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Ragnarok Citizen Directory

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  • Ragnarok Citizen Directory

    Going to need everyone's co-operation here. For an update, please delete your old post and post a new one; do NOT just edit your old post, or else it's gonna get too confusing. If you're name is already on the list, please indicate that it is an update. Please post in the following format without the <>'s:

    <name> - <highest level job> / <2nd highest> / rd highest> / ... etc. - <ingame country> | <real life location>

    Doesn't matter what ur main/sub is, give everything you got
    See how it's done, do it like so

    - LEVEL 60-69 Plays too much... :sweat:------------
    Hikarisno - BLM60 / WHM28 / BRD54 - Bastok | New York, USA
    Palinmage - BLM60 /WHM30 /BRD19 / THF15 / PLD11 / MNK10 / DRK09 / WAR06 / BST05 - Windurst
    Sheila - BLM60 / WHM40 / MNK18 / DRK16 / THF15 - San d'Oria | Canada
    Farplaner - BRD60 / BLM42 / WHM29 / RNG10 - San d'Oria | USA
    Jenny - BRD60 / WHM30 / THF60 / WAR30 - Windurst | Japan
    Ceis - MNK60 / DRK40 / THF30 / WAR19 / PAL16 / RNG18 - San d'Oria | USA
    Laquincain - WAR60 / MNK31 / THF15 / RDM14 / WHM15 / BLM15 / PLD10 / DRK10 / BRD15 / RNG15 / BST10 - Bastok | USA
    Seph - WAR60 / WHM54 / PLD30 / BLM24 / MNK16 / DRK12 / THF10 - Bastok | USA
    Bebetaro - WHM60 / BLM 29 - Windurst | USA
    Cooty - WHM60 / BLM31 / THF16 / BRD10 / WAR05 - Windurst
    Neridia - WHM60 / BLM26 / DRK29 / RNG27 - Windurst
    - LEVEL 50-59 All Stars --------------------
    Seishi - WHM57 / BLM29 / PLD36 / WAR31 / THF23 / MNK17 / RNG05 - Bastok | USA
    Pong - MNK56 / THF15 - ??? | Korea
    Shaia - PLD55 / WAR30 / RNG15 - Bastok | USA
    Ayako - WHM55 / BRD 27 | Wherever
    Densetsu - RDM55 / BRD25 / PLD18 / THF15 / RNG11 / WAR07 / BLM06 / BST02 - Bastok | Iceland
    Pangu - WHM51/ BLM51/ THF29/MNK17/DRK18 etc - Windurst | USA
    Saiyu - WHM52 / BST16 / WAR07 / MNK06 / RNG05- Windurst | UK
    Kirie - MNK50 / DRK20 / WAR19 / THF15 - San d'Oria | USA
    Anavrin - THF50 / RDM25 / MNK17 / RNG13 / BST07 / BRD05 / WHM05 / BLM05 / WAR05 - San d'Oria | USA
    -LEVEL 40-49 Nice -------------------------------------
    Palinmage - BLM48 / WHM24 - San d'Oria
    Tragedia - BLM47 / WHM11 - Bastok
    Fantome - BLM46 / WHM25/ PLD 30 / BRD 20 - San d'Oria | Singapore
    Tomoh - RDM46 / BLM20 / DRK17 - Bastok | HK
    Syara - MNK44 / WAR19 / WHM08 / BST08 - Bastok | GA, USA
    Siusum - BLM43 / WHM23 - Windurst | Toronto, Canada
    Ping - DRK43 / WHM21 / BLM21 - Bastok | Korea
    Etoh - RDM42 / WAR06 - San d'Oria
    Oosh - RDM40 / WHM20 - Bastok | Toronto
    - LEVEL 30-39 Not Newbies Anymore! -----------
    Chio - BLM38 / BRD19 / THF12 - Windurst | Japan
    Seulgaist - MNK38 / DRK27 / WAR13 / THF12 / BLM11 - San d'Oria | Chicago, USA
    Cedric - MNK36/ WAR16/ THF16/ WHM06/ BLM05/ RDM05/ RNG05/ DRK05/ - San d'Oria | USA
    Lonewolfy - MNK34 / WAR17 - Bastok | Arizona, USA
    Jonnyram - RDM34 / BLM17 - Bastok | Japan
    Eviled - BRD33 / RDM31 / THF16 - Bastok | NY, USA
    Nadyxes - WHM33 / BLM15 - San D'oria | USA
    Xuande - DRK32 / WAR30 / THF15 - Bastok | USA
    Reze - THF32 / WAR13 - San d'Oria | USA
    Rokugo - WAR32 / DRK15 - San d'Oria
    Cphoenix - BLM30 / BST14 / WHM13 / - San d'Oria | Nottingham - England
    Elite - WAR31/PLD13/MNK10/WHM2/BLM2/ - San'Doria | USA
    Eiketsu - MNK30 / WHM08 - San Doria | Geogia, USA
    Solar - RDM30 / BST19 / WAR15 - Windurst | Ozzie living in Japan
    Awntawn - WAR30 / DRK28 / MNK05 - Bastok | California, USA [I'm gonna be here for awhile T T]
    Williams - WAR30 / BRD21 / WHM18 - San d'Oria | USA
    Rand - WAR30 / DRK29 / THF11 - Bastok | Singapore
    Archaon - WHM30/ THF30/ BLM13/ MNK12/ BST08/ RNG06/ WAR05 - San d'Oria | USA
    - LEVEL 20-29 ---------------------------------------
    Gatts - WAR29 / MNK15 / WHM11 - San d'Oria | USA
    Quinn - WAR29 / WHM10 - Bastok | Japan
    Siusum - BLM27 / WHM23 - ??? | Toronto, Canada
    Demonslayer- WAR27 / MNK11 - Bastok | Pennsylvania, USA
    Platyrrhine - WAR27 / MNK06 - Bastok | USA
    EvilSmokey - BLM26/WHM11 - Bastok | California, USA
    Sleepingpsycho - MNK26 / WHM10 - Bastok
