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--Benchmark Guide--

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  • --Benchmark Guide--

    Okay. I'm getting sick of "Is my banchmark good?" posts, so here is the official writings of Square. This and the benchmark itself can be found at If you have further questions, please post them here. Also, please do not reply to this post unless you have a question (or a good addition to the information), or it will be deleted.

    I know it isn't translated well, and some of it isn't even translated at all, but you can read it.

    Regrettable, the FINAL FANTASY XI for Windows is operated, it is expected it is the machine which is problem in the specifications.
    Although it has satisfied above necessary environment, when it becomes this score, please try adjusting the permanent station software and the like.
    When necessary environment has not been satisfied, " to the method which has the personal computer which has not filled up the specifications " in reference, please try thinking of the replacement and the like of the part.

    It is expected it is the machine which can operate the FINAL FANTASY XI for Windows.
    When the occasion where the FINAL FANTASY XI for Windows was moved frame rate and the like becomes matter of concern, whether setting of the game (resolution and the like and setting and the like of texture) you try modifying to try thinking, power rise of the machine of utilization (addition of main memory and exchange et cetera of the graphic board) are possible, the ‚µ‚ê‚Ü‚¹‚ñ.

    In addition, the video card is above recommendation environment, if is, increasing the resolution of 1 time FINAL FANTASY XI for Windows, we recommend also that you try moving.
    Depending upon the machine of utilization there is a possibility of operating low without resolution mode and great difference.

    It is expected it is the machine which can operate the FINAL FANTASY XI for Windows comfortably.
    The video card is above recommendation environment, if is, 1 ranking increasing the resolution of the FINAL FANTASY XI for Windows, it probably is to operate comfortably.

    Expectation specifications (recommendation environment)
    [ CPU ]
    [ Main memory ]
    [ Graphic card ]

    Or more of Pentium4
    Or more of 256MB
    Or more of ncVidia GeForce3 series

    It is expected it is the machine which most can operate the FINAL FANTASY XI for Windows most comfortably. The video card is is above recommendation environment, it probably is to operate comfortably " the FINAL FANTASY XI for Windows with high resolution mode and the BumpMap as an on.

    Expectation specifications
    [ CPU ]
    [ Main memory ]
    [ Graphic card ]

    Or more of Pentium4 1.8g
    Or more of 256MB
    NcVidia GeForce4 Ti series
    Bah... prentend there's a pretty sig pic here.

  • #2
    do you know if a GeForce 2 64 mg willl be able to run the game?
    :confused: :confused:
    During the 'space race' NASA spent millions of dollars into developing a pen that would work in zero gravity. The Russians used pencils...Sometimes the simplest ideas work best.


    • #3
      The easiest way to answer any questions about whether or not your PC can play FFXI, is to download the benchmark and run it. But I'm also going to add this to help stop some of those questions.

      To play the PC version you only need an extremely great PC, FFXI, and to pay the monthly changes. How good of a PC? Well this good:
      OS: Windows 98/98SE/Me/2000/XP
      CPU: Intel Pentium III 800 MHz
      RAM: 128 MB
      Hard Drive Space: 5 GB
      CD-ROM (4x)
      Sound Card: DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card
      Software: At least DirectX 8.1
      Modem: 56k or higher required
      Video Card: The following chart shows how different video cards perform in FFXI (I think you need a video card with about a 36%). Click here to download the FFXI Benchmark to see if your computer is good enough to play it (you need a score of at least a 1500 to be able to play FFXI).

