Earlier arguements were mostly based on(from what I've read) the effects buying gil has on an economy. I think now we should start a thread on the effects of gil sellers, and how to get rid of them.
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Gil-for-money farming getting out of hand
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I'm game for that thread, hehe. Umm, let the gil sellers buy it at a deflated price and try to resell it at a higher price, ppl will not spend more than they have to to buy it. I know that if I see an item that went from 20k to 5k I would try and buy it for 5k first and then maybe go up a couple k but no more than that. I'm sure others follow this same idea as well. Will they sell that item? Eventually, but it will take them much much longer to sell it than before.
Also does SE have a 'suggestion box' somewhere out there? If so,l maybe we all need to kknow it and complain to them about it, maybe go as far as telling them that the game is not fun anymore because of them and that u are thinking about closing your account over it. I am sure that is SE sees a bunch of these complaints, they will then do something about it.
Ice, Dark, Fire, & Thunder Staves Aquired
Maat finally went down.
All BLM AF1 - Acquired
All WHM AF1 - Acquired
Windurst Rank 7
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The IGE farmers have complete control of archer rings on Garuda from what I saw yesterday 2 of them Calfred and Ccccc have sold all of them in the history for 550k each. I went to Ordelles Sat night with a friend to camp Stroper Chyme. They had at least 8-10 of them in a group. They would train so many gobs and bats and they would have one of them stand by me with about 3 sets of bats in my face and the same thing with my friend. One thing we noticed right away is that right before Stoper would pop they would all call for help. So there would be about 5-15 mobs in orange around us. Pretty crazy. We did get stroper a couple times. I think ppl have gave up on camping stroper on Garuda. When I logged back in the following morning. That same group was there and no one else. I didnt even plan on camping it. I was just walking by to zone out and they all started attacking all the mobs around them and running around with them.
On a side note when I called a GM about it on sat night. He just said "Sorry your having problems with these players" and then he said he could not do anything about them calling for help on the mobs. I really didnt say much. I told him it was pointless for me to even call him. I knew he wasnt going to do anything. He said he would monitor the situation. I asked him if he could just make himself visiable for a min just to scare them or something. But he said he couldnt. I told him it was ruining some of the fun in the game and pissing alot of ppl off. He only responded with "Is there anything else I can help you with?"
I understand they do this to make a living and you gotta do what you gotta do to make a living. So really instead of getting totally pissed off about all this I just avoid camping any kind of NM or farming. I just stick to fishing.Never say Never!
Rank 9 Bastok
DRK 73, THF 37, WAR 37, PLD 31, NIN 21, SAM 19
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Originally posted by Irinicus
I'm game for that thread, hehe. Umm, let the gil sellers buy it at a deflated price and try to resell it at a higher price, ppl will not spend more than they have to to buy it. I know that if I see an item that went from 20k to 5k I would try and buy it for 5k first and then maybe go up a couple k but no more than that. I'm sure others follow this same idea as well. Will they sell that item? Eventually, but it will take them much much longer to sell it than before.
Also does SE have a 'suggestion box' somewhere out there? If so,l maybe we all need to kknow it and complain to them about it, maybe go as far as telling them that the game is not fun anymore because of them and that u are thinking about closing your account over it. I am sure that is SE sees a bunch of these complaints, they will then do something about it.Never say Never!
Rank 9 Bastok
DRK 73, THF 37, WAR 37, PLD 31, NIN 21, SAM 19
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It's going to be hard to get rid of them, because this is what they do to feed their children and pay their bills.
It'd odd because they farm like experts just to make money to sell it, and so many people don't know how to farm at all for the life of them... =/
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Originally posted by Voila!
There are a lot more Kiss on Seraph then just the two they listed. There's usually about four in Ghelsba hatcheting all the trees, and I saw one in Jeuno trying to sell Teleports too.
You can't blame them for selling gil, it's the people that buy it. And the original poster is a bit too concerned with the econimics of a virtual world.
