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--Benchmark Guide--

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  • better than that!!! wtf dude!

    i get:

    High: 4700~
    Low: 5700~

    Consider your comp awesome mate, but i got to enjoy building mine so it's all good, btw my specs are in my sig.
    [Restarted 8/2008] | [MySpace!]
    .,~`'<{:My Old Char's Stats Here:}>'`~,.


    • hey, i havnt got the game yet (i should have it sometime soon though...) but i ran the benchmark v.2 and did pretty shit

      low - about 1740
      high - around 800+ (oh dear...)

      heres the computer specs:
      1700GHz Athlon XP processor (clocked speed 1.47GHz)
      256mb memory
      Geforce 2 64mb graphics card

      and thats all i can think whats bringing it down so much? i was thinking of getting a new graphics card (one of these if i can...its an ATI radeon 9600 128mb) and im thinking an extra 256mb of RAM, bringing me upto 512... much would that help? and would you recomend any different?

      oh yea, ive got £200 to spend at the most...thatll nacker my money source for about a month

      after that ill probably get a 2.5+ processor and a new motherboard to support it...



      • 5804

        eMachines T2825
        AMD AthlonXP 2800 @ 2.09ghz
        768mb ram
        GeForce Ti 4200


        • only ~3500.. grrr

          AMD Athlon XP 2400+ @2GHz (266fsb)
          512MB DDRRAM
          ATI Radeon 9700 Pro 128MB
          Abit KX7-333
          Catalyst 4.2

          stop the hate


          • you may have AA cranking out full or something...mutliple screens can slow down your card also...I have an all in wonder 9700 pro and I personally like FFXI with no AA at all >.> it runs better and it looks cool too ?i^_^?j”T
            Name - Spatuazle **DELETED**
            Elvaan - Male
            Size - Medium


            • built this comp ma self not too long ago for only 600$$ ,here is ma spec:

              asus p4s8x-x mobo
              p4 2.4 non o/c
              512mb pc2700 non o/c
              weak oss geforce fx 5200 128mb non o/c
              80gig hd

              havent run the test yet but what do you thing i would get for high and low res with ma machine?


              • Hi, I'm trying to figure out what the bottleneck in my system might be. I've never had much luck with FFXI on this machine and I can't figure out why. I'm benching around 2600-2900. Here's what I got:

                AMD AthlonXP2100+ (old core architecture)
                MSI KT3 Ultra with RAID
                2X 80GB hd in RAID+0
                3X 256MB PC3000 of lame memory at 266Mhz CAS 2 (only way I can keep stable at timings)
                Gainward GeForce Ti4600 128MB Golden Sample at 4x AGP
                Windows XP pro (all current drivers)

                Please help, this is frustrating seeing scores twice as high as these on comparable systems. I'd like to find the weakest link in this set up. Thanks in advance.
                Never argue with an idiot, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.


                • So "ATI RAGE 128 PRO --------------------- 8.93%"
                  won't work with FFXI even if i have the rest of the other requirments?


                  • if you only have minimum requirements, your going to have a hard time, but if your well over you MAY be okay...but if you want a really good experience with the game I'd suggest upgrading that card, not all to expensive anymore unless you go for the really high end.
                    Name - Spatuazle **DELETED**
                    Elvaan - Male
                    Size - Medium


                    • AMD Athlon 2100+
                      1.73 Ghz
                      Radeon 9800xt (cata 4.3)
                      Abit NF7

                      havent ran the old one! i'll guess it a go


                      • Hello I have a Geforce4 FX 5600 XT and I was thinking on buying a new graphics card to boost my performance. I have 4200 in old bench and in bench 2 i have 3250-LOW and 2250-HIGH, are these scores any good to play ffxi?

                        I was thinking on a ATI Radeon 9800 pro or a GeForce FX 5900 XT.
                        Would these cards greatly increase my bench? is fx5600 xt any good to play ffxi?

                        I have a:

                        AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2400+
                        2,00 GHz
                        512MB RAM
                        Geforce4 FX 5600 XT

                        Can anyone help me? Thanks
                        "We are the fucking kings of metal!!!"
                        -Philip Anselmo/Pantera (Ozzfest 2000)


                        • not with that ram it wont XD

                          lol ok really...upgrade your ram to 1GB...that's 1GB of the fastest RAM your mobo can possibly handle btw

                          You'll be good to go for awhile, even though what you have now is fine for playing FFXI
                          Name - Spatuazle **DELETED**
                          Elvaan - Male
                          Size - Medium


                          • is it really that important to get 1gb of ram?I have 256 and qhen I upgraded to 512 the score was the same. wouldn't it be enough to get like a ATI Radeon 9600 xt and a better processor?
                            "We are the fucking kings of metal!!!"
                            -Philip Anselmo/Pantera (Ozzfest 2000)


                            • Hello, I upgraded my PC


                              Athlon XP 2400
                              Geforce FX 5600 XT
                              512 DDR Ram


                              Athlon XP 3200
                              Powercolor Radeon 9600 pro 256mb
                              512 DDR Ram

                              my bench with the new PC is 4000-LOW 2900-HIGH. I think that´s kind of low for the pc i anything slowing me down? it only went from 3200 to 4000 in low. I was expecting a better performance since i upgraded the CPU and graphics card...can anyone help me here? thanks
                              "We are the fucking kings of metal!!!"
                              -Philip Anselmo/Pantera (Ozzfest 2000)


                              • I think those scores are about right. The graphics card upgrade is relatively minor at best. The FX5600 line is pretty much on par with the 9600 lines performance. (5600XT/9600, 5600/9600Pro, 5600U/9600XT). As long as you have a decent graphics card, FFXI bench on low will be CPU bottlenecked. The fact that your new processor scores 4000~ shows this. It is very likely that at this point your score is video card bottlenecked. Also, make sure that you do not have AA/AF enabled in the control panel. I dont think AA works in FFXI anyways..

                                I'd also like to throw in that there is a common misconception that having 256MB of RAM on a graphics card will make it very fast. This is not true. It very well could be the opposite. All the memory does not come into play unless you use the highest resolutions, (1600x1200+), and the highest AA modes. Those resolutions and AA modes can make the best cards out today choke. Having 256MB on a card like the 5200/5600/5700/9500/9600 is a complete waste because these cards lack the power to game at these modes. It is purely marketing. What companies may do is use slower, cheaper memory modules on graphics boards to make the quantity larger. This means that performance can even be slower compared to a "normal" 9600Pro with 128MB because a 256MB version may be using slower memory. As a general rule of thumb, 256MB is overkill if you do not have a video card that costs over $300 US.

                                In summary, your low rez scores increased because you got rid of the CPU bottleneck. The reason it is only staying around 4000 in low resolution is because you are now Video card limited. Your high resolution scores are relatively the same because the 9600 is an insignifigant upgrade from a 5600. It is more like jumping to an equivalent card of the opposite company., (ATI vs NVidia). Make sure you have AA/AF disabled in the control panel as well as well as the latest drivers for your mobo/vid card. I would not worry about your scores so much, your computer will play this game perfectly fine with good visuals to boot.
                                70 MNK / 50 DRK / 35 WAR / 33 THF / 32 BLM / 17 NIN / 15 RNG / 15 DRG / 12 RDM
                                Citizen of Windurst