    Tigerlily - MNK26 / WAR11 / THF06 / WHM06 / BLM05 - Windurst | Canada
    Zoey - RDM26 / THF10 - Bastok | Arizona, USA
    Skye - WAR 25 / THF10 - Sandoria | USA NY/HK
    Talon - WAR25 / WHM07 - ??? | Florida, USA
    Cedric - MNK22 / WAR11 - San d'Oria | Chicago
    Alkaizer - MNK22 / WAR09 - San d'Oria | Kuwait
    Shadowfyre - MNK21 / WAR13 / BM06 / WHM08 - Bastok | Canada
    Tigerlily - MNK21 / WAR06 / THF03 - Windurst | Canada
    Levina - THF21 / WAR12 - Bastok | California, USA
    Als - WAR21 / WHM10 - San d'Oria | France
    Dbeeo - WAR21 / WHM07 / BLM04 - San d'Oria | USA / M'SIA
    Gatts - WAR21 / MNK15 / WHM11 - Windurst | USA
    Sharky - BLM20 / WHM10 - San d'Oria | USA
    Seymoure - BLM20 / WHM10 - Bastok | USA
    Rhiana - RDM20 / WAR07 - Bastok | Canada
    Lazane - WAR20 - ??? | ???
    Magicus - WAR20 / MNK10 - Bastok | Germany
    Miyamotomusashi - WAR20 / WHM09 - Bastok | Texas, USA
    - LEVEL 10-19 ---------------------------------------
    Punkdrew - WHM19 / BLM09 - Windurst | Japan
    Dart - WAR19/ WHM09 / BLM05 / THF05 - Bastok | OH, USA
    Tyrann - WAR19 / MNK09 - Bastok | UK
    Evildon - WAR19 / MNK09 - Bastok | TX, USA
    Atrox - WAR19 / RDM09 - Bastok | London, UK
    Kiseki - THF18 / MNK09 - Windurst | Japan
    Cphoenix - BLM18 / WHM09 - Bastok | UK
    Katarina - WAR18 / RDM09 - San d'Oria | USA
    Shinjii - WAR18 / WHM07 - Bastok | Singapore
    Sabin - MNK18 - san d'oria| USA
    Xylia - MNK18 / THF7 - Windurst - England, UK
    Boohiss - WHM18 / MNK09 / WAR04 - ??? | ???
    Loopy - MNK17 - Bastok
    Akuma - WAR17 - Bastok | UK
    Carnage - WAR17 - Windurst | USA
    Mite - WHM17 - San d'Oria | USA
    Doomsday - MNK16 - San d'Oria | Kuwait
    Heinau - WAR16 - Bastok | Japan
    Peacemaker - BM16 - San d'Oria | Japan
    Starv - MNK16 - San d'Oria | UK
    Takato - WHM16 - Bastok | USA
    Blackstone - BLM15 - Bastok
    Hopkins - THF 15 - Windurst | UK
    Promethea - WAR15 - Bastok | USA
    Buni - MNK14 - San d'Oria
    Pixie - THF14 - Bastok | Japan
    Jesai - RDM14/ THF09 / MNK08 / WAR05 - Bastok | FL, USA
    Atrus - WAR14 - san d'oria| USA
    Mechromancer - WAR14 - San'Doria | Wisconsin, USA
    Soniti - WAR14 - Bastok | AZ USA
    Terianstar - WHM14 - Windurst l USA
    Aramas - MNK13 - Bastok | USA
    Shay - MNK13 / WHM6 - San'doria | Canada
    Bishop - WAR13 - San D'Oria | USA
    Doobedydoo - WAR13 - San d'Oria | UK
    Lyics - WAR13 - Bastok | Wisconsin, USA
    Caspian - RDM13 - Windurst | USA
    Tristesse - RDM13 - Bastok | UK
    Buttermilk - THF12 - Windurst | Korea
    Duncan - WAR12 - San d'Oria | USA
    Leonstrife - WHM12 - San d'Oria | Chicago, USA
    Vivix - BLM12 - San d'Oria | France
    Mayuka - THF12 - Bastok | USA Washington
    Cirrus - RDM12 - Windurst | Japan
    Cphoenix - WHM 11 - Bastok | England
    Tik - MNK11 - Bastok
    Siran - WAR11 - San d'Oria | France
    Orlandu - WAR11 - San d'Oria | USA
    Xeu - WHM11 - Bastok | USA
    Zelia - WAR10 - San d'Oria | USA
    Chappy - MNK10 - Windurst | USA
    Drago - MNK10 - San D'oria | UK
    Seymoure - BLM10 - Bastok | USA
    Pago - WHM10 - Windurst | UK
    Samus- THF10 - USA
    Aalliah - WAR10 - San d'Oria | UK
    Halius - WAR10 - Windurst | USA
    - LEVEL 01-9 ---------------------------------------
    Keefe - MNK09 - Bastok | Singapore
    Trigger - MNK09 - Bastok | USA
    Lukin - WAR08 - Sandoria - USA
    Ziabatsu - THF07 - Bastok | Central USA
    Arvy - BLM07 - Bastok | USA
    Bungiefan - BLM07 - Windurst | Alaska, USA
    Levina - THF07 - Bastok | USA
    Fureiya - BLM07 - Bastok | Hong Kong
    Xytanium - THF07 - Windurst | USA
    Arevir - BLM06 - Bastok | USA
    Spanky - BLM06 - San d'Oria | UK
    Ethos - WAR06 - Windurst | USA
    Darick - WAR05 - San d'Oria | Seattle, USA
    Tsubame - WAR05 - Bastok | Japan
    Ashtear - MNK04 - Bastok | RJ, Brazil
    Delphine - MNK04 - San D'Oria | Japan
    Frost - WAR04 - Bastok | USA
    Kylo - WAR04 - Bastok | USA
    Lynna - BLM03 - Bastok | USA
    Wooblaman - WAR03 - Windurst | ???
    Anailia - WHM03 - Windurst | IL, USA
    Tillandus - THF01 - San d'Oria | Toronto, Canada
    Demonkaze - WAR01 - Bastok | London
    Kaizeric - WAR01 - San D'Oria | Thailand
    Riskbreaker - WAR01 - Bastok | UK
    Jefinabox - WHM01 - Windurst | UK

