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Rangrok Citizen Directory

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  • Rangrok Citizen Directory

    Do me a favor. Don't edit your old posts to list your new levels. I can't go through all of them, especially as this list gets longer. Please post a reply and delete your old posting. ALSO, STICK TO THE FORMAT OR YOUR POST WILL BE DELETED!! Thank you.

    - Post changes after at least 2 level ups, unless you move to the next tier.
    - Post changes for multiple players.
    - Levels 01~09 are pretty much solo levels. Post only once or better yet after you reach 10.
    - Your order in the list should be 1) Main LV 2) Sup Job LV (if same, adv job goes first) 3) If 2) is same, whoever posted first.

    I will delete posts from time to time so that it does not get too long. I ask that you you also delete your old posts.
    Lastly, let me give a credit to Cain, who originally transferred this list from GameFAQ.

    -LEVEL 60-69 o_O-------------------------
    Jenny - BRD60 / WHM30 / THF55 - Windurst | Japan
    -LEVEL 50-59 ALL STARS-------------------------
    Cooty - WHM57 / BLM20 / THF14 - Windurst
    Neridia - WHM56 / BLM26/ RNG23 - San d'Oria (Windurst spy)
    Ayako - WHM55 / BRD 27 - Wherever
    Sheila - BLM53 / WHM36 / MNK18 / DRK16 / THF15 - San d'Oria | Canada
    Laquincain - WAR53 / MNK25 / THF15 / WHM8 / BLM8 / EVERYTHING ELSE 7- Bastok | USA
    Hikarisno - BLM53 / WHM25 - Bastok
    Ceis - MNK52 / DRK36 / THF29 / WAR18 / PAL16 / RNG18 - San d'Oria | USA
    Pangu - WHM51/ BLM51/ THF29/MNK17/DRK18 etc - Windurst | USA
    Shaia - PLD51 / WAR25 - Bastok
    Seph - WAR50 / PLD25 - Bastok | NY, USA
    Farplaner - BRD57 / BLM42 / WHM21 / RNG10 - San d'Oria | USA
    Bebetaro - WHM51 / BLM 19 - Windurst | USA
    Kirie - MNK50 / DRK20 / WAR19 / THF15 - San d'Oria | USA
    -LEVEL 40-49 ---------------------------------------
    Palinmage - BLM48 / WHM24 - San d'Oria
    Tragedia - BLM47 / WHM11 - Bastok
    Fantome - BLM46 / WHM25/ PLD 30 / BRD 20 - San d'Oria | Singapore
    Seishi - WHM46 / BLM20 / THF 15- Bastok | USA
    Anavrin - THF44 / RDM22 - San d'Oria | USA
    Saiyu - WHM43 / BST14 - Windurst | UK
    Ping - DRK43 / WHM21 / BLM21 - Bastok | Korea
    Etoh - RDM42 / WAR06 - San d'Oria
    Oosh - RDM40 / WHM20 - Bastok | Toronto
    - LEVEL 30-39 ---------------------------------------
    Tomoh - RDM39 / DRK15 - Bastok | HK
    Densetsu - RDM35 / BRD12 - Bastok | Iceland
    Jonnyram - RDM34 / BLM17 - Bastok | Japan
    Seishi - PLD32/WAR16 - Bastok | USA
    Reze - THF32 / WAR13 - San d'Oria | USA
    Rokugo - WAR32 / DRK15 - San d'Oria
    Williams - WAR30 / WHM11 - San d'Oria | USA
    Rand - WAR30/THF08 - Bastok | Singapore
    - LEVEL 20-29 ---------------------------------------
    Quinn - WAR29 / WHM10 - Bastok | Japan
    Platyrrhine - WAR27 / MNK06 - Bastok | USA
    Sleepingpsycho - MNK26 / WHM10 - Bastok
    Skye - WAR 25/THF10 - Sandoria | USA NY/HK
    Eiketsu - MNK24 / WHM08 - San Doria | USA - Georgia
    Cedric - MNK22 / WAR11 - San d'Oria | Chicago
    Alkaizer - MNK22 / WAR09 - San d'Oria | Kuwait
    Als - WAR21 / WHM10 - San d'Oria | France
    Sharky - BLM20 / WHM10 - San d'Oria | USA
    Seulgaist - MNK20 /BLM10 - Hume - San d'Oria | USA
    Lonewolfy- War20 / MNK08 - Bastok |USA - Arizona
    Awntawn - WAR20 / MNK05 - Bastok | USA
    Nadyxes - WHM 20 / BLM 11 san D'oria | USA
    Xuande - WAR20 / MNK10 - Bastok | USA
    - LEVEL 10-19 ---------------------------------------
    Punkdrew - WHM19 / BLM09 - Windurst | Japan
    Tyrann - WAR19 / MNK09 - Bastok | UK
    Evildon - Warrior 19/ Monk 9 - Bastok | TX, USA
    Atrox - WAR19|RDM9 - Bastok | London, UK
    Kiseki - THF18 / MNK09 - Windurst | Japan
    Cphoenix - BLM18 / WHM09 - Bastok | UK
    Katarina - WAR18 / RDM09 - San d'Oria | USA
    Sabin - MNK18 - san d'oria| USA
    Syara - MNK 18 / WAR 5 - Bastok | Georgia, USA
    Loopy - MNK17 - Bastok
    Akuma - WAR17 - Bastok | UK
    Doomsday - MNK16 - San d'Oria | Kuwait
    Heinau - WAR16 - Bastok | Japan
    Peacemaker - BM16 - San d'Oria | Japan
    Takato - WHM16 - Bastok | USA
    Blackstone - BLM15 - Bastok
    Buni - MNK14 - San d'Oria
    Pixie - THF14 - Bastok | Japan
    Atrus - WAR14 - san d'oria| USA
    Aramas - MNK13 - Bastok | USA
    Bishop WAR13 - San D'Oria - USA
    Tristesse - RDM13 - Bastok | UK
    Duncan - WAR12 - San d'Oria | USA
    Vivix - BLM12 - San d'Oria | France
    Mayuka - THF12 - Bastok | USA Washington
    Cirrus - RDM12 - Windurst | Japan
    Cphoenix - WMG 11 - Bastok | England
    Tik - MNK11 - Bastok
    Siran - WAR11 - San d'Oria | France
    Orlandu - WAR11 - San d'Oria | USA
    Lyics- WAR-11 Bastok | Wisconsin USA
    Zelia - WAR10 - San d'Oria | USA
    Chappy - MNK10 - Windurst | USA
    Seymoure - BLM10 - Bastok | USA
    Carnage - WAR10 - Windurst | USA
    dbeeo - WAR10 - Sandoria | USA
    Pago - WHM10 - Windurst | UK
    Samus- THF10 - USA
    Halius - WAR10 - Windurst | USA
    - LEVEL 01-9 ---------------------------------------
    Trigger - MNK9 - Bastok | USA
    Lukin - War 8 - Sandoria - USA
    Kannako - WAR 8 - Bastok | Singapore
    Ziabatsu - THF7 - Bastok | Central USA
    Bungiefan - BLM7 - Mithra - Windurst - Alaska, USA
    Tyrande WAR7 - Sandoria- Pennsylvania
    Levina-THF 7-Bastok-USA
    FUREIYA - BLM7 - Bastok | Hong Kong
    Tsubame - WAR05 - Bastok | Japan
    Xylia - MNK5 - Windurst - England, UK
    Delphine - MNK4 - San D'Oria | Japan
    Doobedydoo - BLM3 - Bastok - UK
    Kaizeric - WAR 1 San D'Oria | Thailand
    Hopkins - THF 1 - Windhurst - UK