In the end part of a games success is how it's virtual economics effect the real world economics. That can end up making or breaking a company, so basically the consern isn't just the virtual but of SE itself.
The big irony to me though is people you find that are greedy, wanting the best , etc.. and yet they'll be willing to harm their real world economy to do so. End result of that logic is the one striving for all that will eventually destory himself.
Why else do you think the US Government constantly strives to try and keep most of their economy within the US and control what economy goes out. If they don't then the US Economy will end up destorying itself. There is a lot of give and take you have to do in order to help anything grow strong and healthy. If you give to much for one thing then you ruin it's health (Even supplimenting it is inadequate), a lot like our own bodies.
Heh speaking of Government this is a Bill that was currently brought to my attention anyone currently 18 to 26 or in the military might want to look at. It's about bringing back drafting. Just do a search for HR 163.
From what I'm getting about this if nothing is done then people could end up being drafted starting around June 15, 2005.
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As long as the bats aren't agroing you, I don't think they are doing anything wrong. They are meerly making it compeititive.
The problem though is that these people do it 24/7 and do it in packs of 8. And nobody who plays the game for fun will be able to compete with that. And unless you decide to play your game sololy to disrupt gil sellers, eventually you have to leave to level up, or do someone fun.
But having these gil sellers do this repeatedly would be no different if you LS did it to gain money for LS gear. But LSs don't usually hunt NM that way.
One hopes there are other pieces of gear that will be alternates to these highly contested pieces of gear, or perhaps more ways to get this essential gear that requires real work rather than mindless camping.
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Originally posted by Macht
Do more online research before making that last comment. There are studies you can access and find stating that the econimics in a virtual world has a direct relation of causing effects to economics in the real world.
In the end part of a games success is how it's virtual economics effect the real world economics. That can end up making or breaking a company, so basically the consern isn't just the virtual but of SE itself.
The big irony to me though is people you find that are greedy, wanting the best , etc.. and yet they'll be willing to harm their real world economy to do so. End result of that logic is the one striving for all that will eventually destory himself.
Why else do you think the US Government constantly strives to try and keep most of their economy within the US and control what economy goes out. If they don't then the US Economy will end up destorying itself. There is a lot of give and take you have to do in order to help anything grow strong and healthy. If you give to much for one thing then you ruin it's health (Even supplimenting it is inadequate), a lot like our own bodies.
Heh speaking of Government this is a Bill that was currently brought to my attention anyone currently 18 to 26 or in the military might want to look at. It's about bringing back drafting. Just do a search for HR 163.
From what I'm getting about this if nothing is done then people could end up being drafted starting around June 15, 2005.
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Originally posted by Voila!
I've read some of those studies, and it's all conjecture, and ripple effects taken completely out of proportion. The price of gas won't rise in real life because people are jacking up in game prices. There really aren't enough people that buy gil to even put a slight dent in our economy.Taken from Terra Nova
Apr 15, 2004
Journalist Earns Significant Salary Trading Virtual Goods
Julian Dibbell reports that his year-long experiment in virtual item trading from the fantasy world of Ultima Online netted him, in its final month, a tidy profit of $3,917. Over the course of a year, that would be $47,000. The self-imposed challenge here was to beat his best-ever earnings as a writer, but that's not the only benchmark one could apply. Consider the following:
GDP per capita in both China and India: Below $700
Average earnings of short-order cooks: $17,000
US poverty line for a family of 4: $18,400
Average earnings of dancers: $27,000
Average earnings of drug abuse counselors: $32,000
Average earnings of firefighters: $38,000
Average earnings of museum curators: $40,000
Average earnings of secondary school teachers: $46,000
Trader Dibbell: $47,000
Average earnings of insurance salesmen: $54,000
Average earnings of computer programmers: $63,000
Average earnings of economists: $76,000
Average earnings of lawyers: $108,000
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