    BTW if you've posted above the update marker, PLEASE DELETE YOUR POST, the size of this thread is getting out of hand.
    DRK75 / THF37 / WAR37 / RDM60 / BLM31 / PLD11


  • #2
    For now importer's list, this is good. but later I've spoke with my friend in my LinkShell about his memberlist and found out his good friend made it for him. I'm going to get the source from his friend and translate it into english and put that up... It looks like this:

    if anyone have any better way a php,cgi,asp or anything please contact me. Thanks
    World: Ragnarok
    Ping-TaruTaru / Pong-Galka / Table-Mithra

    Current Job Status:
    Ping: WHM25, BLM33, DRK50, MNK10, BST6, Others2
    Pong: DRG17, WAR10, MNK57, THF15
    Table: THF12

    Current Play Time:
    Ping: 82Days 01:27:12
    Pong: 26Days 12:23:27
    Table: 02Days 06:23:50

    World: Midgardsormr

    Current Job Status:
    Table: MNK1

    Current Play Time:
    Table: 00Days 00:10:00


    • #3
      Why not make a nice CG graphic layout with everyone's names on the LS. It would look much better then it can be converted to CGI.

      Elite - Warrior11 - San'Doria - USA
      |Elites|PLD75/RNG75/WAR37/NIN37/MNK54 Sandoria - Rank 10


      • #4
        Here i am.. and i am here to stay, this is Talon checking in seing what is up... i am in florida right now and i just want to make sure that no one forgot about me.

        i am a lvl 25 WAR / 07 WHM chillin in Ragnarok so give me a buzz my name is Talon on the game... and i gurantee when i get back to the game i am gonna be lvl 60 while yah all sleep.

