest over software glitches inside Ultima Online, a group of players lost their rag with the company and staged a coup. They stormed the castle of Lord British, Ultima's monarch and the alter-ego of its founder, Richard Garriot, and murdered his character.
                              Thom @ Lakshmi server -> 70WHM/75PLD/75SMN
                              Shall Shell / The Ultimates / FatesHand All Right!


                              • #60
                                I'd think it'd be pretty easy for SE to just have one of their GM's buy some gil off of the website, then bust the account belong to the character who sent the gil. Rinse and repeat with different character names and bam... no more gil sellers.