      ATI RADEON 9700/PRO ----------------- 97.64%
      NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600 -------------- 86.22%
      NVIDIA Quadro4 Series ---------------- 85.56%
      NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4400 -------------- 84.65%
      NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 -------------- 80.91%
      ATI RADEON 8500/LE ------------------- 72.52%
      NVIDIA GeForce3 Ti 500 --------------- 70.74%
      NVIDIA GeForce3 ---------------------- 65.62%
      Matrox Parhelia ----------------------- 65.46%
      ATI Mobility M9 ----------------------- 61.92%
      NVIDIA GeForce3 Ti 200 --------------- 61.71%
      ATI RADEON 9000 ---------------------- 60.35%
      NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 460 --------------- 52.64%
      NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 --------------- 49.83%
      NVIDIA GeForce4 440 Go --------------- 49.63%
      NVIDIA GeForce2 Ultra ---------------- 44.41%
      ATI RADEON 7500 --------------------- 44.23%
      NVIDIA GeForce2 GTS/Pro/Ti ----------- 40.24%
      NVIDIA GeForce4 420 Go --------------- 39.97%
      NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 420 --------------- 38.45%
      NVIDIA Quadro2/Pro ------------------- 36.38%
      ATI RADEON DDR ----------------------- 33.63%
      NVIDIA GeForce DDR ------------------- 30.36%
      ATI RADEON SDR ----------------------- 27.65%
      NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400 ----------- 27.19%
      NVIDIA GeForce Quadro ---------------- 23.18%
      NVIDIA GeForce SDR ------------------- 22.83%
      STMicro KYRO II ---------------------- 20.54%
      ATI Mobility RADEON ------------------ 18.04%
      NVIDIA RIVA TNT2 Ultra --------------- 17.84%
      ATI RADEON VE ----------------------- 17.58%
      STMicro KYRO ------------------------- 17.19%
      NVIDIA RIVA TNT2/Pro ----------------- 15.45%
      SiS 315 ------------------------------ 14.76%
      NVIDIA GeForce2 MX 100/200 ---------- 14.63%
      Intel i830 ---------------------------- 12.84%
      Generic VGA -------------------------- 12.60%
      Matrox G400 -------------------------- 11.85%
      NVIDIA TNT2 m64 ---------------------- 8.95%
      ATI RAGE 128 PRO --------------------- 8.93%
      NVIDIA Vanta ------------------------- 8.18%
      S3 ProSavage ------------------------- 4.31%

      Here another graphics card chart. This one was made using Quake 3 to test the cards.

      At 1024x768:
      ATI RADEON 9700 PRO ----------------- 214.2
      ATI RADEON 9700 ---------------------- 187.3
      ATI RADEON 9500 PRO ----------------- 140.7
      NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600 -------------- 99.9
      ATI RADEON 9500 ---------------------- 90.5
      NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 -------------- 79.8

      At 1280x1024:
      ATI RADEON 9700 PRO ----------------- 145.7
      ATI RADEON 9700 ---------------------- 125.5
      ATI RADEON 9500 PRO ----------------- 91.6
      NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600 -------------- 58.9
      NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 -------------- 46.8

      At 1600x1200:
      ATI RADEON 9700 PRO ----------------- 105.0
      ATI RADEON 9700 ---------------------- 90.3
      ATI RADEON 9500 PRO ----------------- 66.2
      NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600 -------------- 39.8
      NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 -------------- 31.4

      Here are my computer’s specs:
      OS: Windows 2000
      CPU: Intel Pentium 4 - 1.6 GHz
      RAM: 256 MB
      Hard Drive Space: 37 GB
      Sound Card: DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card
      Software: At least DirectX 8.1
      Modem: 56k- very sad
      New Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200
      Old Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400
      I got a 3244 on the benchmark with my new video card and 1150 with my old one. Using my two video cards scores and the percentages they have, I came up with 36% minimum to get a 1500.
      Go to now!


      • #4
        Okay i dunno Buu if you saw te pic before but here will it work on my pc???plz someone tell me.


        • #5
          Judging by the stuff you have on your computer, yes. If you can run all of that smoothly, you should have no problem. Of coarse, you should wait for someone with a little more expertise than me.
          Bah... prentend there's a pretty sig pic here.


          • #6
            no man Buu you rule^_^ okay man i'll import if i can't run it then i will sell on e-bay^_^


            • #7
              I was wondering if a score of 5416 is good for running FFXI

     computer is all powerful
              Name - Spatuazle **DELETED**
              Elvaan - Male
              Size - Medium


              • #8
                you fag you have the wickedest comp omg so high damn you


                • #9
                  *sighs* 2146.... *kicks his G-Force 4 MX 420* piece of crap..
                  Current levels:

                  Sam: 60 Mnk: 31 War: 31 Thf: 22 Brd: 18 Ninja: 23 Pld: 13 Drk: 13 Whm: 11 Drg: 9 Rng: 20 Bst: 6 Smn: 8

                  Recent News: AF Complete/LB3 Complete


                  • #10
                    don't hate me because I have a better computer than you do.

                    By the way, I used to have a GeForce 4 MX 420, its a piece of crap, its really only a GeForce 2
                    Name - Spatuazle **DELETED**
                    Elvaan - Male
                    Size - Medium


                    • #11
                      Trapezius i was only joking wicked job wicked comp bro


                      • #12
                        Ok when i go to that site what do i click to download it? Its all in japanese i dunno what to click to download.


                        • #13
                          Aoi Kasuchi :D


                          • #14
                            it says err 2000 is that my score?


                            • #15
                              I got 3148 >_o