        Shout Out... Seymoure, Atrus, Zoey, Lonewolfy, CAIN, Oosh, the Ping and the Pong, Akuma, Xuande, Saiyu, Eiketsu, THE BIG GUY ( thanks again ) and the kid who made this happen my main man Valere... cough Vivid. Peace out ladies... and no level'n past me.

        Visit my site and become a member.


        • #5
          here is the info of Jenny, which I think will be my main from now:

          Jenny - THF60 / WAR30 - Windurst | Japan

          FYI, my current stats:

          STR 52+8
          DEX 75+25
          VIT 49
          AGI 67+11
          INT 54+2
          MND 37-4 :mad:
          CHR 34+2

          ATK 251
          DEF 234

          Job Characteristics
          Physic Evade Up
          Physic Defence Up
          Physic Attack Up
          Triple Attack
          Double Attack
          Treasure Hunter
          treasure Hunter II
          Gil Steal
          Resist Virus
          Resist Gravity

          Job Ability
          Absolute Evade (2hr ability)
          Steal Item
          Steal Gil
          Fake hit


          • #6
            WOW!!!!! VERY NICE DEX!!!

            Here's my set:

            Monk / Thf
            52 / 15
            HP 1202
            STR 51+3
            DEX 52+6
            VIT 63+3
            AGI 37+5
            INT 34+1
            MND 42-5 <---hehe
            CHR 34+1

            I usually sub my war for pt though
            World: Ragnarok
            Ping-TaruTaru / Pong-Galka / Table-Mithra

            Current Job Status:
            Ping: WHM25, BLM33, DRK50, MNK10, BST6, Others2
            Pong: DRG17, WAR10, MNK57, THF15
            Table: THF12

            Current Play Time:
            Ping: 82Days 01:27:12
            Pong: 26Days 12:23:27
            Table: 02Days 06:23:50

            World: Midgardsormr

            Current Job Status:
            Table: MNK1

            Current Play Time:
            Table: 00Days 00:10:00


            • #7
              .... Jenny's base str is higher than pongs

              whm61 | blm31 | thf60 | bst35


              • #8
                i'm also 8 levels lower then Jenny :sweat:
                World: Ragnarok
                Ping-TaruTaru / Pong-Galka / Table-Mithra

                Current Job Status:
                Ping: WHM25, BLM33, DRK50, MNK10, BST6, Others2
                Pong: DRG17, WAR10, MNK57, THF15
                Table: THF12

                Current Play Time:
                Ping: 82Days 01:27:12
                Pong: 26Days 12:23:27
                Table: 02Days 06:23:50

                World: Midgardsormr

                Current Job Status:
                Table: MNK1

                Current Play Time:
                Table: 00Days 00:10:00


                • #9
                  ah, that would make more sense ^^

                  whm61 | blm31 | thf60 | bst35


                  • #10
                    Zoey- Red mage/thief-26/10- Bastok-usa, arizona ...soon to be beastmaster
                    Lonewolfy needs to be updated hes a monk/warrior now but I don't know what levels. He won't tell me cause he's passing me up right now. Hes at least 30 monk-thief9-warrior 21. Lonewolfy stinks, haha.
                    Zoey!!! oy! oy!


                    • #11
                      Seulgaist - Hume - Monk 31/ Warrior 12 - San d'Oria - USA
                      Seulgaist - | sam.60 | thf.54 | brd.52 | drk.49 | mnk.39 | whm.27 | war.23 | rng.17 | blm.17 | nin.15 | drg.11 | etc. |
                      Tripmastermonky - The Guilding Slut
                      Aikou - The EQ Slut


                      • #12

                        Lyics - WAR 13- Bastok | USA Wisconsin


                        • #13
                          Me Me!! ^-^

                          20 Rdm/7 War - Bastok - Canada
                          RAWR - For Tabbz!

                          <waits patiently for arena style pvp>
                          Better make it team-based too!!! ^-^
                          20 Rdm/7 War - Bastok - Canada
                          RAWR - For Tabbz!

                          <waits patiently for arena style pvp>
                          Better make it team-based too!!! ^-^


                          • #14

                            EvilSmokey BLM 41/WHM 18 Bastok Rank5 CA


                            • #15
                              Lonewolfy 34 Monk / 17 Warrior Bastok For LIfe! || Arizona-USA
                              Lonewolfy -- Bismarck
                              Bastok Rank 10
                              75BLM, 75THF, 37NIN, 37RDM, 37WHM