  • #2
    Some advice for the new people:
    1. It is good to start in home country of your race. You get a country specific ring which is non-transferrable and can't be bought. You won't be able to acquire a better ring until after LV30 at a high price. Hume and Galka in Bastok, Elvaans in Sands, and Tarus and Mithras in Windhurst.

    2. Always put on a signet before going into a battle. Guards at the door can put them on for you (top option). By having the signet on, you accumulate conquest points, which can be used to trade-in for some great weapons and armors. I did not know this until I was about LV 15 or so.



    • #3
      Bishop WAR13 - San D'Oria - USA


      • #4
        Lukin - War 17 - Sandoria - USA


        • #5
          Haven't update my stats for awhile

          Seishi - PLD32/WAR16 - Bastok | USA


          • #6
            *points at sig again* Yes i did it with bst im lvl 10 now *is getting ready for summoners*. The ranger 2 hour special is a major killer.. i have not seen something more powerful than that except maybe the monk 2h ability. At lvl 7 i did 91 damage on something that gave me 50-72 xp using it hehe... it one shotted the monster basically.. but i think its also dependant on the ammo and bow u use. Then again, today i saw Isuke a lvl 52 ranger use a gun to shoot orcs.. 140 damage per is pretty impressive.. although expensive as well im assuming.

            I list all my jobs just for the heck of it.. consolidating it to the top 3 would be 51 white 51 black 29 thief. Beastmaster is fun... although i dont like how pets take up xp from ur kill, the idea of charming and using it as a taunt on non charmable things is nice. Plus being able to determine whether a target is charmable is also fun too. I have to go test out the insect killer ability now and see what difference killer abilities make.
            |Elites|PLD75/RNG75/WAR37/NIN37/MNK54 Sandoria - Rank 10


            • #7
              Evildon - Warrior 19/ Monk 9 - Bastok | TX, USA


              • #8
                My god bebe!! That's amazing


                • #9
                  Wow, another UK importer! GREAT!

                  My stats now:

                  Saiyu - WHM43 / BST14 - Windurst | UK [On M9 now!]
                  ~Jack of all Trades~

                  ??Stryder* Hume/Male LS:AkuAdvanced


                  • #10
                    Atrus - WAR14 - san d'oria| USA


                    • #11
                      Update for Ziabatsu*

                      Ziabatsu - THF11 - Bastok | Central USA


                      • #12
                        Sabin - MNK18 - san d'oria| USA


                        • #13
                          Kaizeric - WAR 1 Sanoria :D Thailand


                          • #14
                            Here's a noteworthy update:

                            Seulgaist - MNK20/BM10 - Hume - San d'Oria - USA
                            Zoey!!! oy! oy!


                            • #15
                              K I deleted my last post and now putting this new 1 in:

                              Seymoure - BLM10 - Bastok | USA
                              "So there was this pun making contest right. The guy said allright, you write down ten puns and send them in and we'll see if you can win. Well I wrote them all down and waited until the final day of the contest to see if any of my ten puns would win. But no pun in-ten-did."

